Starfleet Battles started in 1979. To say it’s an in-depth game would be an understatement. It isn’t difficult to play but the rule book is 224 pages long…and that’s the basic game. It is based on TOS (the original series) of star trek and has vastly expanded upon it. The advanced game (Advanced Missions) adds quite a bit more to the game and then there are a plethora of modules that add empires, ships, weapons systems etc to the game.
I’d suggest starting with the basic set which contains, IIRC, the Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Tholians, Orions and the Kzinti. Basic will have a small number of ships for each to try out such as heavy cruisers, light cruisers and frigates. If you like it then the next step is Advanced and modules C1-C3 which add Lyran, Gorn, Hydran, ISC and WYN. But there are many more empires including Carnivon, Paravian, Peladine, Borak, Nicozian and that’s just the Alpha Octant. There is also the Omega Octant which has multiple empires. Each has a different type of ship and different weapons systems.
There is a LOT of tactics in this game and a lot of subtle nuances. It is NOT fast paced for the most part, although that’s not to suggest it drags along. What I’m saying is that the more experienced you get the more things you’ll find you can do with your ship. There’s been 36 years of tactics developed by the players such as the Kaufman retrograde, Mizia effect, saber dancing, knife fighting, hack-n-slash, plasma ballet, Gorn anchor and one I developed called the Carnivon b!tch slap.
There are national tournaments (I reached the finals in a couple of them). Biggest drawbacks are that the owning company is small by comparison to companies like WOTC and such. If you walk into a game/hobby shop they’re very likely to know what Axis and Allies is but look at you like you have a third eye if you ask for SFB. And the games heyday has come and gone since the early 2000’s. Back in it’s heyday it was one of, if not the biggest draw at places like Origins. And they still do Council of Five Nations every year.
If you get into it and have any questions let me know. I have almost all the material they’ve put out over the years which means I have all the empires and ships from Stellar Domination Ships down to fighters and everything inbetween. Â A&A and SFB are my two favorite strategy/tactics games.