Thanks - there is more to come:+1:
"Tall Paul's" A&A INFRASTRUCTURE units detailed and painted by "WARMACHINE Team"
Fellow A&A Gamers,
––This thread will eventually contain ALL of my A&A Infrastructure units that I’ve had detailed and painted by the “WARMACHINE Team”.
––So far the list includes:
Capitals….Starting at message #66
Factory, Major….Starting at message #1
Factory, Minor….Starting at message #15
Research Center, Technical….Starting at message #8
Anti-Aircraft Guns (Standard)….Starting at message #33
Air Base, (3-Dimensional)….Starting at message #36
Naval Base, (3-Dimensional)….Starting at message #44–-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Well everyone,
Here is a pic of the Major Industrial Complexes that I had “Allworkandnoclay” paint for me. These are the Major Factories ONLY. He is still working on the Minor Factories and the Anti-Aircraft Guns will follow them.
To answer some gamers questions please notice that for identity puposes I’ve segregated the U.K.-European(London-based) units from their U.K.-Pacific(Calcutta-based) brethren. The London-based units will have the Yellow Roundels for identity purposes and their Calcutta-based cousins will have the Union Jack flags.
Also notice that I have a few “Generic” Major Factories without any national insignias on them at all. These may be used by any nation with only the addition of their ownership marker or for any games that I might design.
Check out the tarpaper roofs and skylights on these Factories and their brick smokestacks. “Allworkandnoclay” definately does nice work.
What do ya’ll Think?
Those are SWEET!
Thanks “Coach”,
I really appreciate the opinions of EVERYONE here on A&A.Org, especially yours.
These Factories should improve my games’ “Fun Factor” immediately, even more so whenever the Minor factories are also completed.
I’m really looking forward to the day in the not too distant future that all of the HBG and FMG units have been produced and I’ve gotten them painted. And I’ve gotten my “Combat Table” built, too.
Thanks again for all of YOUR efforts in improving all of our gaming fun.
“Tall Paul”
SWEET. these are real nice. finally someone putting the real insignia of the third reich on a unit. dont get me wrong, i dont like what the nazi’s stand for, but this is their real emblem, and not that cross.
They look great! How much do you sell them for? :D
Thanks for your compliment.
I believe you have mis-understood. I am the customer, and “Allworkandnoclay” has painted them for me. My A&A units are for my own gaming fun and therefore not for sale, sorry.
“Tall Paul”
Yeah I know, I was joking. I’m kind of jealous ;) enjoy them!
I’ve forgotton who just asked,…but we don’t have ALL of the Minor Industrial Complexes finished yet.
“Tall Paul”
––Although it’s been a while since the ‘Master Painter’, “Allworkandnoclay” completed some A&A projects, I’ve just received some pics of the Minor Factories that he has now finished. These are units I bought from the “Risk, 2008” version if I remember correctly. If I mis-stated the Risk version, I’ll go back and get the correct info for you. Anyway, here are some pics below:
“Tall Paul”
––Here’s how they looked before painting.
CWO Marc & others,
Impressive – the chimneys even have bricks painted on them!
Yep,….red bricks and all. My favorite part of these paint jobs, haha!The factories with flags painted on them are a nice echo of the ones we see in Frank Capra’s “Why We Fight” WWII movies.
Man, I’ve seen those old clips a million times. Thanks a lot for sharing them again! BTW,….to me, the major factories(OOB) look jsut like the ones in those clips.Tall Paul
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