Tanks! 8-)
Axis and Allies Expansion 2
Hey guys, My Dad a long time ago bought an Axis and Allies Expansion by Gamer’s Paradise and dad lost the rule book a long time ago and today I looked everywhere online for the rule book but could not find it. So dos anyone know where can I find it? That would be great.
I never heard of an expansion! :? I had know idea……
Well, the original had a ton of expansions, but were made by diffident companies.
Oh yeah, I think I know. I think they dont sell or make them anymore.
Table Tactics came out with an expansion to the Classic A&A. It had jeeps, Superfortress Bombers, V-2 Rockets, landmines, jet fighters, heavy fighters, and landing craft. I think they are still available at FairPlayGaming, but I haven’t been there in a while. You get a sprue of these new units in each of the 5 original colors plus some instruction sheets on how to incorporate them into the game.
Ah! I remember playing with some of those expansions - there is a pretty good list of them here:
If you follow the individual links to whichever expansion you might find a person trading/selling it…
I am not looking to buy them. I already have the pieces of the second expansion. I just need the rules.
I would bet that most if not all rules out of the Gamer’s Paradise book have been implemented into all the house rules you find on the net as well as Larry’s, Xeno’s and HBGs Expansions.
Hey guys, My Dad a long time ago bought an Axis and Allies Expansion by Gamer’s Paradise and dad lost the rule book a long time ago and today I looked everywhere online for the rule book but could not find it. So dos anyone know where can I find it? That would be great.
In someone elses collection I purchased one time, I got a booklet that was “brochure” in size. It had expansion rules, and extended “realism” rules.
Is that what you’re talking about?
Board Game Geek would be the best place to search for this.
Hey guys, My Dad a long time ago bought an Axis and Allies Expansion by Gamer’s Paradise and dad lost the rule book a long time ago and today I looked everywhere online for the rule book but could not find it. So dos anyone know where can I find it? That would be great.
In someone elses collection I purchased one time, I got a booklet that was “brochure” in size. It had expansion rules, and extended “realism” rules.
Is that what you’re talking about?
Board Game Geek would be the best place to search for this.
No the Gamers Paradise expansions were in full size rule books same size as the standard A&A rule book. The brochure size expansions were either Dateline WW2. It had a Green and White cover with a Stuka on the cover (I believe it was a Stuka) and the paper was kind of thick. Or it was Max’s Axis and Allies Expansion. The pages were a greyish color. I believe Operation Barbarossa by Conquest Games had a brochure size rule book but I’m very fuzzy on that expansion. I used to own almost every expansion for Classic
My friend picked up the extras with landmines and v2s. It totally breaks the game. I’d rather never play again as waste the time adding novelty items that one never intended to be in or where play tested and dropped.
Avoid this at all costs.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jan 20, 2013, 7:47 PM
I got all of those rulebooks. They suck IMO.
The only one which helped me was the one that was meant for classic and sold on Amazon. I will look it up
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