• '10


    the map looks good, but i still think they need to add 1 or 2 more territories between germany and paris.

    That is what I was going to suggest.

  • @Imperious:


    I see a pattern here…lack of knowledge about ww1, but still making games based on ww1. hmmmm.

    Are you contemplating requesting a refund from them for the 6 set you preordered???

  • That might get ugly…

  • Why does Britian seem to control Serbia, the 3 tt that make up Rumania(no idea why they would need 3) and Greece? Why dose it appear that Germany wont even need to bother going inot Belgium to take out France. There is a level of detail to the map in places that wont need it (like Rumania) while there is a lack of detail in places that should(like North East France). The level of historical innaccurices makes me wonder if they werent half way through making a WW2 game and decided to change it.

    I again acknowladge that this is a proto-type (though arent they close to release?) and the final product my differ but this dosnt look like a very convincing WW1 map to begin with, and I again point that this looks like a modded old A&A Europe map.

  • I am not going for any refund. I can use the pieces for other games anyway.

  • Have they talked with you?

    Have you offered any suggestions?

    Is there an email address we can address our concerns to?

  • I tried but they didn’t return emails. Just look at their forums and you can see nobody doing any work to kill spam. So this is the pattern emerging.

  • I highly doubt that this latest map is a prototype, arent they releasing this month? Bit late to try and fix the huge number of glaring problems with this map.

    I also would like to retract a previous statment, when I declared that their map looked like a modded version of the old A&A Europe from 1999. After looking at these two maps closer I see that while they have many striking similarties some of that may be inherent when you consider the subject matter (how many diferent ways are there to draw Europe after all). I realized that, infact, their map was a modded version of the avalon hills Diplomacy after closer comparison with some terittories being directly coppied (if you have this version of Diplomacy compare the tt boundries of sevastopol with the Conflicts caucasus and St. Petersberg with Conflicts north muscovy). Either way, this is a major problem with a game where the map plays a central part.

  • It is not coming out till 2012 as per their own site.

  • I would mix and match table tactics pieces for Central Powers with this game.

  • Customizer

    I think that the combat system is not the same as regular A&A.

    My guess is that units move into a zone with enemy units and there is only 1 round of combat per turn (like A&A D-Day).  No moving out of the contested space until all enemy units are cleared.

    As we saw in D-day, this could take several turns when both sides are feeding units into the contested space.  I think that this system would work quite well to mimic stagnation on a front, and also creating huge attrition losses.

  • there we go, I bet jim figured it out ! atleast it makes more sense then it have unlimited rounds of combat.

  • Customizer

    I’m just guessing, but this is the only combat system that that I know of that could replicate WW I stagnation and attrition.

    If this is the system they are using, then I think the map they have is appropriate.

  • Customizer

    I think I’ll buy this regardless .  Even if I play it once, it would still cost more to go out and watch a movie with the family.

    But I DON’t like the ommision of the US.  They should be represented as a separate power.

  • It is nonsense to not have the United States represented.

    Somehow, after initial enthusiasm for this game, I feel less than sure about it.

    The inaccurate map, the lack of Zeppelins, no USA units…

    I want to buy it it, but I’ll be wary.


  • Customizer

    If the combat system is what I suspect it to be, it will work well.  For the money, I think it is worth it.

  • We can always add the USA units and taylor it to our needs as has always been done in the past with Axis and Allies games.  Can’t the map be downloaded and changes made to it after we have it in our hands???

  • The game has US represented. They are just using blue pieces since USA comes at the end. Just paint some blue pieces green and you got it. All the pieces have the same sculpts anyway.

    You can always draw a micro map for France adding new areas.

  • I think I’m going to buy one, I can always customize it with my own pieces, is anyone thinking of making a better map that we can download and print? 
    Also, I can’t seem to find any other WW1 A&A type games out there, are there any?

  • theres no existing officale A&A games out there, but imperious leader made one a while back and it looked great. I’m working on one but keep getting playtesting set back (damn map keeps ripping :() and I think a couple other user made some.

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