And actually, here’s a supplementary idea. Since the I.D. charts contain a silhouette for every nation-specific sculpt, what you could do is produce a nation-specific version of this chart for all of the player powers, with the name and symbol of each power added at the top. The textual data would remain the same in every chart; all you’d need to do is is replace the unit images.
My Painted Europe 1940 Set
can i buy some nice work man :-D how hard was it to make
can i buy some nice work man :-D
thanks! Well, I’ve been interested in selling my work, so it’s definitely a possibility! :-D Send me a personal message if you’re interested so we don’t clutter this thread.
@450thMSAF:how hard was it to make
well… I’ve gotten to the point where it is easy for me. But it took a LOT of practice. I fully painted a 1942 set before I got some really good results.
You can get 1/700 scale decals for the planes and save time making all these roundels.
IL is right…you can find US,Uk and japan decals.
You can also find decals for 1/285 scale vehicles for, US, USSR and german decals.
Here’s some examples the work man, well done. Question to you and to any other painters - do you ever paint the underneath of the aircraft?
Yes -
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jul 19, 2011, 6:08 AM They have everything you need
Love the work man, well done. Question to you and to any other painters - do you ever paint the underneath of the aircraft?
I do/did, tried to match up to the shades exhibited to photos I found on the Internet (though zeros were more often the same color as the top). :-)
@Imperious: They have everything you need
This goes to an empty site.
I think you meant these guys, right?
Here there’s nothing to be done.
Really nice looking pieces, great work!
Thanks man!
I94 customer service is terrible. I emailed them for a week trying to give me better descriptions than country and scale. When they say 1/700 scale what are they comparing it to? When I asked for clarification they ignored me.
I painted my own roundels on the as well. They don’t look as nice as the decals, but I think they do look like they match better.
I also painted the bottom side of the planes, but no detail. If you dont then you can normally see where you stopped painting since the bottom of the planes are round.
Awesome work ….got some ideas there for my painted set :)
I’m glad to hear it! Good luck.
I really have to applaud you hand painting your markings. Doing research from other games that use larger scales of miniatures I found that at the tabletop level (i.e. small miniatures from 2-4 feet away) hand painting while not as precise looks even better than a close-up look at that table top level. I also thing that hand painting markings makes them that much more unique and amazing.
Either way I love what you’ve done.
Nice work Spitfire….nicely done…you definitely have a great touch and good sense for color schemes. Once again nice job.
I really have to applaud you hand painting your markings. Doing research from other games that use larger scales of miniatures I found that at the tabletop level (i.e. small miniatures from 2-4 feet away) hand painting while not as precise looks even better than a close-up look at that table top level. I also thing that hand painting markings makes them that much more unique and amazing.
Either way I love what you’ve done.
Nice work Spitfire….nicely done…you definitely have a great touch and good sense for color schemes. Once again nice job.
Thanks guys - I appreciate the compliments. I also prefer the uniformity and smoothness that hand painting gives.
Happy painting.
I have looked at I-94’s decals and thought about it… the only ones I have trouble with are the Russian stars. I enjoy hand painting the insignia and I feel like it makes it look more uniform when it’s all paint, but like you said, it would definitely save some time :lol:
Well you could save some effort there as Moscow ordered upper wing stars to be painted out on the eve of the German invasion……plain green was also changed to green with a black disruptive camo pattern
I have looked at I-94’s decals and thought about it… the only ones I have trouble with are the Russian stars. I enjoy hand painting the insignia and I feel like it makes it look more uniform when it’s all paint, but like you said, it would definitely save some time :lol:
Well you could save some effort there as Moscow ordered upper wing stars to be painted out on the eve of the German invasion……plain green was also changed to green with a black disruptive camo pattern
I didn’t know that they painted over the top-wing stars. Thanks for sharing! If I were to paint them again, I’d probably leave them on or use decals, just for easy recognition on the game board, but I like knowing what was historically accurate.