• Well its been awhile now so I guess its been some time coming- minimal changes, but hopefully the right ones- cross your fingers…final Alpha soon someday… :| :wink:


  • This is very good news.  I am glad to hear it but I hope there are at least a few setup changes.  Thanks for sharing this!

  • I hope he enlarges China’s operational area, its ridiculous that China cannot enter Korea, but lets also add Formosa and sz20.  :evil:

  • Great… now i have to update my Setup Charts

  • Would’ve been useful if the Global Forum have had a subforum for alpha 2 (not all threads mention this so it often gets confusing), like Anniversary has for 41 and 42.
    It’s gonna get more messy soon…

    Maybe an idea for all Alpha+3 threads?

  • @special:

    Would’ve been useful if the Global Forum have had a subforum for alpha 2 (not all threads mention this so it often gets confusing). It’s gonna get more messy soon…

    Maybe an idea for all Alpha+3 threads?

    You must be joking, no member at A& play by OOB rules. We always use the latest rules.

  • @Razor:


    Would’ve been useful if the Global Forum have had a subforum for alpha 2 (not all threads mention this so it often gets confusing). It’s gonna get more messy soon…

    Maybe an idea for all Alpha+3 threads?

    You must be joking, no member at A& play by OOB rules. We always use the latest rules.

    You’d be surprised, i think.

  • Any idea when it’s going to be posted?

  • @Commando:

    Any idea when it’s going to be posted?

    My guess is today.

  • @Razor:


    Would’ve been useful if the Global Forum have had a subforum for alpha 2 (not all threads mention this so it often gets confusing). It’s gonna get more messy soon…

    Maybe an idea for all Alpha+3 threads?

    You must be joking, no member at A& play by OOB rules. We always use the latest rules.

    Generalizations are bad (and quite often wrong).

  • Man Im gonna feel real bad for all those poor people who printed out those fine Alpha 2 set-up charts floating around. Well I thought Alpha 2 was fine, but I guess Larry thought otherwise. This can only make the game better I suppose.

  • The game needed a little tweeking. I feel the game was a little in favor of the Allies.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Speaking of matriculations… I’m about to post Alpha +3 so be on the look out for it. There’s not a lot of differences between Alpha +2 and Alpha +3 but there are some changes, nonetheless. These changes are more or less related to SBR’s, a US National Objective or two and a couple of Research & Development modifications. And, oh yeah… a slight change to the Convoy Disruption rules. Let me know what you think. I’ll post it here of course and it will be called… drum roll… Alpha +3 (how’s that for a matriculation?).


    Based on what’s been discussed here, and there, I’m hoping for the following:

    SBR Rules: Tactical Bombers get a +1 or Strategic Bombers get a +3.  Not sure which way this is going to go, but it seems the most logical conclusion and, personally, I am hoping for the TBs getting a boost, right now I rarely, if ever, use them for SBR campaigns.  I’ve used them to stop Japan from using a Naval Base to attack India, or to stop Japan from using air bases to scramble from.

    American NO: Man do I hope at least 10 IPCs are moved to the Atlantic.  IL mentioned that it’s probably the Mexican NO being moved, but I’m really hoping for the 10 IPC Continental United States NO to be moved!  I’d like Morocco, Algeria and Gibraltar for 5; S. Italy for 5.  Barring S. Italy, perhaps Normandy (W. France)?

    Convoy Rules: Have to concur with consensus, this is probably making German submarines automatically raid at 3 damage.  I can’t imagine anything else.

    R&D: Honestly, the whole system is useless IMHO.  The map is just too large to be as effective as it was!  Anniversary was, perhaps, the maximal map size for the technologies before diminishing returns.  IMHO: Reduce it to 6 technologies: LRA (+2 Fighters, Tactical Bombers, +3 Strategic Bombers - this because the map is just plain HUGE; in fact, I’d add one to Aircraft range period anyway); Heavy Bombers (TB’s always attack at 4, SB’s roll 2 dice, take best result - do 3 dice dmg on SBRs, take best 2 results): Shipyards (reduced cost AND naval yards double ship range), Airbases (reduced cost (Fighters: 9, TBs: 9, SBs: 10) +2 range): Heavy Infantry (MI attack at 2 when coupled with tank, MI can blitz as per tank rules), War Bonds (2 dice + 2 IPCs)

    I bet most of that’s wrong, but I’m hoping for some, or all, of it!  I guess I can stop bitching about Alpha 2 now, I can start bitching about Alpha 3!

    Of course, OOB was horrible, Alpha was better, Alpha 2 was bad the other way, but better, so maybe Alpha 3 fixes it?  I’d love to see America “encouraged” to invest in the Atlantic.  It shouldn’t take ridiculous chances for the Axis to win a game!

    Probably the only way to balance is to make it possible for the Axis to win by round 13-15.

  • I’m sorry, but was OOB horrifically unbalanced to the Allies?

  • Larry siking us out again… :-D

    His NEW post with my response.


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Here’s another one, we could probably use a destroyer added to SZ 98, to reduce the fluctuation of the SZ 97 battle.

  • '12


    The game needed a little tweeking. I feel the game was a little in favor of the Allies.

    I agree with you… I think that Alpha 2 is better than the OOB, but still not balanced.  In our gaming group, we are finding that the Allies are always winning.

  • Agreed! Has anyone play tested games where the US doesn’t come into the war until Turn 4? Seems likes this may be an easy fix to the game. Although I don’t know, as I haven’t tried it before.

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