Il revise my statement:
No one knew about oil in Saudi Arabia until AFTER WWII
"The origins of Saudi Aramco can be traced back to May 29, 1933, when the Saudi government granted a concession to Standard Oil of California (Socal) in preference to a rival bid from the Iraq Petroleum Company. The concession allowed Socal to explore for oil in Saudi Arabia. Socal assigned this concession to a wholly owned subsidiary called California-Arabian Standard Oil Co. (Casoc). In 1936, with the company having no success at locating oil, the Texas Oil Company (Texaco) purchased a 50% stake of the concession.[14]
After four years of fruitless exploration, the first success came with the seventh drill site in Dammam, a few miles north of Dhahran in 1938, a well referred to as Dammam No. 7. This well immediately produced over 1,500 barrels per day (240 m3/d), giving the company confidence to continue. The company name was changed in 1944 from California-Arabian Standard Oil Company to Arabian American Oil Company (or Aramco). In 1948, Socal and Texaco were joined as investors by Standard Oil of New Jersey (Esso) which purchased 30% of the company, and Socony Vacuum (later Mobil) which purchased 10% of the company, leaving Socal and Texaco with 30% each."
Each year this becomes 547,500 barrels per year. 1/2 million barrels may not meet the threshold. 1 million should be the minimum