I just wanted to say thanks for your adjusting the “wording” of the units to be voted on. Although it wouldn’t allow me to change my vote,…others will now have a better understanding of what they’re voting on. (“Coach”-If you can,…SUBTRACT my 5 votes from the Old BBs, the Light Cruiser, and the LSM and ADD them to the Minesweeper, LCVP Higgins boat, LST, Seaplane Tender, PT Boat, and Atlanta class anti-aircraft Cruiser).
I hope everyone will really think what would be USEFUL in a more naval developed A&A game instead of what would simply be COOL.
Examples of units that could deeply enrich our gameplay and why would be:
Oilers…by adding requirments for refueling. These would need
to be escorted.
Landing Craft(LST,LCVP,LCM)…to transport the landing force(s).
Minesweepers/Minelayers…by adding mine warfare.
Seaplane Tenders/PBY Seaplane.by adding recon, acting as a mobile base.
PT Boats…by defending bases would force the convoys to be
escorted. Also would have an offensive role.
Destroyer Escorts…a cheaper escort than a Destroyer.
Anti-Aircraft Light Cruisers…improved a/a defense for the task forces.
Heavy Cruisers…heavy firepower for the surface forces.
Light Cruisers…a less expensive firepower option.
All of the “Older Battleships”…good for bombardment and escort of convoys. Great
to show the progression of BBs and allows early war
scenarios, even WW1.
the Montana Battleships…it looks like all agree they want this monster, haha.
All of the WW2 Carriers…these are just absolutely necessary!
Let’s see. If I adjust to include my “re-vote”,…in order of popularity the voting so far is:
14 votes…Montana class Battleship, Baltimore class Heavy Cruiser
13 votes…Midway class Carrier, Oiler, LST landing ship-tank
12 votes…PBY seaplane
11 votes…Independance class Carrier, Destroyer Escort
10 votes…Light Cruiser, South Dakota class Battleship
9 votes…Essex class Carrier
8 votes…Tennessee class Battleship, B-29 Superfortress, Alaska class BattleCruiser
7 votes…LCM landing craft-mechanised
6 votes…Minesweeper, North Carolina class Battleship
5 votes…LCVP Higgins boat, PT boat
4 votes…Colorado class Battleship, F-9 Cougar Jet, Atlanta class anti-aircraft Cruiser
3 votes…Seaplane Tender
Voting seems to be going about like I would’ve though so far. I’m glad to see that the Oiler, LST, Destroyer Escort, and PBY seaplane are so popular because these aren’t necessarily the COOL units, but some of the ones that can DEEPLY ADD to our gameplay! WOW!!!
I can see that not only should this set be VERY POPULAR,…but there will need to be a SECOND US Navy set to include the units that don’t make it into this first set,…but would add so much to our gameplay IF we had them. Thanks again “Coach”
“Tall Paul”