• Does anybody have any information on where oil was stockpiled by what country and where. I know pearl harbor just filled their oil storage tanks prior to the Japanese bombing, I believe 500,000 tons of oil.
    I would appreciate the information.

  • Here are the rules I’m going to use to my oil refineries:

    Cost: 10
    Move: 0
    Attack: 0
    Defense: 0 (AA ability)

    Oil refineries give the nation that possesses it an extra 1 IPC income. These refineries can be built in any land territory you control; you can only have one per territory.
    These facilities just like AA guns are destroyed when captured by a nation.

    Convoy disruption ability:

    The oil Refineries also helps you when your enemy is disrupting one of your convoys. If you have an oil refinery anywhere on the map and your enemy is disrupting one of your convoys with one ship you don’t lose any IPC. You don’t lose IPC’s from convoy disruption has long has you have the same number of oil refineries has your enemy has ships doing convoy disruption. For example Germany has 2 ships in a UK convoy, and UK has an oil refinery in South Africa, in this case UK only loses 1 IPC. This ability only works as long has you have oil refineries.

    AA ability:

    Oil refineries have AA ability just like any other facility.

  • First pictures I have taken:

  • Your counters look great!

  • @coachofmany:

    Your counters look great!

    Thanx man

  • @12doze12:

    Here are the rules I’m going to use to my oil refineries:

    Cost: 10

    Oil refineries give the nation that possesses it an extra 0.5 IPC income,
    but they only last one turn,


    This makes them completely useless.  Why would I SPEND 10 IPC’s to GAIN 0.5 IPC’s for one turn?  I would be throwing away 9.5 IPC’s for nothing?

  • @gamegeek:


    Here are the rules I’m going to use to my oil refineries:

    Cost: 10

    Oil refineries give the nation that possesses it an extra 0.5 IPC income,
    but they only last one turn,


    This makes them completely useless.  Why would I SPEND 10 IPC’s to GAIN 0.5 IPC’s for one turn?  I would be throwing away 9.5 IPC’s for nothing?

    Is for balance reasons if they cost like 5 or 8 everyone would buy one each turn, 0.5 IPC is also for balance reasons but I might change that to 1

  • I don’t understand why they are destroyed after just 1 turn.  That seems pointless to me.
    You purchase 2 refineries for 20 IPCs.  You GET 1 IPC of extra income.  The 2 refineries negate 2 IPCs of convoy disruption.  Therefore, you just spent 20 IPCs for a net value of 3 IPCs in income.  So, you are LOSING 17 IPCs!  I’m sorry, but I just don’t understand why you think this makes sense.
    I think refineries should be a more stable fixture.  Perhaps make them like AA Guns so if an enemy captures the territory, then they are destroyed.  They shouldn’t be automatically done away with after each round.  OR, if you keep them at the 1 round use, then they should be MUCH cheaper, like 2-4 IPCs. 
    No one is going to spend 10 IPCs for a facility that can be used for only 1 round, protects 1 IPC of convoy disruptions and only nets them 1/2 IPC of income, which you can’t even USE a 1/2 IPC.

  • @knp7765:

    I don’t understand why they are destroyed after just 1 turn.  That seems pointless to me.
    You purchase 2 refineries for 20 IPCs.  You GET 1 IPC of extra income.  The 2 refineries negate 2 IPCs of convoy disruption.  Therefore, you just spent 20 IPCs for a net value of 3 IPCs in income.  So, you are LOSING 17 IPCs!  I’m sorry, but I just don’t understand why you think this makes sense.
    I think refineries should be a more stable fixture.  Perhaps make them like AA Guns so if an enemy captures the territory, then they are destroyed.  They shouldn’t be automatically done away with after each round.  OR, if you keep them at the 1 round use, then they should be MUCH cheaper, like 2-4 IPCs. 
    No one is going to spend 10 IPCs for a facility that can be used for only 1 round, protects 1 IPC of convoy disruptions and only nets them 1/2 IPC of income, which you can’t even USE a 1/2 IPC.

    I will be testing my rules and then I might change them or not

  • No testing required.  As you have them stated they are absolutely worthless because you are spending 9x what you are getting in return (at best).

    More reasonable would be :

    Limit one per territory
    Cost 10
    Built in AA gun
    Targetable for bombing raids (just as factories, shipyards and airfields are)
    Produce +1 IPC per turn, every turn, reduce convoy raiding effect in adjacent sea-zones by 1 IPC.

    Even then, you’d have to hope the game goes to approximately 7-8 rounds (assuming you buy one first round) just get see a break even point from it.

  • OK, I think that would do it, Thanks gamegeek.

  • Hey Doze, think about using your oil pump tokens to represent oil wells. Each well produces x number barrels of oil. X number barrels of oil required to do all your operations per round. It would have to vary according to the size of your military.

  • @Fishmoto37:

    Hey Doze, think about using your oil pump tokens to represent oil wells. Each well produces x number barrels of oil. X number barrels of oil required to do all your operations per round. It would have to vary according to the size of your military.

    I already thought of that using the HBG oil roundles but I will maybe do that in Summer vacations but for now let me just finish printing and testing the oil pump and bunker counters

  • @12doze12:

    OK, I think that would do it, Thanks gamegeek.

    You’re welcome.  I just looked at the rules for oil tokens you had there and it boggled my mind.  Nobody in their right mind would bother!  lol.
    At least with what I have proposed there MAY be some interest, but even then I personally wouldn’t buy them as I’d rather put those IPC’s towards combat units.

  • Oil rules need to be where the oil is required to keep operating your military.

  • Each unit built should cost a number of oil tokens: Hence you cant just buy a bunch of battleships to sail around the world, you need fuel

    every ten IPC worth of land units built cost 1 oil token

    every ten IPC worth of air units cost 2 oil tokens

    every ten IPC worth of naval units cost 3 oil tokens

    each oil token must be bought before and can be bombed like a factory.

    fractions are rounded up, so if you buy 11 IPC worth of land units you spent 2 OIL tokens

    Thats battleship will cost you 6 oil tokens to make, so it really costs 26 IPC

    The game has way too many IPC and too many pieces, stuff should cost more.

    an oil center token costs 3 IPC, oil tokens are chips placed under counter costing 1 IPC each.

    Every time you build crap you also spend oil tokens. If the enemy bombed them you cant build any units, so protect them.

    You may also steal enemy tokens by conquest.

  • IL, agreed, your idea for oil tokens use and cost makes sense.  This will make a player really think about their purchases instead of as you stated just buying a bunch of Battleships and sailing the around the world.  Ships use a lot of fuel so this would make a nice variant to any game.

  • @WARRIOR888:

    IL, agreed, your idea for oil tokens use and cost makes sense.  This will make a player really think about their purchases instead of as you stated just buying a bunch of Battleships and sailing the around the world.  Ships use a lot of fuel so this would make a nice variant to any game.

    The invasion Italy game uses this concept, I believe games at the tactical level makes a great use of this.

  • We may have to modify the Guadalcanal rules… :-D

  • Modify Guadalcanal rules will prevent the Japanese player from sending a fleet of ships about every two turns down the slot.  I like this idea of oil for units.  No oil, no IJN or USN to attack with.

3 / 4

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







