Could start a bit earlier, say 1940 or 1941 and include southern England. After 1942 the allies’ has air supremacy for the most part.
Also tech… have jet fighters, anti-air missiles, pressurized bomber cockpits, long range fighters, etc…
When I painted my Guadalcanal game I painted 2 of the infantry figures to look like Raiders. No special rules or anything, just something cool to look at. Like my jungle camo Betty and individual US carriers.
As they say in the Navy,…Well done.
“Tall Paul”
Well, The US Marine Raiders are now finished. Here’s some pics to enjoy.
“Tall Paul”
And a close-up of the front and back. There are 4 of these, representing the 4 Raider Battalions.
The US Marine Raider “Chutes”, or ParaMarines are next.
“Tall Paul”
Pretty sweet there Paul! You’re making me want to bust out the paint set again.
Again,…any credit for the Awesome paints jobs must go to “Allworkandnoclay”.
I’m only the guy who comes up with the great ideas and then has to pay for them. I guess you might call it a team effort of sorts,…Haha.
“Tall Paul”
And here are the US Marine Raider ParaMarines, also known as the “Chutes”.
“Tall Paul”
What Do YA’LL think Of These units?
Notice their camo from head to toe ala’ Raider style.
“Tall Paul”
Man, those are SWEET. What infantry molds are they from?
Forget it, I got the answer now. :-)
These are the Paratroopers from HBG’s U.S. Supplement Set.
“Tall Paul”
The next units I’ll probably get painted will be some Major and Minor Industrial complexes along with several Anti-Aircraft Guns, too.
“Tall Paul”