• Hey guys :)

    My roommate has brought his A&A Revised edition up, and taught me how to play, not very well mind you.  His only experience, really, is playing with his sister, so I can’t blame him too much.  I guess he didn’t read the book too well, and I was too lazy to also.  His rules sucked, and I wanted to play axis, but was crippled by this (he thought air couldn’t attack sea units, making japan useless really, and giving germany no D against invading UK forces.)  Needless to say I lost a couple times before researching online the game.

    My questions i have now, mostly relate to movement and transports, and i will use the G1 and J1 guide that I found on this site for examples.

    1.) It says one of the must attacks is the UK BB in sz13 with 1 sub and ~4 ftrs.  This question is about air flying over sea shores i guess.  How many movements does it take the ftr to get from Norway.  Does going offshore into a seazone take a move? If so, the ftr from Ukr is supposed to attack the UKDD in sz15? They way we were playing that ftr could not make it that far.

    2.) The transports. Can they load before combat sequence?  It says to use the trn + BB to attack the UKDD along with a  ftr in sz15, and also unload the units from SE to attack Egy all in one turn.  The way we were playing this is not possible, so i guess i would like clarifications.  I can, load up the transport from units in SE, move with my BB and Ukr ftr to sz15 declaring an amphibious assault, and after taking out the DD i’m allowed to land and unload to help attack egypt with libya forces?  Before this move would not be allowed.

    More J1/2 related
    3.)Can AC’s move thier 2 moves, and then release the ftrs on them to get closer in all in a combat move phase?  If not im having touble seeing a viable and safe way for J1 to do a safe Perl attack.  What units would i bring from where generally?

    4.) I am under the impressions that a J1 IC, in most cases, is a bad idea.  I used to think it was needed, but next game plan on doing a J2 IC instead.  Where should i place it then?

    Thanks for any help, and I hope my questions where clear enough :)

    EDIT: Also, if i were to buy an A&A, which would most suggest.  I want a more complex, but still lots of fun one.  Im thinking 42.

  • @dislikednickel:

    Also, if i were to buy an A&A, which would most suggest.  I want a more complex, but still lots of fun one.  Im thinking 42.

    If I was you I would wait until the end of the month and buy the new AA 1942 revised game that is coming out. Then you’ll be right up to date. The other questions I’ll have to leave to someone who knows your edition better, but this site also has a very good search feature.

  • @dislikednickel:

    1.) It says one of the must attacks is the UK BB in sz13 with 1 sub and ~4 ftrs.  This question is about air flying over sea shores i guess.  How many movements does it take the ftr to get from Norway.  Does going offshore into a seazone take a move? If so, the ftr from Ukr is supposed to attack the UKDD in sz15? They way we were playing that ftr could not make it that far.

    Going offshore to a SZ counts as 1 move. So the fighter in Norway goes: Norway to SZ7 (1 move) to Western Europe (1 move) to SZ13 (1 move), leaving it 1 move on non-combat to land on either W. Europe or Algeria.
    The fighter on Ukraine can reach SZ15 (2 moves) or even Egypt (3 moves, lands on Libya).

    2.) The transports. Can they load before combat sequence?  It says to use the trn + BB to attack the UKDD along with a  ftr in sz15, and also unload the units from SE to attack Egy all in one turn.  The way we were playing this is not possible, so i guess i would like clarifications.  I can, load up the transport from units in SE, move with my BB and Ukr ftr to sz15 declaring an amphibious assault, and after taking out the DD i’m allowed to land and unload to help attack egypt with libya forces?  Before this move would not be allowed.

    Transports need to land before combat sequence (or start already loaded) if you want to perform amphibious assaults. If there’s an enemy ship on SZ where you would be loading the troops (for instance SZ14) then your transport has to load units from another empty SZ.
    With the SZ15 attack it goes:

    • Load transport with units from S. Europe
    • Move BB + loaded transport + fighter to SZ15 and declare that the units will be performing an amphib assault on Egypt.
    • Move units on Libya to Egypt.

    More J1/2 related
    3.)Can AC’s move thier 2 moves, and then release the ftrs on them to get closer in all in a combat move phase?

    No. Fighter movement counts from the SZ where they start the round, on this case if you move the AC 2 spaces the fighters will also be using 2 of their movement ability.

    If not im having touble seeing a viable and safe way for J1 to do a safe Perl attack.  What units would i bring from where generally?

    Usually it’s the Battleship from SZ60, carrier, fighter, destroyer and submarine from Solomon/Carolines and 1 fighter or bomber from Japan. It may look like overkill but the goal is to prevent the US from counterattacking your fleet on SZ52 during the first US round.

    4.) I am under the impressions that a J1 IC, in most cases, is a bad idea.  I used to think it was needed, but next game plan on doing a J2 IC instead.  Where should i place it then?

    J1 IC on FIC can be a good idea, depending on the game. French Indochina is the best place of the 3 starting Japanese territories on Asia, but India is even a better location.

    EDIT: Also, if i were to buy an A&A, which would most suggest.  I want a more complex, but still lots of fun one.  Im thinking 42.

    I’ve played Revised for years until 1942 came out, and Spring 1942 1st Edition is now my number 1 A&A game. The 2nd Edition of 1942 will be released this summer so I’d advise to wait for it and hear the grapevine about it. Meanwhile keep playing Revised to get used to the game system - one thing to keep in mind though is that Revised favors heavily the Allies, so you may want to give a bid to the Axis (7-9 IPC in units to be placed before game starts) to balance things.

  • Ooo thanks for the replies, cleared things up!  :mrgreen:

    oh yes, we did the bid, i got +9 with a tank in lib, and art in japan.

    We played part of a round earlier, and things went well for G1, except he was able to fortify the russian front lines so i felt i couldn’t safely counter attack what he took, or even attack Kar.

    and you said to possibly put an IC in India, so i do that on J3? or is that possible to do on J2 if i took it over on J2? I didn’t think that was allowed.

    And I was thinking about the new 42 version coming out later this month, but i think i’ll wait till on the consensus to see if its any fun or not.

  • @dislikednickel:

    Ooo thanks for the replies, cleared things up!  :mrgreen:

    oh yes, we did the bid, i got +9 with a tank in lib, and art in japan.

    Personally I’d put the artillery on Indochina or Manchuria but to each it’s own  8-)

    We played part of a round earlier, and things went well for G1, except he was able to fortify the russian front lines so i felt i couldn’t safely counter attack what he took, or even attack Kar.

    and you said to possibly put an IC in India, so i do that on J3? or is that possible to do on J2 if i took it over on J2? I didn’t think that was allowed.

    And you are right, you can’t build an IC on a territory you just conquered on the same round. But if you manage to take India on J1 it may be possible then to build one there on J2 ;)

  • oh yes, i should have put it there thinking back.

    and he put a UK1 IC in india, so it was not an option anyway.  He reinforced Idia heavily, but Germany owns Africa, and will be putting pressure on India.  Also, japan manage to blitz Moscow with just 3 tanks vs 1inf+rt, and take and hold(Was just planned as a distraction and +10ipc gain, but turned out way more worth it), while he moved all his russian forces into Ukrain, stupidly.

    I also am wondering about your allied units being able to move into new captured zones. say russia captured bel, R4, could UK fly in and move tanks/inf in(provided they are in range) on UK4?

  • @dislikednickel:

    I also am wondering about your allied units being able to move into new captured zones. say russia captured bel, R4, could UK fly in and move tanks/inf in(provided they are in range) on UK4?

    Yes. Air units can land at any valid space on the beginning of that country’s round. Since Belorussia starts as belonging to the Soviets when UK starts its round it is a valid landing space.

  • ok, cool.

    Well we played the next turn wrong, and
    Things took a turn for the worse for Axis.  I bought 4 tanks 5 inf and 1 ftr in moscow, but he attacked with all his russian forces and took it over.  He left the russian front line defended by a good amount of uk/us ftrs only though, but owns EE, Bel, and ukr.

    I was unaware of the rule that once you take over a capitol city, they are supposed to give you their money and are not allowed to buy phase or collect money anymore.

    He also sneak attacked Japan, which i left too undefended.  He caught it with 3 inf +1rt and a bomb, against my 2 inf and a tank. :[

    So with that scenario, i have a question, say I took Moscow with Japan, and lost Tokyo, would i be able to buy on japans turn? or do i give all my money to America and can no longer buy?

    Or what if Russia took moscow back, would they be able to buy again next turn? and would they take any money from japan?

    my only hope to go down through ukr, and have luck when trying to retake moscow 2 tanks+bomb vs 2 tanks, and hopefully he doesnt bring ank uk fighters back to it.

  • @dislikednickel:

    So with that scenario, i have a question, say I took Moscow with Japan, and lost Tokyo, would i be able to buy on japans turn? or do i give all my money to America and can no longer buy?

    You’d give all Japanese money to the US and you couldn’t buy units on the next game round.

    Or what if Russia took moscow back, would they be able to buy again next turn? and would they take any money from japan

    If Russia retakes Moscow it can’t place any units since it will have no money and capitol to buy them at the beginning of its turn. But It will receive income at the end of its round.

  • Cool, yeah i should have won that game then, since japan did manage to capture and hold moscow for an entire turn before us could get to japan.  I would have placed units in japan for sure with that extra cash.

    He ended up wining the way we were playing, and next game i’m being allies for the first time.

    In light of that, should UK buy an IC for india round 1? or ever buy one in India/for UK at all?  That what my friend has  been doing, granted we’ve been doing some things wrong but it seemed to work.

  • @dislikednickel:

    In light of that, should UK buy an IC for india round 1? or ever buy one in India/for UK at all?  That what my friend has  been doing, granted we’ve been doing some things wrong but it seemed to work.

    Try sending everything against India with Japan next time you play as Axis and he builds an IC on round 1 - see what happens ;)

  • haha yes,i wish i did that last game.

    So do UK/allies never buy an IC?

    What does the UK do about Japan IC on mainland/ invasion of India then?

  • @dislikednickel:

    haha yes,i wish i did that last game.

    So do UK/allies never buy an IC?

    What does the UK do about Japan IC on mainland/ invasion of India then?

    There are Allied players who swear on the virtues on an UK1 India IC. I say, try it out, the fun is on figuring out for yourself :)

  • Word, ima try without this time, and hopefully surprise attack his next time im axis  :-P.

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