More links added, working on more
Axis&Allies 1936: the World at War (WAW)
I’m working on a 1936 versione of Axis&Allies: Global 1940.
The map is 40% completed and based on Supreme Command version with more territories (with an historical focus) and an attention to diplomatic aspect of the game, i would be glad to receive some help in the diplomatic aspects of the game considering that we start with the Spanish Civil War.
We have some events:
Spanish Civil War (1936). the players can choose if join or not the war.
Attack to Ethiopia by Italy (1936)
Second Sino-Japanese war (1937)
Anschluss (1938)
Munich Conference (1938)
Battle of Khalkyn Gol (1939)
Non aggression pact between SU and Japan. (1939)
Molotov-Ribentropp Pact (1939)with diplomatic consequences on neutral, pro-axis and pro-allies blocks:
Central Europe block (Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria): Pro AXIS
Balcan block (Poland, Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece, Turkey): Pro ALLIES, with Turkey can switch to Pro-Axis or AXIS, if Germany takes at least two russian VC (work in progress)Middle East block:
Iraq - Pro- Axis
Iran - Neutral (towards Pro-Axis)
Saudi Arabia - Neutral
Afghanistan - NeutralFar East:
Mongolia: Soviet Ally
Manchukuo: Japan Ally and Puppet State
Communist China: Pro Soviet. played by Soviet Player.
Siam: Pro-Axis (Japan)African block
Liberia: Neutral
Sierra Leone: NeutralSouth American block:
Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, Brasil, Chile - Pro-Allies
Paraguay-Uruguay-Argentina - Neutral ( towards Pro-Axis)European block:
Holland, Belgium, Republican Spain (Pro-Allies)
Nationalist Spain - Pro-AxisNorth Europe block:
Norway and Danimark: neutral (pro-Allies)
Sweden and Finland: neutral (pro-axis)New Units:
Air Units: same units but with the chance to assign veterancy (+1,+1) when the player lost an amount of units. 3 fighters for 1 blue chip of veterancy, 2 bombers… and so on.
Naval Units: big news.
Sub: Cost 6, Move 3, ATT 2, DEF 1. Submerge, Surprise strike.
Destroyer: Cost 6, Move 3, ATT 1, DEF 2. Can deny Sub skills.
Light Cruiser: Cost 10, Move 3, ATT 3, DEF 2. Destroyer with blue chip
Heavy Cruiser: Cost 13, Move 2, ATT 3, DEF 3. Shore bomb.
Battle Cruiser: Cost 18, Move 2, ATT 4, DEF 4. Shore bomb. Cruiser with blue chip
BattleShip: Cost 24, Move 2, ATT 4, DEF 4. 2 HP. Shore bomb.
Heavy Battleship: Cost 28, Move 2, ATT 4, DEF 4. 2 HP. Shot with 2 shells (double dice). Shore Bomb. BB with blue chipLight Carrier\Escort Carrier: Cost 8, Move 3, ATT 0, DEF 1. 1 HP. Can load 1 fighter.
Fleet Carrier: Cost 16, Move 2, ATT 1, DEF 2. 2 HP. Can load 2 fighters. AC with blue chip.Transport: Cost 6, Move 2, ATT 0, DEF 0. No Cannon Shield.
Bunkers: Cost 6, Move 0, ATT 0, DEF 3. Must be garrisoned, one infantry for one bunker.
Heavy Artillery: Cost 6, Move 1 (only NCM), ATT 3 (only OpenFire against Ships at Shore or during an attack on an adjacent territory), DEF 3.
Light Artillery. Can be towed by Mech Infantry on NCM (move 2). During CM move 1.
Paratroopers technology from the start.
Elite Units (working in progress)
SS Infantry: (infantry blue chip)Cost 4, ATT 2, DEF 3. Move 1. Only 8 on field
SS Panzergren.: (Mech Unit blue chip) Cost 5, ATT 3, DEF 3. Move 2. Only 6 on field
SS Panzer Division: (Tank unit blue chip) Cost 8, ATT 4, DEF 4, Move 2. Ony 3 on field.SS units (mech and tank) if win on the first round they have the chance to launch another attack if they have another mov. points.
Soviet Union.
Guards infantry. (infantry blue chip) Cost 4, ATT 1, DEF 3. Move 1. Only 12 on field.
Guards Shock. (Mech unit blue chip) Cost 5, ATT 3, DEF 2. Move 2. Only 8 on field.
Guards Tank. (tank unit blue chip) cost 7, ATT 4, DEF 3. Move 2. Only 4 on field.United States.
Marines. (Dark Green blue chip) Cost 4, ATT 2, DEF 2. Move 1. (12 units on field). During an amphib. ass. they attack on 3 hit or less.
Rangers\Airborne (Standard green blue chip), Cost 5, ATT 2, DEF 3. Move 1. (8 units on field). During an Airborne op. They attack on 3 hit or less. If paired with an artillery they attack on 3 hit or less.and others stuff on i’m working… :-)
Rangers were not really in use in WW2.
They did have a very small group in training but this is negligible.
Very interested to see how the political rules work for the events listed.
Leave the Rangers in the game if only for this historical prespective:
Pointe du Hoc.the Germans had built, as part of the Atlantic Wall, six casemates to house a battery of captured French 155mm guns. With Pointe Du Hoc situated between Utah Beach to the west and Omaha Beach to the east, these guns threatened Allied landings on both beaches, risking heavy casualties in the landing forces. Although there were several bombardments from the air and by naval guns, intelligence reports assumed that the fortifications were too strong, and would also require attack by ground forces. The U.S. 2nd Ranger Battalion was therefore given the task of destroying the strongpoint early on D-Day.Prior to the attack, the guns were moved approximately 1 mile away; however, the concrete fortifications were intact, and would still present a major threat to the landings if they were occupied by artillery forward observers. The Ranger Battalion commanders and executive officers knew the guns had moved, but the rest of the Rangers were not informed prior to the attack. The Ranger battalion was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel James Earl Rudder. The plan called for the three companies of Rangers to be landed by sea at the foot of the cliffs, scale them using ropes, ladders, and grapples under enemy fire, and engage the enemy at the top of the cliff. This was to be carried out before the main landings. The Rangers trained for the cliff assault on the Isle of Wight, under the direction of British Commandos. The costliest part of the battle for the Rangers came after the cliff assault. Determined to hold the vital ground, yet isolated from other Allied forces and outnumbered by the German garrison on the point, the Rangers fended off several counterattacks from the German 916th Grenadier-Regiment. Rudder’s men were finally relieved after units of the American 29th Infantry Division’s 116th Infantry Regiment broke through to the Rangers from Omaha Beach on June 7.
The original plans had also called for an additional, larger Ranger force of eight companies to follow the first attack, if successful. Flares from the cliff tops were to signal this second wave to join the attack, but because of the delayed landing, the signal came too late, and the other Rangers, mostly of the U.S. 5th Ranger Battalion, landed on Omaha instead of Pointe du Hoc. The added impetus these 500+ Rangers provided on the stalled Omaha Beach landing has been conjectured to have averted a disastrous failure there, since they carried the assault beyond the beach, into the overlooking bluffs and outflanked the German defenses. At the end of the 2-day action, the initial Ranger landing force of 225+ was reduced to about 90 men who could still fight. One of the battleships which helped the battalion was the USS Texas (BB-35). In the aftermath of the battle, some Rangers became convinced that French civilians had taken part in the fighting on the German side. A number of French civilians accused of shooting at American forces or of serving as artillery observers for the Germans were executed.
Very interesting submarine you have there. Faster than a cruiser and a fleet carrier. Do all countries have this super sub?
Rangers were not really in use in WW2.
They did have a very small group in training but this is negligible.
Yeah, you’re right, i’m considering only airborne troops now.
Very interesting submarine you have there. Faster than a cruiser and a fleet carrier. Do all countries have this super sub?
I’m thinking to assign this long-range skill only to german sub to give them more chance to survive and to make long range raids.
For other ships i’m thinking to down the move to 2 to avoid diffent speed, but i’m looking for historical details about main fleets and patrol\advanced fleets formed by destroyer, CVL and light cruisers to give deeper tactical choices.
A shot of wip North Africa
Very nice rules and map!
What program did you use to create this map?