In fact, if USSR had done a DOW last round, that would have affected Japan’s last move. I don’t think that can be done. I think we need to undo USA’s move to land on USSR.
12L - '41 - Bold (allies +3) vs. Botider, -tech, +NO
japan 15
sz38 (trn)
ftr sz35noncombat
ftr sz38 > bur
2 ftr sz35 > bur
3 ftr sz35 > cau
dd, ca, 5 ss, 6 trn, 8 cv, 10 ftr, 2 bb sz35 > sz15
bmb ind > cau
inf nin > chi
2 ftr japan > yakdeployment
$20 + $29 saved = $49you ever get that sinking feeling that you’re missing something really obvious? :wink:
no hurry at all… i am out of pocket for the next couple of weeks, so take your time. be back around the end of the month.
it’s your turn here, if we are still playing.
… or start another game if you’d like. you can play axis… same bid… put an inf in egypt for england and go. -
am back but was buried with work - should be able to get this one going again in the next few days.
thanks for your patience - coming soon!
UK15 - with 33 buys battleship, save 13
lib () - inf (alg) walkin
cng () - arm (waf)
saf () - inf (waf)
nin () - arm (kia) blitz hup
sik () - inf (yun)NC
eca - 2 bom (phi)
z7 - 3 des (z17), all z13 fleet, trn, des (z3)
gbr - 2 inf, 2 art (z13)
fin - inf (nwy)
z50 - 2 sub (z37)place des, bat (z7)
collect 40, has 53
placement was wrong, didn’t buy or place a des, bought and placed only a bat
italy 15
4 inf, rtl, dd, trn… spend $31combat
fic ( )
arm ind blitzes through burnoncombat
2 trn, bb, cv, ca, 4 ftr sz35 > sz15
3 inf, rtl cau > kaz
7 arm cze > epl
3 inf, rtl fra > ger
arm ind > kaz
ftr, bmb ita > caudeployment
dd, trn > sz16
inf, rtl > cau
3 inf > itacollect
$29btw… there are too many ftrs in sz37…
think i will get to this one today! and we can get back on track. it could turn into an interesting time.
think i will get to this one today! and we can get back on track. it could turn into an interesting time.
Havent forgotten about this one. I have almost posted several times juat want to make sure i am not missing aomething.
ok, i think i got it. :lol:
first off, let’s just state that that extra ftr is a US ftr that should have been in phi instead of z37
i should prolly throw everything at bur hoping to get really lucky and only lose an inf, arm or something :lol:
alright, let’s try something crazy
USA15 - with 60 buys 13 inf, 3 trn
china spawns 4 inf
fic () - sbr with 4 bom (phi) max dmg 4
egy (arm) - 10 ftr (z37)
z35 (acc) - sub, 7 ftr (z37)
for () - inf (z37)combat:
egy - 10 ftr vs. arm
Rolls: 10@3; Total Hits: 410@3: (4, 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 6, 1, 5, 6)
Rolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 01@3: (4)
egy cwol
z35 - sub, 7 ftr vs. acc
Rolls: 1@2 7@3; Total Hits: 41@2: (4)7@3: (1, 4, 3, 2, 4, 5, 2)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
z35 cwol
china cm
kwa () - inf (fuk)
kia - 2 inf, 2 art (sui)
z61 - 2 acc (z37), 3 ftr (phi), ftr (sol)
z37 - 2 ftr (sol)
lib - 10 ftr (egy), 7 ftr (z35)
sum - 4 bom (fic)
z37 - sub (z50)place 3 trn (z56)
place 7 inf (wus)
place 4 inf (eus)
place 2 inf (phi)china
place 4 inf (kia)
collect 59, has 59
germany 16
repair 4 in burma
10 inf, 4 ftr, aa… spend $80, save $1combat
stc ( )
inf yaknin (arm)
inf chi
2 bmb arcfin (inf)
2 inf kar
4 ftr arcyun ( )
2 arm bur blitz through to siksik (inf)
2 arm bur -
inf @ 1, 2 bmb @ 4
Rolls: 1@1 2@4; Total Hits: 11@1: (3)2@4: (5, 4)
arm @ 3
Rolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 11@3: (1)
nin cleared
2 inf @ 1, 4 ftr @ 3
Rolls: 2@1 4@3; Total Hits: 32@1: (6, 3)4@3: (2, 4, 3, 1)
inf @ 2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)