1. Garg is in charge, and is the sole administrator for resolving game conflicts (So get the F along), if tournament rules need to be clarifiied, or you have questions, comments, or suggesstions, direct them to ME.
5. Regular Tournament concepts and common sense, like being courteous, and posting regularily etc APPLY, and are submit to my whim and wrath as previously explained in rule # 1.
Unfortunately it does not appear that I left the legal room for myself to make the demand I did earlier! What a fail on my part.
Of course… there is legal authority to be a total unrighteous douche and declare BoldDutch an instant winner in the next game against DairyQyrn, as soon as there is -any- conflict. Which would leave us with a winner takes all match, presuming Bolddutch advances that far.
I have alot of time for Veqryn, because he brought us tripleA, and is so committed to this cause. I would be a little more heavy is the team was say… CowMerman01 ;) But Veq has been great, and as someone said, is the only one who could totally trump this whole endeavour, boot us off tripleA, and tell us to pound sand.
In moving forward, I think everyone really wants to see a rematch of Bd vs Dq, and lets be honest, there’s alot of room to play here.
My question is this… Veq, really? are you really pushed that hard for time? or can you pick out a turn here or there? I just want to see people get engaged in these final few rounds… as opposed to sit around for loads of wait time… and it all falls under the objectives of the tournament! Which was to promote tripleA, get new users, and make new friendships!
Have some fighting spirit man! :)
And where the hell are COW’s comments!
In the end… probably none of this matters. I bet most parties will just want to see the $200 get donated to TripleA anyways, because that’s how we all got here!
Well V, what do you say?