• '14

    I actually Used a panzer grey and a light grey. The panzer grey isn’t quite as distinguishable as the light grey from the black, but it works!

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '12 '11


    Revision to rules and setups are posted at the beginning of this thread. Hope we are getting close to perfection.


    Went through the revised rules and maybe I found a couple of ’ mistakes ’ to correct :

    Under Political Situation, at # 7 USA, 2nd para,2nd line ’ them together until RUSSIA reaches its full production of 80 '. I think you meant US not RUSSIA, didn’t you ?

    At #9 Communist China. It is mentionned that you can’t attack Nationalist China twice, 3rd and last sentence. Maybe remove the last sentence. But it is no big deal if you leave it there, it is like to make a point.

    One more : On the Japan set up sheet, in : Infantry special, 2nd line, change the word bonzai to banzai.

    That’s all.

    Also ref sneak attack, I read that you can only do one sneak battle in that attack, is that so ? What I meant is I sneak attacked, on J1,  the US Pacific fleets in sea zones # 120 and # 133 and destroyed both fleets in one go with almost no unit lost to Japan and took San Francisco, and the US lose the 20ipc NO. It will be a while before the US can retake it. At J2, all the Pacific US convoys were occupied , and US is down to around 60, ipc wise, then substract the convoys and the US will collect less than 50 ipcs… Am I doing something wrong or is it ok so far ?

    J.  8-)

  • is the sneek atteack basicly like rolling twice befor you oponent attacks back? will that work?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '12 '11


    is the sneek atteack basicly like rolling twice befor you oponent attacks back? will that work?

    No. There is two impulses in the turn of the sneak attack. Only Germany ( on its first turn  ) and Japan ( between turn 1 and 7 ) can do it.

    First Impulse :                                    Second impulse :

    1. Build & repair units                          1. Combat moves
    2. Combat moves                                2. Combat
    3. Combat                                          3. NCM
    4. Non combat moves                          4. Adjust IPC’s & collect income
    5. Place built units                              5. End second impulse
    6. End first impulse

    Ref to my question about Japan sneak attack on the US is because of the special rule concerning the US. It reads as follow : First time US is attacked before turn 7, US ships,air/naval bases, and aircraft can not return fire for the first round of combat ( so there it is like rolling twice before you opponent attacks back, in part ). Ships can not return fire until round 3.

    I did a sneak attack on 2 US sea zones ( 120 & 133 ) in turn 1 with Japan, was the sneak attack allowed on both or only one of those sea zones ?

    J.  8-)

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '12 '11

    Here is the question and answer that bugs me, from page 25 in the rules, :

     For the first time the US is attacked by Japan, does the lack of return fire apply to multiple battles or only one? Just one Battle

    I guess you can say that it is clear that it is only for one battle and that only one of my attacks was legal. If it is so, then I should have had a harder time to destroy the fleet in sea zone 120 or 133.

    A sneak attack should be a sneak attack all the way, I.E. more than one battle. But then again maybe it is too strong for more then one battle.

    Well, after a night sleep, I guess that I answered my own question. I will abide by the ruling for now. Sorry for the rambling.

    J.  8-)

  • '14



    Revision to rules and setups are posted at the beginning of this thread. Hope we are getting close to perfection.


    Went through the revised rules and maybe I found a couple of ’ mistakes ’ to correct :

    Under Political Situation, at # 7 USA, 2nd para,2nd line ’ them together until RUSSIA reaches its full production of 80 '. I think you meant US not RUSSIA, didn’t you ?

    At #9 Communist China. It is mentionned that you can’t attack Nationalist China twice, 3rd and last sentence. Maybe remove the last sentence. But it is no big deal if you leave it there, it is like to make a point.

    One more : On the Japan set up sheet, in : Infantry special, 2nd line, change the word bonzai to banzai.

    That’s all.

    Also ref sneak attack, I read that you can only do one sneak battle in that attack, is that so ? What I meant is I sneak attacked, on J1,  the US Pacific fleets in sea zones # 120 and # 133 and destroyed both fleets in one go with almost no unit lost to Japan and took San Francisco, and the US lose the 20ipc NO. It will be a while before the US can retake it. At J2, all the Pacific US convoys were occupied , and US is down to around 60, ipc wise, then substract the convoys and the US will collect less than 50 ipcs… Am I doing something wrong or is it ok so far ?

    J.  8-)

    Thanks for the find on those mistakes.
      As far as the sneak attack I will go back and look at how I can clarrify that rule. What I was shooting for was a recreation of the attack on Pearl. I wanted Japan to be able to hit the US hard but only in 1 battle, and only on the first impulse. Nice move though to hit the US hard on turn 1.

  • I looked at your special units for initial set.  I noticed France has none.  Why not consider adding the French Foreign Legion who where an integeral part of French North African Colonies?  Give them a higher attack and defense rating than normal French Infantry.  Limit them to 6-8 total at the start of the game and they can’t be constructed.

  • for Japan I took the fighters and tacs and painted them blue. For US I took hellcats and tacs and painted them hunter green. Both colors are the same as that nations marines! That’s what I did.
    It should be the opposite. Japanese naval planes must be dark green or entire white (As the real one). Most US navy planes was blue.

    I looked at your special units for initial set.  I noticed France has none.  Why not consider adding the French Foreign Legion who where an integeral part of French North African Colonies?  Give them a higher attack and defense rating than normal French Infantry.  Limit them to 6-8 total at the start of the game and they can’t be constructed.
    I think about that but the foreign legion was never a factor during the north africa campaign moreover the legion commanders was faithful has Vichy.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '12 '11


    Ref to France’s order of play, on the first page of the rules, it is # 4, with UK, and on the set up pages, it is last with the US, which one is the right one ?

    J.  8-)

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '12 '11

    Hi again,

    The rules mentionned that Germany start the game at war with France and UK, so far so good. Here is the situation I am in at the end of turn 4 ( am playing all the Allied ): Germany went on trekking in Europe, attacking strickly neutrals or pro-allied only, left Pologne alone, didn’t bother with France, is now in Turkey…( the Dutch are gone ).

    Italia is so bored that it is buying fortification in Rome, there so many troops going no where that there is no place anymore to put them in…( cannot attack, Paris has not fallen )

    France has a zillion of troops on the Magino line and put all its fleet togheter near Normandy and is stacking up in Paris ( cannot attack Germany, Pologne wasn’t attacked )

    Uk is building up too and will send most of its fleet in the Pacific as it is at war with Japan but not with Germany because Germany didn’t attack France…

    Russia didn’t bother to attack Pologne since it is now on the  pro-allied side. Just getting ready for Germany to attack around turn 6…

    The US is building up in the Pacific, put all its fleets together and might be at war in an other 3 to 4 turns ( it is a long way to get at 80 with 2D6 per turn, got a 25+ when Japan attacked FEC though )

    Japan’s fleets are far away from the US, took most of China but China is still playing hard to get. Japan is starting to gain more territories now but has to watch out for the Uk and US fleets.

    Had any of you found itself in this situation ref to Germany not attacking either France or UK ? Or did we played something wrong, missed a rule, whatever ?

    J.  8-)

  • '14

    Thanks for the feedback on your game! I will look at the rules and try to determine if there needs to be a revision. I personally think the German player is gonna allow the allies to gang up on Japan. There may need to be a rule if Germany attacks any pro allied country they go to war with UK and France!

  • can someone make a newbie, nation specific political rule card.  it would include a chart or some way to show how each opposing nation is brought into war. i.e.

    USA-turn ()
    Russia-turn (
    France-(name of territory(ies) needed to be taken)

    as well as starting income, special unit rules, unit values and nation specific specials i.e. japans sneak attack  (and anything else you thing is needed for a SIMPLE game)

    if some one did this for me(us) i would love them for ever <3

  • '14

    Gonna revise the rules this weekend and post Monday. If anyone has anymore feedback let me know so I can get it in this next revision!

  • Had any of you found itself in this situation ref to Germany not attacking either France or UK ? Or did we played something wrong, missed a rule, whatever ?

    Hi J.
    Well, if the german player doesn’t attack…is realy boring. In fact, the goal of the game is to make war, to conquer the world, not to stay quiet or peaceful.
    I created a 1939 game long ago. And I intoduced a simple rule. German player must attack poland first!
    Don’t forget…France and UK declare war to germany 3 days after the Poland agression. So German player is the first to play and his only obligation is to attack Poland. Automatically, UK and France declare war to Germany.
    In the mean time, German player may choose to attack France and UK in the fitrst turn or stay behind is line.
    But if german player don’t attack after the second round, UK/France will be too strong and eventualy, German player will lost the games.
    Axis player must have the ‘‘killer instinct’’ and think about -attack,attack,attack.

    Uk is building up too and will send most of its fleet in the Pacific as it is at war with Japan but not with Germany because Germany didn’t attack France…
    That’s what I try to explain, even if Germany don’t attack France…UK/France must be at war with Germany!
    So UK fleet wiil stay in the atlantic to destroy the kriegsmarine and U-Boat.

    Russia didn’t bother to attack Pologne since it is now on the  pro-allied side. Just getting ready for Germany to attack around turn 6…
    Yikes…USSR and Germany sign a secret treaty in august 23 1939. Players must respect the treaty and Both German and USSR player must attack Poland.
    After that. player must make their own strategy. More…after the poland agression, USSR player may influence or annexe baltic terrirory and Bessarabia.
    So all you have to do is to add a simple rule…german and USSR player must attack poland and than you’re gonna have a game!!!

    Hope this help.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '12 '11

    Hi Crusaderiv,

    I fully agree with your reply. Start the first move/combat actions of the game ( for Germany/Russia ) by attacking Poland ( historical ).

    For the curious ones among you, here is the situation at the beginning of turn 9. ( I know, its been 2 weeks since we started the game but we can only meet once every two weeks, so ).

    Germany ( with a huge army that didn’t have to fight France ) is at the gate of Moscow and will take it next. Italia is just building up but, as far as things are going, will not play at all in this game  :? . France is also building up and I am afraid it won’t do a thing either in this game ( could have move the french fleet in the Pacific though with a few transports but, I don’t know why  :evil:, I don’t trust Germany. UK is back in the Pacific with a couple of fleets + transports and retook Calcutta and is moving in to retake all the Dutch territories and pushing back Japan towards its home base, with help from Anzac. The big fight in the Pacific with Japan and the US was in the Philippines, so both forces are rebulding, US with a big fleet and Japan with infantries in Japan itself, URSS style. I will have to build up a fleet in the Atlantic too because Germany will try to get to the US without attacking France/UK.

    The US won’t attack Italia in this game for sure. So all the Allies can do is win this game by denying the Axis from achieving their victory condition ( at the end of turn 15 ).

    J.  8-)

  • Hi J.
    Allies must Open a second front to help USSR. Right now!!!
    So France attack Germany and send UK expedition forces in France.
    What happen in Africa,Greece,Yugoslavia? If AF continent is udner allies control you must attack the southern part of Europe. (Again to support USSR)
    Uk and US must join their forces to strike Japan in the pacific. If you kill the IJN…axis won’t win.
    Don’t forget…if allies gain the control of seas, axis will lose!!

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '12 '11

    That’s the problem I am having now with the wording of the present rules. Germany didn’t attack Poland so France is not at war with Germany. Germany didn’t attack France either, so UK is not at war with Germany. And Germany rolled all over strict-neutrals and pro-allied territories in Europe and at the beginning of turn six went into Russia and just pushed the URSS armies aside. Since Paris didn’t fall, Italia is not at war and there is no war in Africa. The US is at war with Japan and Germany, and Italia also but the Italian forces are too strong now. The Uk and the US will lock up Japan on its home island in the next few turns, Germany will bypass the UK and France to get to the USA but I don’t think that will work for them. Will see in a couple of weeks how it ends.

    J.  8-)

  • That’s the problem I am having now with the wording of the present rules. Germany didn’t attack Poland so France is not at war with Germany.
    You have to change that rules…

    Germany didn’t attack Poland so France is not at war with Germany. Germany didn’t attack France either, so UK is not at war with Germany.
    The US is at war with Japan and Germany,

    It’s a non sense…another rule to change!

  • '14

    Hey guys. I have made some changes to the rules to prevent this scenario from happening again. Simple rule: if Germany attacks any pro allied country it is at war with UK and France. I will also add if Germany attacks Russia they are at war with the UK and France.

    For Italy I will add: when Paris falls or Germany attacks Russia. This will make sure all major powers will be included.

    I will post revised rules in next few days

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '12 '11

    Great.  Or just state that Germany must attack Poland on the first turn, as it happened historicaly, to start this game as WWII started.

    J.  8-)

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