Good to see you back. Thanks for reply. I do have what your talking about on old map and my new map. Axis control Belgian Congo receive 4 icps. Other 3 is from USA.
We don’t have the atom bomb but allies get to start game with these 4 icps but axis can get it too. Just a small house rule anyway.
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Strategic Bombing +
When it comes to strategic bombing no one commits to one. It seems there isn’t enough incentive to proceed with bombings (at least for some people). So I’ve been playing around with an idea on how to solve that problem.
–Strategic Targeting–
This die roll will determine which type of unit becomes temporarily unavailable to the victim’s
next Purchase Units phase.[1-2] [3-4] [5-6]
Ground Units Air Units Sea Unitsdepending on what you roll,
Lets say you roll a ‘2’
The attacker gets to chose any ground unit: I.E. Tank, The unit chosen cannot be
purchased at the beginning of the defenders player’s turn (this only lasts 1 turn).Here’s an example of combat:
You are Strategic Bombing with 1 SB, and 2 Escorts.
The Enemy has 2 Interceptors-The fighters proceed with combat, none are destroyed.
-The SB receives flak fire from the IC built-in AA, fortunately it was not hit.
The IC is within sight of the Bomber, 2 Dice will be rolled.
1 for Strategic Targeting, and 1 for normal damage
1d6 is rolled @ 2 > Attacker selects from Ground Units column > Tank > Tanks cannot be purchased on defenders Purchase Phase (1 turn only)
1d6 is rolled @ 3 > Industrial Complex receives 3 damage points > player chooses either to repair or not.
I believe this whole problem can get solved by simply making damage points permanent. I like your creativity though. Just a warning that this thread may get moved to the house rules forum.
I think this problem can get solved by simply making damage points permanent. I like your creativity though. Just a warning that this thread might get moved to the house rules forum.
I think this problem can get solved by simply making damage points permanent. I like your creativity though. Just a warning that this thread might get moved to the house rules forum.
That would be horrible. Maybe make them cost 2-3x as much to repair? Or maybe add + 5 onto the die roll, or maybe make it -3 and make them permanent.
Ideas that are not OOB are HOUSE RULES.
Ideas that are not OOB are HOUSE RULES.
Alpha ?
Any idea outside anything that Larry decides to post as official changes to OOB or OOB itself is a house rule…
i like this idea. this idea could work well with using it as a tech such as stategic targeting. or added to heavy bomber tech. this will also could come in handy if HBG starts making light, meduim and heavy bombers