• Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    As of 1/2/12 we have 38.0% of the funds to start the sculpting!!!

    HBG is producing a series of plastic gaming pieces and by popular demand is looking to see if there is a demand for a Naval Supplement set. We are taking Pre-Orders until Dec. 1, in which we will determine if there is enough interest and money put towards this set. There will be approximately 28 items per bag (12-14 unique sculpts) HBG is still producing other sets as scheduled but this will be in addition to and the funds must be at least 50% to go forward with it, so tell all your friends. If there is not enough interest, your money will be refunded! Pre-order here at HBG: http://www.historicalboardgaming.com/HBG-Battle-Pieces–WW2-US-Naval-Supplement-Set-Pre-Order_p_578.html

    Examples of some of the ships! These are 1/2400 scale resin pieces, not production pieces. I am just showing what some of the ships would look like.

    US Naval Set-256.JPG

  • '14

    My other would be the F-9 Cougar Navy jet fighter. Would go well wiht the Midway class carrier. and would double as a jet fighter tech.

  • Coach, you are awesome,  I just preordered the first 10 sets.  All right Gentlemen, the rest of you Naval piece junkies its time to pony up to the bar and lay your money down. If you want these now is the time.  Lets get these additional USN Naval forces produced.  Coach has produced some really impressive pre-production units.  I see a Montana BB, Essex CV, Midway CV, North Carolina BB, a possible Nashville CL, a Baltimore CA and an independence CVL. Coach are the other two BBs a Tennessee and a Colorado?
    Any doubters about this idea: Coach has a proven track record with his Marines and AA units and his service is second to none.  I have purchased from him many times and he runs a honest business and he ships what you order quickly. :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

  • Customizer

    OK,  I voted for my 12, although I would still VERY MUCH like to see a seaplane tender and an LCVP “Higgins” boat.  Maybe in the US Navy, set #2 (Heavy Hint, “coach”).  Also a PT boat (slightly large in scale) would be useful in forcing everyone to escort their convoys or pay a price.

    Oh, and I hope you decide to make the light cruiser an Atlanta class anti-aircraft type.  An “Atlanta” would not only be cool looking, but add a dimension that would be very useful in a naval-oriented game.  Then, just as in real life, you’d have to “balance” your fleet to take into consideration anti-sub, anti-air, anti-surface, etc.

    I’m going to pre-order 2 full sets.  I would like to have between 6-12 of most every naval unit other than the older Battleships which I think I’ll only need 2 or 3 of.

    I hope that we will be able to buy INDIVIDUAL PIECES as I’d buy 40-70 more units if I didn’t have to buy full sets that had many more old Battleships than I need.  “Coach”, what is your opinion on the possibility of offerring individual units???  It should be obvious that everyone will need MANY more “Essex” class carriers, Cruisers, Destroyers, and Landing Craft than of the Older classes of Battleships which in reality only had 2-3 of each class.  Don’t get me wrong,…I WANT to have the Older Battleships, too,…just not as many as the “Essex” Carriers, though.  Thanks again for your effort in making us all “happier”.
                                                            “Tall Paul”

  • '10

    I would hope for a PT boat unit

  • '12

    Are these pieces for the A&AG40 game or A&A Miniatures??  If these are A&AG40 scale - HOLY CRAP!  Very nice…

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10


    Are these pieces for the A&AG40 game or A&A Miniatures??  If these are A&AG40 scale - HOLY CRAP!  Very nice…

    These are a resin 1/2400 scale miniatures that I posted to show the different ships that possibly be done, these are not preproduction pictures.
    The metal miniature is a Midway class carrier.

  • '10


    I would hope for a PT boat unit

    Yes, a PT or E boat unit.

  • Customizer

    I just put in my order for 5 sets.  These different ship classes will be very cool.

    A couple of questions:
    1 – Assuming this garners enough interest and we go forward with it, do you plan on doing naval supplements for other nations as well?

    2 – What color will these ships be?  Olive drab or dark green?

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    I Plan on doing a few ships for each supplement set I already am doing.
    I definitely will do a Japanese Naval set if we do the US set.
    I plan on doing these in Olive, but we can look at the darker green too.

  • Customizer


    Would it be possible for me to re-do my vote?  The choices for the “Atlanta” A/A Cruiser, Seaplane Tender and PT Boats weren’t available when I voted.

    Also,  is the listed LCV a “typo” that’s supposed to be an LCVP “Higgins” boat?  If so you might want to add “Higgins” boat to it for people who might not recognize it as such.  I didn’t realize this represented the LCVP higgins boat myself.

    And is the LCT a “typo” that should be an LST (Landing Ship-Tank)?  If so, that’s 2 more changes I’d like to my vote as I think these are both very important units that deserve to be made in your 1st US Navy set.  Thanks for hearing my request.  I think it’s important to get these choices set at the start of the voting.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    Should be able to change vote.

  • Coach, my bad, I missed the statement not pre-production units, late last night.  Question, how big would a PT Boat be in AA scale?
    1/2 inch? or bigger.

  • Customizer


    I just wanted to say thanks for your adjusting the “wording” of the units to be voted on.  Although it wouldn’t allow me to change my vote,…others will now have a better understanding of what they’re voting on.  (“Coach”-If you can,…SUBTRACT my 5 votes  from the Old BBs, the Light Cruiser, and the LSM and ADD them to the Minesweeper, LCVP Higgins boat, LST, Seaplane Tender, PT Boat, and Atlanta class anti-aircraft Cruiser).

    I hope everyone will really think what would be USEFUL in a more naval developed A&A game instead of what would simply be COOL.

    Examples of units that could deeply enrich our gameplay and why would be:

    Oilers…by adding requirments for refueling.  These would need
                                              to be escorted.
    Landing Craft(LST,LCVP,LCM)…to transport the landing force(s).
    Minesweepers/Minelayers…by adding mine warfare.
    Seaplane Tenders/PBY Seaplane.by adding recon, acting as a mobile base.
    PT Boats…by defending bases would force the convoys to be
                                                escorted.  Also would have an offensive role.
    Destroyer Escorts…a cheaper escort than a Destroyer.
    Anti-Aircraft Light Cruisers…improved a/a defense for the task forces.
    Heavy Cruisers…heavy firepower for the surface forces.
    Light Cruisers…a less expensive firepower option.
    All of the “Older Battleships”…good for bombardment and escort of convoys.  Great
                                              to show the progression of BBs and allows early war
                                              scenarios, even WW1.
    the Montana Battleships…it looks like all agree they want this monster, haha.
    All of the WW2 Carriers…these are just absolutely necessary!


    Let’s see.  If I adjust to include my “re-vote”,…in order of popularity the voting so far is:

    14 votes…Montana class Battleship, Baltimore class Heavy Cruiser
    13 votes…Midway class Carrier, Oiler, LST landing ship-tank
    12 votes…PBY seaplane
    11 votes…Independance class Carrier,  Destroyer Escort
    10 votes…Light Cruiser, South Dakota class Battleship
    9 votes…Essex class Carrier
    8 votes…Tennessee class Battleship, B-29 Superfortress, Alaska class BattleCruiser
    7 votes…LCM landing craft-mechanised
    6 votes…Minesweeper, North Carolina class Battleship
    5 votes…LCVP Higgins boat, PT boat
    4 votes…Colorado class Battleship,  F-9 Cougar Jet, Atlanta class anti-aircraft Cruiser
    3 votes…Seaplane Tender

    Voting seems to be going about like I would’ve though so far.  I’m glad to see that the Oiler, LST, Destroyer Escort, and PBY seaplane are so popular because these aren’t necessarily the COOL units, but some of the ones that can DEEPLY ADD to our gameplay!  WOW!!!

    I can see that not only should this set be VERY POPULAR,…but there will need to be a SECOND US Navy set to include the units that don’t make it into this first set,…but would add so much to our gameplay IF we had them.  Thanks again “Coach”

    “Tall Paul”

  • Paul, about buying individual units…

    Economically, for coachofmany, he would probably set the price such that buying individual pieces is more expensive than the full set. Think about it - he doesn’t want to get stuck with 5,400 Colorado class battleships  :-D

    Remember the mold spits out “x” number of pieces, whether it be 12 or 20.

  • Customizer


    Yes, that only makes sense and I agree with that as long as the individual prices aren’t prohibitably expensive.  Maybe twice the average price in a set(?).  I think something could be worked out so that everyone can be a winner here.  I would never want or expect the “Coach” to do something that would hurt his business.  I’m a “fan” of his just like everyone else that has ever dealt with him. And I want his business to do well so he can make some money and then make some more units for us all.

    I would like to have 8 of almost every unit mentioned above except the Destroyers and Destroyer Escorts which I’d want 12 each.  The “Old Battleships” I would want however many of each class were produced in real life,…but not several times that amount.  Who knows,…I could sell the extra’s on Ebay but it’s a shame someone would have to pay shipping that costs more than the units are valued at.  I’m not worried, it will all work out someway.  Just think, we might one day soon have these fantastic new units to enjoy and expand our gameplay with.  I can’t wait.  Thanks again “Coach” for even the possibility of this happenning.

    “Tall Paul”

  • I voted for my 12, but it seems like there may be enough demand to do 2 sets.

  • Customizer


    Yes, I couldn’t agree more.  Especially if you took the B-29 out of the equation. 
    This is supposed to be a NAVAL set anyway.  I would LOVE to buy several B-29s also,…but maybe put it with some other units, like Air Bases and such.  We need them, too.

    But most importantly,…Please VOTE WITH YOUR PRE-ORDER(s) of this set(s).  It will help us ALL, the “Coach” has laid it out for us…IF enough interest is shown in these units by people PLACING PRE-ORDERS, they will be produced.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Gents, I led the charge with an order for 10 sets.  Now I know some can’t afford that but I personally want to see the forces developed and produced and I am believing that Coach will get the sales needed to proceed.  So I suggest everyone order a least one set or more and know that Coach will produce these units for use if he gets half of the funds for production upfront.  The sooner he gets to 500 sets sold the sooner  No PUN intended for Coach seeing he is from the Sooner state as I am he can get the preproduction units completed.  These units are going to awesome to have in our AA force pools.  If you think they are going to be too expensive go price a resin or metal 1/2400 scale warship models and expect to pay for 28 units somewhere between $250.00 to $500.00 for some quality ships.  So his price is more than reasonable to pay for these ships.  :-D :-D :-D :-D

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    I’m in as soon as the Axis Minor’s come in. I will order everything at the same time. In the mean time, I will continue to think about building the game to use these in…

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