@RisingSun I had similar experience, I was big into the naval miniatures but couldn’t afford both. I bought a lot on ebay a year or so ago and have played a few games. It is not difficult to learn especially if you are familiar with the navy side, it’s pretty similar but includes facing. I think it’s a great game and wish I had collected it some when it was active.
Why is Foruminis so much more popular than here?
As a member of the forum mini there is alot of content over there and its the largest community. There is dozens of posts each day for the miniature games while over here there is maybe 1 a day probably less the WAS board hasnt had a new post in a month…
Each sites have their niche forum mini for the miniatures and this one for the board games.
There forum has a lot more support for minis then A&A.org does, and more activity as a result. Whereas A&A.org has one (forum? whatever you call one line in the index) for AAM original  and one for W@S they have an entire(sub index?) for each and one for angels twenty. the Play by Post section there is functional and lively, as opposed to the either dead or shutdown section here, its impossible to tell, and the people are very friendly and helpful (Thanks Rebel :) ) as a whole, I’m not saying they aren’t here but it is very noticable there.
You’re welcome! I just try to spread the AAM cheer on any forum I am on! ;)
Well we have a new MIni’s Mod - Me, and i will do what I can to make our Miniatures section better and hopefully more active :lol:
Excellent :)
Can’t do the Mr Burns impression on here but you get the idea. My suggestion would be to get the Play by Post Section running, but i don’t know exactly why it was shut down so there might be a problem I’m unaware of. -
Well we have a new MIni’s Mod - Me, and i will do what I can to make our Miniatures section better and hopefully more active :lol:
Sweet! I will do what I can to help too.
Wanna play by post game of War at Sea Field Marshall?
I’ll play you a game of AAM Land, although I have no map skills whatsoever. :D
I will play a land game, but i really am much more experienced with the Boats.
Map skills is nothing more then knowing how to use photobucket, and its edit features
Wanna play by post game of War at Sea Field Marshall?
I’m not against the idea if you don’t mind if I post in the evenings when I’m not at my LGS playing. 200 points?
I got tons of land maps and so does Rebel. We both make maps.
well may i make the suggestion that you 2 guys make a map repository thread, one for land and 1 for Sea, and if you have any for the Air game, that would be cool as well
Sure Field marshall, I would choose your top Map of the 2 for our match. 200 pts is fine
Want to start a thread in the Play by Post section?
Nation preferences? I just bought a bunch of US cruisers and destroyers and want to take a few to sea. Any Restrictions?
i already did it under the play miniatures thread
In regards to the activity differences, it used to be active here. Comparing it now is not a fair comparison.
In regards to maps and such, I will help adapt any MapView modules for AAM of WAS that are needed. It works better than photobucket for PBEM. Let me know.
How is it not a fair comparison? We aren’t  talking about a year or two ago, we are talking about why its more popular now. I don’t really see your point……
please do Motd. WaS especially
Hmmm, I suppose you are right. I guess I shouldnt have said it’s not a fair comparison. I just remember when it was vibrant and back then I would have said AA org had the edge. But yes, at the moment it is a bit behind.
Oh ok. Â :-)