@captainwalker ae0c84f4-6a0c-4529-bc19-c623b6aa1535-triplea_41695_1ger.tsvg
Botider (Axis) vs Jen (Allies) G40A2 +NO -Tech Gm4
the BB takes a hit… sz6 cleared
NCMs coming soon…
NCMs and placement per map. Japan collects $37.
all those planes and ships next to Kiangsi had to have done 1 damage - so Japan has 36 IPC
- 2 Strategic Bombers
- 3 Destroyer
- 2 Infnatry
- 1 Transport
- 3 Submarines
Combat Moves:
2 Fighter, Destroyer to SZ 19
Fighter, Bomber, Destroyer to SZ 17Combat:
Rolls: 1@2 2@3; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)2@3: (6, 5)
Rolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 01@1: (4)
Rolls: 1@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 21@2: (6)1@3: (2)1@4: (3)
Rolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 11@1: (1)
Build: 2 Bombers, Destroyer in Korea/SZ 6
Build: 2 Destroyers in SZ 10
Build: Transport, 2 Infantry, 3 Submarines in SZ 101/E. USACollect: 79 (assuming you do all the dmg possible to Korea)
- 3 Infantry
- 1 Artillery
Combat Moves:
Infantry from Yunnan to Hunan
Infantry from Kwichow to Anhwe
Artillery from Kweichow to Hopeh
Infantry, Artillery from Kwangsi to Kiangsi
Fighter from Yunnan to KiangsiCombat:
Rolls: 2@2 1@3; Total Hits: 22@2: (2, 3)1@3: (2)
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (2, 3)
Build: Inf in Sze, Inf in Kwe, Inf, Art in Kwa
Collect: 16 IPC
- 2 Infnatry, Artillery, Save 16
- 3 Armor, Fighter
Combat Moves:
Build: 3 Armor, Fighter in India
Build: 2 Infantry, Artillery in S. AfricaCollect: 16 + 24 = 40
Collect: 23 +5 = 28
- 4 Destroyers
Combat Moves: None
Build: 3 Destroyers in SZ 54
Build: Destroyer in SZ 62Collect: 30 IPC
all those planes and ships next to Kiangsi had to have done 1 damage - so Japan has 36 IPC
i think the map showed this correctly, no?
italy 10
5 inf, rtl, arm, ftr, 2 trn…. spend $49combat
nigeria ( )
arm sudanfrench central africa (inf)
2 inf, rtl french equatorial africanorthwest pesia (inf)
inf, ftr, iraqcentral persia (inf)
inf, tbmb iraqtangyanika ( )
inf kenya -
inf @ 1, inf/rtl @ 2
Rolls: 1@1 2@2; Total Hits: 21@1: (6)2@2: (2, 1)
inf @ 2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)
inf @ 1, ftr @ 3
Rolls: 1@1 1@3; Total Hits: 11@1: (3)1@3: (3)
inf @ 2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)
inf @ 1, tbmb @ 3
Rolls: 1@1 1@3; Total Hits: 11@1: (5)1@3: (3)
inf @ 2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
could have been better (slightly), but hard to complain. easily could have been a lot worse…
fca taken w/out loss
nwp taken w/out loss
cpr cleared, but remains in russian hands (no oil $)noncombat
ftr northwest persia > iraq
tbmb central persia > iraq
2 inf, arm trans-jordan > iraq
2 inf, arm egypt > sudan
2 inf, rtl ethiopia > sudan
2 inf, rtl southern france > gibraltar via 2 trn sz92 > sz93 > sz92
3 inf, rtl northern italy > southern france
4 inf yugoslavia > romania
4 inf yugoslavia / 4 in northern italy > trans-jordan via 4 trn sz97 > sz81
cv, 2 ftr, dd, ca sz97 > sz81deployment
2 inf, rtl > egypt
2 trn > sz97
3 inf, arm > northern italy
ftr > southern italycollect
$50germany 11 coming soon…
end turn 10 map…
still not clear on japan’s money… i thought the map i posted with j10 took account of convoy damage and left $37, but you say $36. not a huge deal… we can leave a couple of cabins off the next battleship ( :-D) but i didn’t see it. look at my j10 map… then 'splain if you can.
i’m mulling over germany. it may be time to start another game using Alpha+3… i’m not sure i see much of a way to win at this point… but we’ll go another couple of turns and see if the germans and italians can wedge their way into asia…
It was probably a convoy thing, like one of the Chinese territories.
I probably did Australia already -
no sweat… it’s $1. not going to swing this thing back my way with that paltry sum.
germany 11
13 inf, 2 rtl, arm, ftr… spend $63combat
belarus (2 inf)
2 inf baltic states
2 sbmb novgoroddice…
2 inf @ 1, 2 sbmb @ 4
Rolls: 2@1 2@4; Total Hits: 32@1: (1, 3)2@4: (4, 4)
2 inf @ 2
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (5, 3)
belarus fairly smoked… 8-)
2 sbmb belarus > novgorod
2 inf, arm novgorod > archangel
4 arm karelia > archangel
2 inf, 2 rtl karelia > finland
5 ss sz115 > sz113
ftr germany > e poland
5 inf, rtl hungary > e poland
tbmb, arm germany > e poland
5 inf, rtl germany > hungary
ftr w germany > germany
3 inf, rtl w germany > francedeployment
8 inf, rtl, ftr > germany
3 inf, rtl > w germany
2 inf, arm > novgorodcollect
$63 -
- 6 Infnatry, 2 Artillery
Combat Moves:
Infantry to Evenki
NCM: Map
Build: All in Russia
Collect 25
japan 11
2 inf, arm, 3 ss… spend $30, save $7combat
hopei (rtl)
mech, rtl, 2arm shensianhwe (inf)
2 inf, rtl, 2 arm kiangsusz19 (dd)
ss sz6
sbmb japansz4 (dd)
ss sz6
sbmb japansz7 (dd)
ss sz6
ftr sz6sz16 (dd)
ss sz6
ftr, tbmb sz6sz17 (dd)
ss sz6
2 ftr japansz18 (dd)
ss sz6
ftr sz6
tbmb japan -
hopei and anhwe taken w/out loss
ss @ 2, sbmb @ 4
Rolls: 1@2 1@4; Total Hits: 11@2: (5)1@4: (2)
dd @ 2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
ss @ 2, ftr @ 3
Rolls: 1@2 1@3; Total Hits: 11@2: (3)1@3: (1)
dd @ 2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
ss @ 2, ftr @ 3, tbmb @ 4
Rolls: 1@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 11@2: (4)1@3: (6)1@4: (3)
dd @ 2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
ss @ 2, 2 ftr @ 3
Rolls: 1@2 2@3; Total Hits: 11@2: (4)2@3: (1, 4)
dd @ 2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)
ss @ 2, ftr @ 3, tbmb @ 4
Rolls: 1@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 31@2: (2)1@3: (2)1@4: (2)
dd @ 2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
ss @ 2, sbmb @ 4
Rolls: 1@2 1@4; Total Hits: 11@2: (5)1@4: (4)
dd @ 2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)