• Customizer

    Another Sealion debate?

    We’ve had soo many since the tactic popped up in the summer of 2010.


    We all know it works quite well barring dice or bad play.  Why start this merry-go-round again?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    It’s all Sea Lion, Jim!  Common, you’ve known this since Alpha 2, right? lol

    Solution:  1 British Economy.  Sea Lion is no longer assured, no more ridiculousness of some pissant India telling the Mighty British Empire it won’t send it’s taxes to London and England can make or break itself!

    Possible variant:  Major Complex in India downgraded to Minor Complex.

  • Customizer

    What do you mean British economy?  1 single collect for UK and India?

    I don’t know about that.  With the US pushing their $ in any direction, you don’t see this as being compounded with the UK being able to do the same?

    I say just add some useless ground units to UK (AAs, Frenchies or something) to bring the odds down to ~60%.  Then bid for VCs.  My 2 cents.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yes, I mean England collects and spends for all of England, regardless of Pacific or Atlantic.

    Yes this could make life harder on Germany, but then in turn you are making life easier on Japan, right?

    The way I have seen it (very limited experience, a total of 3 games so far) the game plays out very similarly to Anniversary.

  • Customizer

    … or better yet, consolidate UK’s fleet in Scapa Flow, where it belongs.  And do the same for Italy’s fleet and put it in Taranto, where it belongs.

    Shame on you Larry.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    … or better yet, consolidate UK’s fleet in Scapa Flow, where it belongs. � And do the same for Italy’s fleet and put it in Taranto, where it belongs.

    Shame on you Larry.

    What I liked about one power, one economy is this:

    1)  It’s like America.  If England is split, then it makes more sense to split America too, the American people would have been riotous if the Navy had not moved to engage Japan!
    2)  England’s not all that much more powerful with the Pacific economy added in, it’s pretty simple to reduce Pacific to 3 or 4 IPC without taking India
    3)  It gives England that little extra to defend itself against Sea Lion without denying Germany the chance to do Sea Lion if England doesnt defend itself right
    4)  It does not add any units to the board
    5)  It does not move any units on the board.

  • Customizer


    Yes, I mean England collects and spends for all of England, regardless of Pacific or Atlantic.

    Yes this could make life harder on Germany, but then in turn you are making life easier on Japan, right?Â

    The way I have seen it (very limited experience, a total of 3 games so far) the game plays out very similarly to Anniversary.

    I’ll wait and see what others think.  I see a UK/US push on one side or the other as devastating. Â

    Without Sealion, so far I’m not liking Axis chances.  Even the turn 6 Russia Rush I did was the absolute MOST I could get to Moscow.  That battle was 70% and would have dropped to ~50% if India could have reinforced.

  • Customizer

    I’m not against your idea, just leery.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    To be honest, I am in two games with it now and have only finished 2 games of it (1 Alled win followed by one Axis DOMINATION!!!)

    There are many pitfalls for England.  For one thing, Japan can still win with 6 VCs, so you can sit there all day long with hundreds of destroyers in SZ 110 and still lose and what they did was basically abandon India which Japan took relatively unopposed (3 Transports, BB, Carrier, 3 strategics and a couple of fighters vs 4 or 5 units defending) which meant they had more to face off against America.

    What that means, basically, is that it’s like one or two rounds of full England to secure England and then they go back to investing in India, I think.  This could lead to more crush Japan games, but then you have the opposite factor - how do you stop the Germans from winning?

    Anyway, there’s a lot of support for variants of the combined income rule over at Larry’s site.  Which probably means Larry will tell us to stuff it and wont make it official. lol.

  • Customizer

    Anyway, there’s a lot of support for variants of the combined income rule over at Larry’s site.  Which probably means Larry will tell us to stuff it and wont make it official. lol.

    I gave up on Larry’s site when he “tried” to fix the India Crush in Pacific.  And then watched him completely rework global and expected us to playtest for him.

    I will NOT be giving him my money when his next game comes out.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I suspect his next game will be out next year or the year after which is why he’s trying to “finish” global.

    I really want more play testing, but I honestly believe dropping the stupid rule of split Economy for England will balance things out, maybe require a small Axis bid and that’s it.  (I think it’s stupid because no other nation is split like that when America really SHOULD be split due to my understanding that the generals and politicians wanted to work on Germany but the American people wanted to work on Japan in retalliation.  My understanding might be incorrect - after all, I was raised in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, you are all American pig-dogs trying to shove your hegemonious opinions on us all. :P )

  • TripleA

    Keep on trollin’ baby.

  • TripleA

    meh add an armor and inf to UK and alpha +3 is fine. Germany just not taking enough losses in UK typically for russia to make a push.

  • issue I am having as the allies, is if germany goes sealion and the allies go pacific to kill japs, then there is nobody to stop the germans and the italians who will gobble up africa and walk south throug Iraq and romiania from winning, lennigrad is impossible to hold with all those german transports, and even IF russia is holding both stalingrad and moscow….whats the point? the U.S have gone all pacific and no help is ever arriving, the japs don’t have to win they just have to survive and with 20+ it is almost easier to do than say…the combined german and italy economy is more than enough to take stalingrad and hold it for one turn long before japan falls.

    the other issue U.S.A goes all europe when germany does sealion. now without a doubt the japs have launched a turn two attack and will take india turn 3,4 or 5 and U.K still isn’t even on thier feet. japan needs either AUS or Hawaii, Plus now with India they have virtually no problems attacking russia who by all accounts is pushed back by the germans and is weak. at this point the U.S.A MUST go pacific to stop the japs from winning…and germany is afarid of WHAT? the u.k? slim chance they(U.K) don’t have africa(most of their money) and the Italians have more money than them meaning they can easily repel any africa campaign and french campaign not that the germans need them to just the mere fact that they can. the germans have gobbled the russian territories for money. and can hold stalingrad now the question is for the axis which side of the board would i like to win with, build up some more german navy and wipe the u.k out or build more ground and take russia(which will take some time) meanwhile the americans have to hold Hawaii and AUS against and equal(if not greater) economy Japan oh and don’t forget a 10-15 doallar anzac HAHAHA…

    I am at a loss on how the allies can have a legitamate strategy that will win Alpha 3 as the board is… something needs changed.

  • Well posted violent copper! I 100% agree with you.

    Jen since you like going towards history so much why not put a couple more units on london? I say at least 2 more units. An inf and an art. To be more realistic I would like to see all of UK’s fleet combined in sea zone 111. This would make Italy Loads more powerful as well as UK actually able to tackle Germany.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Not so much interested in historical accuracy.  If you want Axis and Allies to be historically accurate, you have to declare that Germany, Italy and Japan cannot win the game since the axis powers lost 100% of the World War II’s in Human History, right? wink

    I’d like England to not crumple so easily, but I do see one of the only real ways for the axis to ensure they have good chances of winning to crush England.  It’s not the ONLY way, it’s just one of the only ways to really ensure victory.

    A proposed and somewhat tested solution is to have England have one economy.  Somewhat tested means I’ve played it or am playing it with 9 different people which I do not think would even constitute a moderatly sufficient sample size to draw concrete conclusions from.

  • Jen what do you think about the idea of moving UK’s fleet in the atlantic to sea zone 111, minus the dd in south africa, the dd transport in 106 and 109. I think this would greatly change the flow of the game. Making it more realistic that UK’s fleet couldn’t be attacked as well as saving italy’s fleet and saving UK from Germany capturing it. Maybe move US declaration of war back to turn 5 or 6, though not sure what that would do on the pacific side of the board.

  • Customizer

    Moving the US DOW to turn 5 or 6 might enable Japan to get too strong.  They couldn’t really do a whole lot in the Pacific – I am assuming even if USA can not DOW until 5 or 6, if Japan attacks UK or ANZAC, then USA could declare war then.  However, this would give them an extra 2-3 rounds of pounding on China, perhaps even eliminating them all together.  Of course, if UK or ANZAC was foolish enough to provoke Japan, which of course would enable Japan to attack them without bringing USA into the conflict, then Japan could get really strong.  They would surely take the DEI and perhaps even bag Calcutta before the USA even gets into the war.

    As for moving all UK ships to SZ 111, that seems like not the best idea.  Yes, UK would have a VERY powerful fleet all in one place that Germany would most likely never be able to overcome.  Sealion would more or less be forgotten.  However, aren’t you practically handing the Med and Africa over to Italy?  All they would have to do is smash those two French ships in SZ 93 and there is a $5 NO right off the bat.  With all 3 transports and the Tobruk force, Italy would have Egypt round 2.  After that, they would just spread out through Africa and the Middle East.

    It seems like you would be putting some hurt on Germany yet letting Italy run wild.

  • There would need to be a naval base in sea zone 111. Move the fighter on gibralter to egypt. I agree that Italy would become super strong, but if UK wanted he could on T1 move his fleet outside the med and then on his insuing turn move into the med and take out Italy with ease. So while egypt would fall for sure. Britain would probably be able to liberate it pretty soon or at least pound Germany hard enough that he would be forced to defend the homeland with at least some of his money. Lessening up the pressure on Russia. As it sits right now Russia is near helpless VS Germany and Italy. Make it more realistic and more fun to play the allies. I can’t stand playing as the allies as the whole game I feel like I am loosing, or I just dont have anything really fun to do. This is the main problem with 1940 global version IMO. The game needs to be more fun for the allies as well. Let them have something to do. With sea lion being so easy, there is nothing UK can really do, and once UK falls it is hell on the allies moral as well as the gameplay.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Jen what do you think about the idea of moving UK’s fleet in the atlantic to sea zone 111, minus the dd in south africa, the dd transport in 106 and 109. I think this would greatly change the flow of the game. Making it more realistic that UK’s fleet couldn’t be attacked as well as saving italy’s fleet and saving UK from Germany capturing it. Maybe move US declaration of war back to turn 5 or 6, though not sure what that would do on the pacific side of the board.

    IMHO, that’s too powerful.

    Germany needs to have the ability (not the certainty, but the ability) to have her submarines unmolested.

    Moving the British fleet (less the destroyer) from SZ 98 to SZ 92 would be fine - it’s still close enough to get to SZ 110 and it’s still close enough to attack the Italians.  If SZ 97 is all that important, then we could move the Italian destroyer/transport back to where it was in Alpha +2 and bring Taranto back as an option for England.

    Suggestion for USA DOW change - not that I necessarily think it should change, but if it is going too, then perhaps this is a better way to do it?

    For America we could have a Russian style rule where it can be at war on one map but not the other?

    • DOW on USA 4 against Japan
    • DOW on USA 6 against Italy and Germany

    ???  It’s not a NEW rule because it already exists for Russia!  Russia can be at war with Japan but not with Germany or Italy.  In this scenario I picture only the W. USA complex upgrading on Round 4, but America collecting any NOs it has (which should be all of them except the French NO that America does not get normally anyway) and then on round 6 the C. USA and E. USA complexes could upgrade?

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