Hi Prey. All Air units land in non combat and they have the balance of their unused movement: a Fighter has 4, so if they moved 3 in Combat, then they only have 1 left. Air units cannot land in a territory that has just been captured. They could land on an empty Carrier.
A submarine question
assume we have situation like this
attacker has 2 subs and a destroyer
defender has AC carrying 2 fightersthe attacking destroyer and one of the attacking subs hit
can the defender say that he will take the destroyer´s hit on his AC and in that way bypass the subs hit
My question is , is this legal action or not?
No. The SUB HIT. That hit can ONLY be taken on the AC.
Also, the SUB hit was opening fire, so that hit has to be assigned FIRST.
Now I have a question regarding Bombardments … if UK has 2 BB next to west europe and the US invades do the UK BBs bombard?
No. Allied nations cannot fire shore bombardment for other allied nations except in that one case of national advantages (where you do a joint strike with british and american forces at the same time.)
Jen has it correct.
The ONLY time that allied forces can work together (other than a certain National Advantage) is when they share a territory/SZ and are attcked.
Friendly forces cannot attack together, they can only move an dattack in their turn.
Back to submarine … what if you attack with 2 subs and 2 destroyers vs an AC with 2 Figs and a destroyer?
subs dont get first strike because of destroyer so does it just matter what order you roll in? -
Kinda. You need to roll the submarines first so that you can take designate any hits to naval ships, then you can roll the rest. Otherwise, you might get confused and accidentally kill a fighter with a submarine hit.
Actually if you go by the combat in the OM you’ll see that Subs on both sides always go first. It is just that the fleet with the destroyer will be able to return fire with their losses.
Thank you for that Grime, saved me the effort :-)