now i have the feeling that i must comment this. only just because i have seen it working differntly and therefor i have another opinion…
A) If Germany is fully utilizing MI and Armor, then they don’t have Infantry, Artillery, Fighters or Tactical Bombers for support. They cannot. Since none of the units can both keep up and be with the MI and Armor at the end of the turn.
maybe you have a false idea of it. as germany you have a lot infantry combined with some artillery from the start on, which you don´t need to waste on England. this stack already existing can be enlarged by mech etc. so your “they cannot” is kind of absolutely false!
they can keep up the pace with mechs and tanks, because they don´t have to be bought, they have to move. G1 move those units, buy mech, G2 move those units, combine them on G1 bought mech etc. it soo easy to do so. ;)
B) That means Germany must either put his MI and Armor at risk, and I will attack them EVERY SINGLE TIME, or not fully utilize them.
see above! you would attack minimum 15 inf, 6 art, 13 mech, 8 tanks and maybe 4 to 6 planes? cool! than germany has an easy go-through to moscow!
C) If you lose them to Russian infantry, then what’s the point?
winning! :D
D) If you don’t fully utilize them, you would have been better off getting Infantry and Artillery instead of MI.
no, russia is too big and inf is too slow to pass this big russia. MI buys time every round, inf wastes time.
E) Armor is never a waste! Fine, yes it is, if you have 48 Armor and only 3 Infantry, then you wasted money on armor.
all those comments include no stupid suicide blitzing BEHIND russian lines. the mobility of mech has an inherent cumulative attribute which must not be disregarded. the first three turns germany can build 30+ mech. add those to the 20+ inf already in position. add 10 art and minimum 12 tanks. now spice it up with 3 to 5 fighters, 3 to 4 tacticals and your strategic bomber.
rock`n roll
bonus question: what is needed to beat it or defend against with? (please tell me a number of really needed troops to stop this mass…)