Expanded A&A-The Naval Series
Coral Sea and The Solomons Campaign
Discussion Topics-1.House Rules" and 2.Naval Units(A/D/M/C Factors)
1. Warrior, Presently I’m putting most of my attention into other people’s “House Rules” or some of my own, that would be possible to include in this game.
I’m being very focosed in my thoughts that we shouldn’t add something just to add something. Whatever “House Rule”, “Capability”, or ANYTHING for that matter, that we consider adding MUST meet the criteria of it being SIMPLE, LOGICAL, and FAST as far as gameplayis concerned.
There may even be something the we decide to make “optional” or not include that would be interesting, but would slow the gameplay down considerably. I’m all for having as much FUN as we can in this game,…but we must remember to keep focosed on the “big picture” enough that we don’t make a “Monster” game that nobody could ever complete playing. That point should be kept in the back of all of our minds so as to help guide our decisions accordingly.
2. Let’s see. Keep in mind that “costs” of units also depends on their value as far any special “CAPABILITIES” that they might add to this game.
Let me FIRST and FOREMOST say that I think that the Imperious Leader has shown that he has a very complete and knowledgeable understanding of the Rules, Units, and their Value. In the part of the “House Rules” section that I’ve been able to study so far, he has shown a very helpful attitude towards sharing his opinions for the benefit of the game we all love, Axis & Allies. He’s posted a few succinct ideas about our specific game so far, also.
If you haven’t already done so, I think we should ALL go to the “House Rules” section and STUDY the ideas found there and the IL’s opinions of them. This would no doubt give us all a better understanding of the WHYs WHATs, and HOWs involved and prevent a lot of unecessary “discussion” back and forth.
As far as the Naval Units List and their a/d/m/c factors:
First thing that I notice is that I overlooked including the LVT “Alligator” Landing Craft that HBG has already made. WOW, sorry about that, “Coach” MY MISTAKE.
Second, we still need to discuss several attributes of the various Aircraft Carriers. CAPACITY of A/C aboard, Speed(which in this case would mean MOVEMENT FACTOR of 3). This certainly could affect their value-PRICE.
Third, IMHO all of the non-combat AUXILIARIES such as the AO, AP, and AK ships logically should have ZERO A/D factors. Probably the LST, LCM, and LCVP, too. This not only parallels the train of thought for transports(and is S,L,& F), but forces a player to ESCORT these units or risk losing them. Supply, Refueling, or Transport Task Forces would be another expanded function of this “Naval” game and become a “target” for your enemy.
The DMS and AV should generally follow these same principals, although we might consider giving them a “slight” defensive factor. I haven’t given enough thought to this yet.
The PT boat can become an interesting little unit(in gameplay terms) in that it could create an inordinate amount of “Naval” escorting to be done to defend against the “stings” of these little bees. These should also be considerred a “coastal-type” of unit that would need to stay within a certain amount of sea zones from the coast.
The APDs(that I wrongly labelled APDDs above) are pretty much Transports that were a little faster and were a little more agile than regular AP ships.
Like I said before, I’m really concentrating mostly on a lot of “House Rules” that cover the new units and/or new capabilities that this game would benefit from including. We just have to remember to keep things SIMPLE, LOGICAL, and FAST in gameplay in order to make everything work.
I’m sure IL as well as numerous others will offer their thoughts here, too. As for me,…I’ll be glad to welcome everyones thoughts.
By the way,…here are some “terms” that we should all remember:
SIMPLE…enough said
S, L, & F…Simple, Logical, and Fast (as far as gameplay)
FSGR…Full Size Global Ratio (basic G-40 map ratio)
“Map Master”…Tigerman (haha)
Expanded…Exactly what we’re trying to do here
FUN…the ultimate objective of all of this
Like I Say,…What Do YA’LL Think???
“Tall Paul”