I apologize for another stop, but I think I’d better ask to make sure, even though you gave advance OOL, because my sub hit in round 2.
Do you confirm the Russian sub takes the surprise strike, or do you lose your transport?
I thought you left an infantry and artillery in Z48 last turn.
You can’t transport 1 inf from New guinea, 2 inf from New Guinea, and 1 inf, 1 armor from New Guinea if one of the 3 transports had an inf and art on it
I thought you left an infantry and artillery in Z48 last turn.
You can’t transport 1 inf from New guinea, 2 inf from New Guinea, and 1 inf, 1 armor from New Guinea if one of the 3 transports had an inf and art on it
NM - I see you will have an art on board in Z35
Didn’t see that when I posted
It’s OK
bur twol
sik inf > nin
yun inf > sik
fuk inf > yun
z48 fleet > z35
bur 2 fgt (yun) > z35
bur 2 fgt (48) > fic
bur fgt (fic) > z38
man 2 inf > sui
man inf, art > bry
sfe inf > bry
z50 dd, cv & 1 fgt > z38
z62, cv, fgt, bb, dd, ss > z51
z50 fgt > z51
z62 trn > z36
jpn inf & aa > fic
z62 trn . z 59> z62.iwo & jpn inf’s > man
jpn inf, art > bry
placement ic fic, 4inf,a rt , arm & bmb JPN
J collects Saved 1 + 15 NO + 43 = 59
I thought you left an infantry and artillery in Z48 last turn.
You can’t transport 1 inf from New guinea, 2 inf from New Guinea, and 1 inf, 1 armor from New Guinea if one of the 3 transports had an inf and art on it
NM - I see you will have an art on board in Z35
Didn’t see that when I posted
It’s OK
need to pull out all the tricks to beat you!
And I’m going to be moving now, so if you’re still not busy with other things, we can keep this game going tonight!
bur 2 fgt (48) > fic
Map has these in Yun, not FIC
TrJ - 2 INF, ART, AA (Per) FTR, BMB (Ind)
Z12 - TP (Z22) CV, 2 FTR (Z6)
Z7 - 2 DD, CV, FTR (Z6)
Place TP, DD, FTR (Z7)
Collect 32, 32 on hand
bur 2 fgt (48) > fic
Map has these in Yun, not FIC
sorry miss-type. They are in yun
ITA 3 repair 3 purchase 5 inf spend 18 (save 1)
#1 sud (mt) v arm blitz (egy) cwol
#2 eaf (mt) v arm (sud) cwol
egy 2 inf > sud
fgt > ita
cv > z15
ITA collects 14 + saved 1 = 15
You attached the previous map.
I am going by your typing.
Alg - 2 BMB (Lib) 2 BMB (Ger) 2 INF (Z11) 2 INF, ART (EUS) AA (ECa)
Z12 - DD, CV, FTR (Z11) FTR (EUS)
Z7 - 2 DD, CV (Z11)
WUS - AA (WCa)
Cng - 2 INF (Z25) FTR (Mad)
Place 2 INF, FTR, BMB (EUS)
Place 5 INF, ARM (WUS)
Collect 42, 42 on hand
WUS - AA (WCa)
Well, it is 1 in the morning. I forgot to delete this too. The AA went to East Canada.
very frustrating when fgt & bmb’s attack my inf and 3 times I miss.
G4 repair 6
purchase 8inf & 2 arm spend 40 (save 0)
#1 NWE (inf) v 2inf (ger) & 3 fgt (fra)
#2 bst (inf, art) v inf, art (epl) & 2 fgt (ger)
#3 euk (inf) v inf (epl) & bmb (epl)
#4 UKR (inf, art) v 3inf (epl) & 2fgt (egy, z15) bmb (ger)
#1 nwe attackRolls: 3@3 2@1; Total Hits: 13@3: (5, 5, 6)2@1: (3, 1)v inf
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)