S03 Gamerman01 (allies +12) v JWW
Real tired last night again
Trying to squeeze in a move before school, here -
R5 with 34, buy 6 INF, ART, 2 AA
Combat moves -
Bel - FTR (Rus) 2 INF, ART (EUk)
Ukr - 19 INF, 2 ART (EUk) 2 INF (Cau) ARM (Rus)
Ind - ARM (Cau)Bel
Rolls: 1@1 2@2 1@3; Total Hits: 31@1: (6)2@2: (2, 1)1@3: (1)
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (3, 1)
Rolls: 19@1 4@2 1@3; Total Hits: 419@1: (4, 5, 3, 6, 3, 6, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 1)4@2: (5, 1, 6, 5)1@3: (5)
Rolls: 3@2; Total Hits: 13@2: (2, 5, 6)
Kar - FTR (Bel) 2 ARM (Rus)
Cau - ARM (Chi)
Eve - 6 INF (Yak)
Kaz - 2 INF (Chi)Place INF, AA (Kar)
Place 3 INF, ART, AA (Rus)
Place 2 INF (Cau)
Collect 32, 32 on hand -
43% chance you lose 5 or all 6 fighters…
Now that the German bomber is exposed, you’re committed! Will be interesting to see the dice results… :-) -
43% chance you lose 5 or all 6 fighters…
Now that the German bomber is exposed, you’re committed! Will be interesting to see the dice results… :-)I am not a mathematician so I can’t or want due the math required to validate that #. Seems really high to me.
I assume I’ll hit 3 - you will select 3 bmb’s, If I hit 4 or five I might withdraw after the first rd battle. I have you hitting 2, actually 1. something. Of course it can go either way Me -1,- 2 you +1, +2. But if goes according to plan I hit three you hit 2. Second rd, I hit 2 you hit 1. something even lower? 5 bmb’s gone, ITA navy lives for quite a while.
I’ve had thoughts of quitting.
I will of course, humbly accept, your capitulation. There is no dishonor in giving up to the will of the dice gods.
J6 purchase 3fgt, 2dd & 5 inf spend 61 (save 0)
#1 NZL (mt) v art (aus) v trn (z47>z42) cwol
#2 IND (arm) v inf, arm (aus) 2inf & arm (fic) FGT (bur)
#3 chi (fgt) v 4inf (nin, sik) & bmb (sui)
#4 YAK (mt) v stc & far stacks CWOL
#5 CNG (5bmb, fgt & inf) v 6 fgt (z35 &z15)dice
#2 IND attack
Rolls: 3@3 3@1; Total Hits: 13@3: (6, 3, 4)3@1: (4, 2, 2)v arm
Rolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 01@3: (4)
IND cwol
#3 chi attack
Rolls: 1@4 4@1; Total Hits: 11@4: (1)4@1: (5, 2, 3, 4)v fgt
Rolls: 1@4; Total Hits: 11@4: (2)
chi twlo inf
#5 cng 6 fgt
Rolls: 6@3; Total Hits: 36@3: (1, 2, 6, 5, 6, 2)OOL please
JWW, that was a pretty big roll. At least you know now that the attack almost certainly cannot be a complete bust.
The crowd waits anxiously for the Allied response! :-)
I assume I’ll hit 3 - you will select 3 bmb’s, If I hit 4 or five I might withdraw after the first rd battle. I have you hitting 2, actually 1. something. Of course it can go either way Me -1,- 2 you +1, +2. But if goes according to plan I hit three you hit 2. Second rd, I hit 2 you hit 1. something even lower? 5 bmb’s gone, ITA navy lives for quite a while.
<sigh> You haven’t played as much A&A as I have, perhaps? I have attacked with 13 tanks before and whiffed. His 3 tanks, in reply, hit 3 for 3. +1 or 2? Expecting average results? tsk tsk
But of course, you get average. As Lucky apparently comprehends - your risk has declined after a big roll. Fortunately for you, you got your 3 hits. It will be sweet when the dice finally even out on you, when you least want them to.
You assume wrongly. I’m not losing 3 bombers, I’m losing 2 green bombers and the infantry. So that when I get 4 hits and you retreat, I will have one more bomber. Or if I get unlucky yet again, you at least have to go more rounds to get more than 2 bombers……
I would roll my own defense, but I don’t know if you’re one of those players who goes ballistic. Don’t want to roll 4 hits and then have you argue about it (pretty sure you wouldn’t, but not willing to chance that).I played a good guy once, who looked for average “expected” hits, and counted +1, +2, or -1, -2. Funny thing was, he was often disappointed. (Actually, he was on the good end of the 13 vs 3 tank battle. 16 coin flips that all went against me. If it’s possible, it can happen)</sigh>
You keep talking Italian navy. I don’t care about the Italian navy. You don’t either - as the Allies you let mine go longer than this. :roll: I didn’t land my bombers in a safe enough place - I overlooked 35 to Congo to Sudan (or EAf) and you get a greater than 50/50 shot on my vulnerable bombers. Congratulations, you sure got a lot of mileage out of it. Letting me dread this dice roll ever since the American turn ended… Now let’s see if you actually get away with it, or if you are just the latest victim of “the curse of the clever”. Maybe the AA that missed you completely in Ukraine will come back with a vengeance now. 5 1’s, comin’ to getcha!
JWW, that was a pretty big roll. At least you know now that the attack almost certainly cannot be a complete bust.
The crowd waits anxiously for the Allied response! :-)
yeah it was, I’d even take mutual destruction to free me from those dreaded bmb’s! The dice gods haven’t finished their work yet though. Another big roll or two awaits!
I would roll my own defense, but I don’t know if you’re one of those players who goes ballistic.
No I wouldn’t care, have done it myself before.
@Gamerman01:You keep talking Italian navy. I don’t care about the Italian navy. You don’t either - as the Allies you let mine go longer than this.
It depends on the situation of course but generally I leave it alone. You are correct.
@Gamerman01:I didn’t land my bombers in a safe enough place
Agreed. Now the question is, will the dice gods make you pay for your mistake? I wrote a thread, a few years ago concerning 'risk v reward" and the ability of a player to understand when an error was made and to capitalize, to the utmost degree, on that mistake. This situation is similar, to that argument I made. If my moves are sound only the dice gods are in the way of me reaping my reward. I have been, we all have been I am sure, victims of “the curse of the clever”, but it is far better to be clever and take these high reward risks, than the opposite.
In hindsight, I probably risked to much sending the G bmb down in the hopes of securing EAF as I was, and still am, willing to sacrifice J fgt’s for allied bmb’s. And to that end, whatever fgt’s still live after this battle could have landed in SUD if my two inf failed to take eaf, perhaps that was a bit greedy, thinking my two g inf would be alive and well in eaf w/3-4 jpn fgt’s after this battle.
Enjoying the discussion, thank you
I agree you should generally make the move when the odds are in your favor (other considerations remain).
Well played, and may the dice gods decide to burn you anyway. :wink:
And yes, any way you can get the Japs in on the action when Germany is being pressured by all 3 allies is what you want to do as Axis, I agree.OK, I will roll the defense <sucking air=“”>
Rolls: 5@1 1@2 1@4; Total Hits: 15@1: (4, 4, 4, 4, 5)1@2: (3)1@4: (1)</sucking>
#5 Cng 2nd wave attack
Rolls: 5@3; Total Hits: 15@3: (5, 4, 1, 5, 6)
My turn to roll poorly… I can’t imagine you’d lose your fgt so to speed things along…your D 3bmb
Rolls: 3@1; Total Hits: 03@1: (3, 3, 3)& fgt
Rolls: 1@4; Total Hits: 11@4: (3)