I can see that, James. Honestly, I’d rather have “total” victory instead of VCs and accomplish that by weakening the United States greatly and/or buffing the Axis.
I doubt the game designers want to move in the direction of a game that takes several hours to get to the point where either the Axis have won or it is apparant they can’t win to a game that takes two or three times that long to play to total vicotry.
Well, as I said, my post was trunkated, the Financial Win path was not pasted in.
Basically, I want America to have to GROW TO GREATNESS. Give them incentives to “island hop” to get their finances up. Slow their arses down a bit. Make the player sweat like FDR and wonder if they have to go relieve England and piss off the people or chase the Japanese and risk England falling (but show the people they went to war because they were attacked, not because FDR was salivating at the thought of global conquest.) I am, of course, not trying to put thoughts in FDR’s head, just a thought exercise.
Historically, America hit almost all the islands listed. Marshals, Carolines, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, etc. If you really want to keep the NO income, them Wake = 5, Midway = 5 and Continental = 5; remove Mexico, Alaska and slash the Continental in half.