• OK,I write it simplily

    1 turn
    Germany 5 tank,attack pari,other sea unit
    SU 6 tank empty front
    Japan gather on 36 or 33 attack yunnan
    US  carrier on 10 and transpot on 101
    UK defend sealion and protect cario,just attack 96 use airunit
    italy get moroco and gibetar,make 92~98 empty
    other little country do anything earn more IPC
    that’s first turn.

    other turn
    Germany always attack SU
    SU protect NOvgorod or Russia
    Japan defeat China and get Dutch island
    US just wait for chance to attack(but 1:japan navy are too strong 2:if attack Germany,Germany will be empty Normandy,than next turn attack Normandy。
    UK just defend and stop Italy on Africa。
    Italy just do anything to make his IPC more and more。
    that’s all。

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    SU 6 tank empty front

    That’s just the beginning of your problems.

    If the Germans just build all tanks, just build ALL infantry with Russia,  you will kill them everytime.

  • Tanks cost twice as much as infantry, and only offer 3 attack to an infantry’s 2 defense.  Russia should be able to do ok against that unless it isn’t buying that much infantry.

    With no Sea Lion threat (especially if you’ve used this same strategy in 40+ games) it shouldn’t be hard for Britain to hold Cairo.  Does it?  If it does, then Germany can’t win.  It’s fairly straightforward.  If Germany can take Moscow and not have any threats in Europe then the Allies aren’t being aggressive enough.

    If Germany has a lot of units around France, the USA can easily go somewhere else - most likely Italy, but potentially it could go for reinforcing Egypt or potentially even reinforcing Russia. And if Germany is emptying Normandy then the UK can land there too and make a decent combined defense.  Every German unit killed or sent to reinforce France (or Italy) is a unit that can’t help to beat Russia.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Double check the rules you are using, and make sure they are the right ones.

    It is  VERY difficult for the Axis to win…

    Alpha 2 agreed
    Alpha 3 agreed to a lesser extent.


    SU 6 tank empty front

    That’s just the beginning of your problems.

    If the Germans just build all tanks, just build ALL infantry with Russia,  you will kill them everytime.

    Agreed, the tank dash strategy has been debunked.  It reared its head in Revised, Anniversary, OOB-G40 and Alpha 2 (unsure on Alpha 1) and now in Alpha 3.

    Biggest problem with tank dash has always been you will never get double movement out of them on the front lines.  You can reinforce quickly, but not move in double. 
    Second biggest problem is that Russia can purchse 2 infantry for every 1 tank you build.  THat’s 4 defensive punch vs 3 attacking punch. 
    Third biggest problem is that Germany cannot afford the tens of tanks needed to accomplish this.  (At the very least I expect a working strategy would require no less than 40 tanks, more likely 60 if you consider your casualities as well.)

  • eheroboy, It is a little difficult to understand what you are trying to say and i think many people are questioning what you are saying because they are having the same problem so let me as you a very important question, Ni hui shuo Zhongwen ma? Ni ming bai ma?

  • you gotta change your keyboard to hieroglyphs, the Chinese don’t use Roman letters like the rest of the world.  Beware the future!

    I took a chinese history class last semester.  All their Emperors gave themselves ruling names.  So for instance I’d become Brad the Peaceful Lily or something.  In class I said, did anyone ever give themselves a cool name like ‘brad the badass’ or Brad the Lionheart’.  The teacher just giggled and said no.:)

  • @JimmyHat:

    you gotta change your keyboard to hieroglyphs, the Chinese don’t use Roman letters like the rest of the world.

    allow me to introduce you to why you are wrong  :-D http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinyin

    and I tried to PM the guy but the browser on my computer at work didnt want to load it for some reason, sorry

  • @Clyde85:

    eheroboy, It is a little difficult to understand what you are trying to say and i think many people are questioning what you are saying because they are having the same problem so let me as you a very important question, Ni hui shuo Zhongwen ma? Ni ming bai ma?

    Yeah,I know that,so i am sorry.


    I just want to tell you,the tank strategy of Germany are possible.Before tank enter russia,it can give up attack directly,just choose to produce more units.When there are too many unit on su,Germany can defeat Russia.BTW,the landing of UK and US are invalid to Germany.Beacause Germany just need empty Normany,then produce two turns unit,than can defeat unit on Normany.

    At last,I am so sorry for my poor English.

  • @eheroboy:


    eheroboy, It is a little difficult to understand what you are trying to say and i think many people are questioning what you are saying because they are having the same problem so let me as you a very important question, Ni hui shuo Zhongwen ma? Ni ming bai ma?

    Yeah,I know that,so i am sorry.


    I just want to tell you,the tank strategy of Germany are possible.Before tank enter russia,it can give up attack directly,just choose to produce more units.When there are too many unit on su,Germany can defeat Russia.BTW,the landing of UK and US are invalid to Germany.Beacause Germany just need empty Normany,then produce two turns unit,than can defeat unit on Normany.

    At last,I am so sorry for my poor English.

    The thing with tanks is they’re outmatched by 2 infantry for the same price.  Even with a weaker economy Russia can do fairly well against an all tank army unless they’re using it wrong.

    If Normandy is taken, the Allies can reinforce it from London and possibly DC (depending on the transport situation).  And if Germany can beat even that, then the Allies just need to get more transports and get more troops.  Or they could go for Rome or reinforce Cairo - those would also stop a German victory.

  • @eheroboy:


    eheroboy, It is a little difficult to understand what you are trying to say and i think many people are questioning what you are saying because they are having the same problem so let me as you a very important question, Ni hui shuo Zhongwen ma? Ni ming bai ma?

    Yeah,I know that,so i am sorry.


    I just want to tell you,the tank strategy of Germany are possible.Before tank enter russia,it can give up attack directly,just choose to produce more units.When there are too many unit on su,Germany can defeat Russia.BTW,the landing of UK and US are invalid to Germany.Beacause Germany just need empty Normany,then produce two turns unit,than can defeat unit on Normany.

    At last,I am so sorry for my poor English.

    I have also seen the tank dash work well against Russia, especially considering the number of Inf Germany starts the game with.  It did however lose steam and break at the gates of Moscow due to UK and US pressure in Italy and France.  The secret is when moving the US army to Gib, don’t leave!  Keep building up that force.  It requires Germ and Italy to constantly add to their defense of the entire European coast.  Once you see a decent landing zone, head right in!  The threat of your massive landing force in Gibraltar should greatly reduce the German drive….that or try playing the other side once and awhile.  Give your opponents a chance to be the aggressor and see if they can win.

    Now to poke fun, cause its what I do, I thought I would translate that last part into traditional Chinese for you.

    Sideways Y, little house, sideways elephant, Indian teepee, upside-down house, TV with antenna, little house, Letter ‘M’ with 20 additional pen strokes.

  • Sponsor

    It sounds like you need to get back to basics with the allies.

    Uk London- build an invasion force that will capture and hold the Denmark straights, build enough in S Africa to prevent a total continental callape at the hands of Italy.

    Uk Callcuta- protect your capital and challenge the Japs for all Dutch real-estate.

    Russia- A heavy defense mixed with selective aggression.

    USA- build a large enough invasion force that can threaten Germany after the straight is open, or at least West Germany. Build a fleet strong enough to sink the Japaneese fleet (a good US player can do all of this).

    ANZAC- take out stray Jap ships with subs or Strategic bombers, island hop and take back Phillipeenes.

    China- build Infantry in the rear, wait for Japan to spread thin, and attack.

    France- walk around aimlessly in Africa.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    It sounds like you need to get back to basics with the allies.

    Uk London- build an invasion force that will capture and hold the Denmark straights, build enough in S Africa to prevent a total continental callape at the hands of Italy.
    Protect your capitol, challenge the Italians.

    Uk Callcuta- protect your capital and challenge the Japs for all Dutch real-estate.
    Invade and liberate China, pull the Egyptian fleet to bolster your fleet defense holding Japan back.

    Russia- A heavy defense mixed with selective aggression.
    Hope you dont die horribly and fast.  If Germany is attempting Sea Lion, go full aggression and kick their lilly white tails all the way back to Berlin.  Dropping 10 transports translates into 3 rounds of armor builds in my opinoin.  Get your troops forward and blitz those tanks! (Note, this is not a tank dash strategy, it’s only to get enough tanks to press forward, infantry follows to replace casualties.)

    USA- build a large enough invasion force that can threaten Germany after the straight is open, or at least West Germany. Build a fleet strong enough to sink the Japaneese fleet (a good US player can do all of this).
    Given the changes, balance your forces.  3 Rounds of ships to counter the Japanese, 1 round of ships to block the Italians (ie, 6 ships in SZ 101 if you can). Press into Africa and keep the Italians from getting NOs as best you can, join with the Austro-English fleets and press Japan into a corner.

    ANZAC- take out stray Jap ships with subs or Strategic bombers, island hop and take back Phillipeenes.
    Get a carrier and some destroyers, bolster the American defense.

    China- build Infantry in the rear, wait for Japan to spread thin, and attack.
    Hope you dont die.

    France- walk around aimlessly in Africa.
    Declare war on Japan, use your destroyer for something semi-useful like blocking the Japanese from hitting the British fleet early, or attacking wayward transports/submarines in the Pacific.  Die horribly in Europe/Africa.

    My comments in red.  Not to counterdict Young, but to add my own philosiphy along side it.

  • I think that until you’ve played at least 10 games against several different people at your level of ability that any speculation is just conjecture,                It does make interesting coversation

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