I’m interested in playing with Triple A. Best way to reach me is by email at jonkrost@comcast.net.
7 games played so far and no axis wins yet, I played axis twice.
So far in the 7 games of global I have played the allies have won five and there were two draws that would have been allied wins if played to conclusion.
Not sure why my friend and I are getting different results than most people on here. We play with the standard setup as we don’t wont to power down the axis any more since they have yet to win.
-There has been one attempted sea lion in our games but it failed due to bad dice luck.
-There have been six german invasions into Russia that have made it as far as one Russian city but were then repelled.
-Italy has been beaten by Britan in 6 of the seven games in Africa. The only time Italy won was when my friend did not fly over all the planes from the pacific. In the last game we played my roomate used Italy as a can opener for germany in russia. I built a minor industrial complex in Egypt and an airbase in Malta. I then flew my planes from London in to join the Pacific planes. I had America capture Silicy so that my fighters and tactical bombers from Britan in Malta with the air base could attack Rome and rebase. I built two transports in a regular Bomber as my last purchase with Britan before the conquered Rome the next turn from Egypt who was not ready for it as they had invested heavy in Russia.
To those who are scoring Axis victories besides sea lion how did you get into position to force a concession or capture enough cities.
we played last night and the Axis came extremely close to winning! In fact they probably would have won but for an incredibly desperate and lucky move that handed Japan to USA with out even a fight (it came down to 2 ANZAC inf. defeating 2 Japanese inf. on the Caroline Islands which then allowed the USA to use the Caroline Island navel base to get to Japan and land 2 US Inf. there. Japan was totally stripped of any units and the only sea units around it were subs).
The big advantage the Axis have is that they control the flow of the game for the first 3 turns. Axis dont have the uncertainty that the Allies have as they no they are at war from the start and can plan for it unlike 2 of the 3 major allied powers that have to wait to get into the war. This being the case the Axis can plan and set up objectives to help win the war. e.g. in our game last night Japan had the objective of capturing all of the dutch east indies by in round 3. Germany had the objective of containing UK in the UK, capturing France and setting up in on the eastern front for a R3 attact on Russia. In fact our German player had his opening move planned 2 weeks before the game even started. Acting is always faster then having to react and that is a huge advantage for the Axis. In our game when we saw that Japanese Navy getting close to India with a sizable force we thought they must be coming in for the kill. The UK player withdrew all he could from the DEI back to India which then made it so easy for Japan to take it. Japan then had about 12 extra IPC’s. If you take advantage of this you can make it very hard for when the USA and Russia finally get in the war.
Thanks for the input. I think I can see what you are saying. I have tried a J3 attack and a J1 attack. I also watched my friend pull off a J1 attack on me where he secured Hawaii as well as other objectives. He destroyed my American Units in Phillipines and Hawaii before I could move, and he also made Hawaii secure so I could not take it back US1 and J2 he flew his planes in. What he was able to accomplish in destroying units and dictating to America where it could go seemed to more than make up for the points it allowed to have by entering the war early.
Nice reports.
We will start our first global game 17th october. :cry:
Meanwhile playtesting Europe.
in my case the axis will win if germany can push to moscow… liningrad and stalingrad and japan take open hawiai, and take by force india, and sydny
So far I have not really been able to get Germany very close to Moscow. The Russians keep buying inexpensive units such as inf and art. They then fall back with huge stacks and don’t lose too many points, then at the right moment they can move forward again when the USA is landing in Rome or Norway as Germany needs to focus on defense.
Same here, closest I got was a sizeable force in Bryansk, which then was hit by Russia with everything in range, and like in nearly all crucial battles in Global games so far, was won by the allies thanks to combat round 1 dice which made the difference.
My first global game had the axis winning. I played Germany and Italy. Another played Japan and the allies were split up between two players also. Germany took France and Normandy in the first turn with minimal casualties while also sinking some of UK’s ships. Italy took southern france and expanded into all of Africa. Japan took Hawaii on J1 and destroyed the US navy on J3. The Japanese fleet sat outside of western US for the rest of the game. On G3 Britain fell, on G4 smashed threw Russia. on G6 Russia and UK was gone. Italy had taken over all of Africa and blitzed a tank threw the back parts of Russia on I3 and 4 by going threw the middle east and picking up some free units to defend the tanks. Japan kinda only focused on USA the entire game while slowly moving into UK-india. USA made one land assault on Morocco, but Italy had an IPC income of 45ish and was able to sink off the ships on its next turn and defeat the invasion. All I can say is that planes are soooo awesome when attacking ships and using infantry to back up the major hitters when on land. The game felt too easy. I can’t wait to switch the players around to different country’s and see the outcome.
My first global game had the axis winning. I played Germany and Italy. Another played Japan and the allies were split up between two players also. Germany took France and Normandy in the first turn with minimal casualties while also sinking some of UK’s ships. Italy took southern france and expanded into all of Africa. Japan took Hawaii on J1 and destroyed the US navy on J3. The Japanese fleet sat outside of western US for the rest of the game. On G3 Britain fell, on G4 smashed threw Russia. on G6 Russia and UK was gone. Italy had taken over all of Africa and blitzed a tank threw the back parts of Russia on I3 and 4 by going threw the middle east and picking up some free units to defend the tanks. Japan kinda only focused on USA the entire game while slowly moving into UK-india. USA made one land assault on Morocco, but Italy had an IPC income of 45ish and was able to sink off the ships on its next turn and defeat the invasion. All I can say is that planes are soooo awesome when attacking ships and using infantry to back up the major hitters when on land. The game felt too easy. I can’t wait to switch the players around to different country’s and see the outcome.
I assume you played with the aircraft reduction setup changes by Larry, since that’s the only way J1 could take Hawaii
In our first global game I was Germany. I attacked Russia G3 and took Moscow on G6. I was aided by 2 Russian naval buys, an AC and a Destroyer. This helped out Germany because it was 24 IPC less of ground units to kill and eliminated 2 soviet ftrs that were on the carrier. What I did was G1 bought 1 ac 2 trans did usual attacks sinking RN, taking paris and normandy, Yugoslovia, Bulgaria, and Finland with 2 Norway inf. Transported 1inf 1 tank from poland to Norway, placed AC in 112 to protect fleet, 1 trans in 113 and 1 in 114. G2 transported 3 inf, 3 art to Finland with 3 transports giving me 10 inf, 1 arm, 3 art in Finland, and moved all other units within range of soviet boarder territories. Place a IC in romania and 2 tanks, 1 mech inf in Berlin rest of buys in W Germany. G3 I attacked Karelia with Finland stack and took losing 1 inf, picked up 3 inf, 2 tanks, 1 art with trans and attacked Vyborg losing 1 inf attack bess with southern stack (not sure on numbers), Baltic and E poland and captured all territory. Sunk Russian navy using my newly purchased subs, airforce and navy. G4 I attacked Leningrad with stacks from finland, vyborg, air force and 3 inf, 3 tank (arriving by transport) and 2 naval shots against about 19 inf, 1 art, 2 or 3 tanks and 1 tac. I only had 1 tank attack from Baltic states, because Russia counterattacked there R3 and wiped out force leaving 1 tank and retreated into Leningrad. I lost all inf and mech inf, in battle but was left with 4-5 art and 7 tanks. By taking Leningrad I wiped out the soviets northern army and there was very little left between me and Moscow. In the south my large stack of inf was moving east and destroyed Russia southern army on G5. By this time Italy had come up throught the mid east and was poised to take Stalingrad on I6. I attacked moscow on G6 with all my force which consisted of Tanks, air force, mech inf and a couple of inf from the southern army against about 15 russian inf and 1 art. I took moscow with about 3 tanks left.
With Germany marching through Russia it looked like a for sure axis victory, except for happenings in the pacific. I was so focused on the European front I missed a major gap in the Japanese forces (played by another player). As Bruda stated in his post, an anzac transport with 2 inf attacked the caroline islands with 2 jap inf and won. Yea 2 at 1 beat 2 at 2 without losing anyone. This allowed the US to capture Japan getting all 78 IPC Japan had and gave america a woping sum of 160 IPCs. Japan was unable to retake its capital and lost its entire air force taking Calcutta so was pretty much out of the game. With Japan gone, the US spent all 160 IPCs to take out Italy. The Axis sued for peace. It was a tough call because Russia and India were gone, but Italy couldn’t keep up with Uncle Sam and Germany was repelling UK landings every turn and it was 230 in the morning (Start time was 19:15). The axis should have one, but we made one major mistake and it cost us.
Yes Cond1024… but it was a heck of a great game regardless. Now I’m racking my brains on how we would have stopped you if not for that anomoly of the dice.
Yes Cond1024… but it was a heck of a great game regardless. Now I’m racking my brains on how we would have stopped you if not for that anomoly of the dice.
I don’t think you could have stopped us. If Japan hadn’t lost it’s capital, we would have been at 13 VC at that point needing one more to fall. With Japan at 80 IPC Sydney and Honolulu would not have lasted much longer (2-3 turns) and with Russia gone I would have shifted German units to help Italy in Africa and the Med as well as take on UK.
by that point in the game we couldnt have stopped you… I’m thinking how we could have stopped it from getting to that point in the first place. A couple of things come to mind… 1) not stockpiling the russian infantry in Amur and 2) when we saw you only bought 2 transports on G1 UK could have taken out the Taranto fleet and just bought infantry. This might have stopped Italy opening a second front in Russia and stopped a successful sealion.