There were no changes to the treatment of neutrals in general, but the Soviet-Mongolian Defense Pact was added in the 2nd Edition.
Alpha+2 Global, Europe and Pacific Setup and NO charts - FINAL.
Yes I also found those omissions as well.
Also something about the wording was wrong regarding the Soviet NO for Berlin.
I fixed the wording on the Soviet NO.
And if the NO and setup charts for each country were TOGETHER as oppossed to a seperate pieces. It strange having German and Soviet setups on the same piece of paper :(
Yeah it is a little weird to have them on the same sheet but they were intended to be printed out, cut out individually and glued together on a card or laminated so that the setup is on the front and the NO’s is on the back of the card. Similar to the AA50 cards.
It’s alot of work but Im sure you will get them finalized.
Thank you for all your effort!
Thanks, very helpful!
Have printed them out and will use them soon! -
Thank you very much
very very handy
Thank you Twisted! I think these are great.
I have posted them (Thanks for your permission) to the FMG website so the greater AAA community out side this forum can be aware of the Alpha changes.
Pip Pip! Top Draw old chap!
these have been very handy
I have put everything in one file and also paired the nation setup with their NO’s together on a single page.
TwistedAries, do i need to have a subscription to your sight to be able to see these setup charts? when i click on your link, it doesnt load and all im looking at is a blank pop up
TwistedAries, do i need to have a subscription to your sight to be able to see these setup charts? when i click on your link, it doesnt load and all im looking at is a blank pop up
Looks like they have been removed because of being outdated.
Thanks bud.
Im looking to Frankenstein the ultimate 1940 global game ;) still looking for a battle chart too