• Russia Revised:

    Build 2 Infantry, save 1 ( builds go in Caucasus)

    1. Attack West Russia with 3 karelia Infantry, plus Fighter and Moscow tank, aim to hit 2 units and retreat back to Moscow.
    2. Movement of forces will depend on outcome in #1, if you yield 3 hits in first round, you will need to avoid temptation of piling up in West Russia because Germany can destroy that force with combined attack. Must keep Caucasus and obviously Moscow, so leave karelia en prise.

    NCM Sub to SZ 6
    NCM bring at least 1 infantry to Urals…maintain balance so if they leave one man, withdraw two men to Ural.
    NCM UK may request 1 tank and or fighter to protect against J2 India invasion: resist that

  • UK Revised:

    Builds: UK1-4 infantry ( place one in India, 2 in Australia, and 1 in UK), UK2 build Carrier to replace lost CV.

    Note: Get Soviet SS to shadow UK replacement fleet on UK2.

    1. Attack Japanese fleet of Southeast Asia with 1 DD, 1 SS, and 1 Fighter
    2. Destroy German BB fleet with 1 bomber, 1 fighter, and 1 DD
      NCM bring one Infantry in Australia to Mid East SZ 28 ( note: don’t do this if Germany puts planes in North Africa or Bomber within 4 spaces of SZ 28) If that is true bring both AP to SZ 27 or one to SZ 27 and the other to SZ 34 ( goal is to bring men to Borneo and India with AP on UK2 and build up more in Australia and India.
      NCM bring tank to India
      NCM bring both infantry to Middle East
      NCM Union of SA move north

  • @Imperious:

    German revised opening moves:

    Builds: 4 Infantry or 2 infantry and 1 tank. ( place all in Germany)

    Western Front:
    Goal: Kill the most costly assets with the minimal loss from counterattack.

    1. Attack SZ 8 with: Battleship and sub from Baltic, and sub from SZ 5.Also, bring in Bomber from Germany. ( 4+2+2+4 vs.4+1) 12 to 5 or 2:1
    2. Attack SZ 15 with 3 fighters from Western Europe, Southern Europe and Germany. (3+3+3+2+2 vs. 4+2) Alternate is leave DD in SZ 16 to protect AP, making it 3/3/3/2 vs. 4/2 nearly 2:1 attack
    3. Optional attack: bring AP to land 2 men in Egypt and bring in tank in North Africa and fighter out of SZ 15 attack: 3/3/1/1 vs. 2/2/4  8 vs. 8 ( not advisable)…Note: you cant bring in Bomber or you lose battle #1.
    4. NCM –AP drops off 1 man and 1 tank in North Africa, plus land three fighters for defense. AP position will depend on what happens to attack on SZ 14 ( either 15,16 or 17 depending on outcome of battle)
    5. NCM --Move 5 infantry to France, Bomber lands in south Europe…attack on Egypt is G2 plan with all air and 4 Infantry, then air units go to Eastern Front.

    Notes: If the UK player clears the German SS and DD in SZ 14 ( assume they bring in 1 fighter and 1 DD),UK can bring 2 tanks, 1 bomber, 1 fighters, and 2 infantry to North Africa, but they lose the transport and 1 fighter ( left in Egypt) and factory in India on G2 if they try that. The battle will be: 3/3/4/3/1/1 vs. 1/3/3/3/3/3 which is 15 vs.16.  Note: setup picture does not have one additional German tank in North Afrika.

    Eastern Front Soviet notes:
    Goal: Make the Soviets defend everywhere and nowhere.Threaten karelia, West Russia, Caucasus at same time and latter kill them by land grab.

    1. Note: Russia builds 2 units probably 2 infantry, or 1 Artillery and 1 infantry. ( they place in Caucasus and or Moscow).
    2. Soviets will most likely attack West Russia -option #1- and or Finland with West Russia as- option #2.
    3. West Russia only attack would be all units in range, except 1-2 infantry left in Karelia. Finland attack will be 1 fighter and 3 infantry. If they go all in at West Russia, all builds go in Caucasus.
      This leaves Germany with taking Caucasus and or Karelia or risking a even battle against West Russia.

    german battleship can’t reach british battleship. so you can easily use bomber in egypt then ^^

  • TripleA


    german battleship can’t reach british battleship. so you can easily use bomber in egypt then ^^

    German battleship is 2 spaces away from UK battleship so it can reach.

    Assuming you can go south of sz6 between Scotland and Ireland

  • @allweneedislove:


    german battleship can’t reach british battleship. so you can easily use bomber in egypt then ^^

    German battleship is 2 spaces away from UK battleship so it can reach.

    Assuming you can go south of sz6 between Scotland and Ireland

    assuming or presuming?

  • TripleA




    german battleship can’t reach british battleship. so you can easily use bomber in egypt then ^^

    German battleship is 2 spaces away from UK battleship so it can reach.

    Assuming you can go south of sz6 between Scotland and Ireland

    assuming or presuming?

    They are the same thing. Unless you are trying to nitpick some historical meaning, if so then I am assuming as I have seen the map,but axis and allies has had sz connection confusion in the past.

  • @Imperious:

    1. Note: Russia builds 2 units probably 2 infantry, or 1 Artillery and 1 infantry.

    Looks like Artillery is included on 41 after all ;)

  • Typo corrected and it is a great plan.

    german battleship can’t reach british battleship.

    Also, German Baltic fleet goes to SZ 6 then SZ 8. It can reach.

    Subs work the same as A&A 1942.

  • @Imperious:

    Typo corrected and it is a great plan.

    german battleship can’t reach british battleship.

    Also, German Baltic fleet goes to SZ 6 then SZ 8. It can reach.

    Subs work the same as A&A 1942.

    German BB can’t reach UK BB, it’s in SZ5, and UK BB is in SZ8.
    There are SZ6 SZ7 between them.
    3 fighters to hit the AC are too much, just put the DD and sub on.
    On the other hand, no need to worry about transport.
    you won’t have a second chance to hit egypt.

    And as Australia has only on 1 IPC, so you can’t place two new built units on it.

    I really don’t think not attacking egypt is a wise option.
    2 inf and 1 tank in egypt mean a lot to UK, Russia.
    North Africa is non-worth, if I were UK, I would never attack it for no profit.
    On the contrary, I would absolutely abandon Africa and pull off the army from egypt, if germany didn’t attack Egypt,

  • German BB can’t reach UK BB, it’s in SZ5, and UK BB is in SZ8.

    Not correct.Look it goes from Baltic to SZ 6, then thru Scotland and UK to SZ 8. expand the pic and see.

    3 fighters to hit the AC are too much, just put the DD and sub on.

    Idea is to get 2:1 and reduce loses to a minimum so that Germany gets one or both fleets back intact. Killing expensive UK assests on G1 is the name of the game, and you cant take chances with sending a few boys to fight a mans battle.

    On the other hand, no need to worry about transport.
    you won’t have a second chance to hit egypt.

    Yes you can. If the attack on UK CV goes well, the AP can bring tank and Inf and land in same sea zone and its protected. UK most likely will go after German BB and subs.

    And as Australia has only on 1 IPC, so you can’t place two new built units on it.

    Well they place one then.

    I really don’t think not attacking egypt is a wise option.
    2 inf and 1 tank in egypt mean a lot to UK, Russia.
    North Africa is non-worth, if I were UK, I would never attack it for no profit.
    On the contrary, I would absolutely abandon Africa and pull off the army from egypt, if germany didn’t attack Egypt,

    I don’t advise this till G2

  • Slam Japan?

    Russia takes Manchuria on R1
    UK takes Southeast Asia (3 INF, 1 FGT) an attack of 1 DD, 1 SS vs 1 DD, 1 SS in SZ 31

    Would really put Japan in a bind….

    (this is probably really crappy, but I’m just fooling around)

  • It could work if you got nice die roll, but it is risky. And I would simply scatter the fleet on UK1 as much as possible so that it could congolmerate latter to be a more potent force (you can build ships off of Australi and suddenly have a potent strike force right in the very place japan needs to be expanding). The only realy offensive thing I would use the starting India units on is to take back Eygpt if Germany takes it.

  • Not correct.Look it goes from Baltic to SZ 6, then thru Scotland and UK to SZ 8. expand the pic and see.

    Amazing, but still, I don’t think it’s gonna work out, because British people won’t let them.
    Just joking, but I watched the map again, Scotland(Ireland?) and UK are connected on the pic.

    And why not attack Egypt, with no so much IPC in this version, the initial set up army is important, so my opinion is that eliminating on-board troops might be first choice.

  • TripleA

    game is not released yet and we need an f.a.q.

    this sea zone connection issue is difficult to asses.

    does the north sea (sz6) connect to the celtic sea (i believe sz8 but hard to see on map)?

    i believe it does but is hard to see on the pictures that djensen has kindly posted of the setup.

    it would make sense as that connection is larger than the connection of the following sz which all have connections

    baltic-north sea
    mediterranean-black sea

    however axis and allies is not always geographically correct, it is just a board game.

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