Thanks, I’ll check it out.
Please do so!
It sounds like this wall map will be quite spectacular. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.
Its done but its over 5megs so I cant upload it…or is there a way of doing it that I dont know about?
you can upload it on megaupload and link it here
Done…two minor errors (one african neutral name is wrong and the marsh in the soviet union) but that wont affect game play. All else should be ok. Ive included the starting positions for airfields and ports but not factories. Anyway now that I have nice, big, clear and wrinkle free map, I’ll be off to the local printer to get it done, then its onto some sheet steel and thats part one finished. Here’s the link to the map for those interested.
Awesome, Nimitz. Thanks.
How do you use chips on the wall? Does each chip get its own magnet? Do you just paint some magnets to represent chips? How thick are these magnets and where would you get them? How does the map not get torn up over time with moving the magnets over paper?
This idea really, really intrigues me. Do you have any pics of an existing game you have that employs this? If so, could you post some pictures please?
its not paper its vinyl
also great marshes?? its pripet marchs on the real map
also great marshes?? its pripet marchs on the real map
He pointed that out the moment he posted it.
@ Nimitz: I have toyed with this idea for a long time, but do not have the skills to update the map.
So this will be a great help, if we’re allowed to use it that is?
Thanks a bunch for your efforts. -
I went to Staples and they are going to chage me about $100.00 canadian to print this off. Do you happen to have a “pixelated” version?
Nope this is the only version I have, sorry. The magnets are small and very strong so the grey and red counters stack really well and look great with a figure on top. Here is the map and miniatures i did for 1942. I got that map from the 1942 forum (I think) and cant claim credit for it. Apologies for the quality of the pics (they were taken with my phone).
some more pics, this one I had to print in sections myself (a lot of bother) and glued the sheets to a piece of sheet steel, then I covered the whole map in clear adhesive vinyl (to protect it) and then glued the steel sheet to a piece of mdf board. Thats why Im going to get this new map done properly in one piece.
Looks fantastic! Great work!
What is the Brand of Magnets and the size?
Got them from ebay, no idea of the brand but they are about 8mm in diameter and about 1mm thick. They are usually sold in lots of 10 or 20 and are not that expensive. I’ve been using them for a while for my other hobby (battery hatches for my rc model aircraft) so I’ve always got a few about. Thats how the idea first struck me to do a magnetic wall version. One more thing I have to add, …dont forget to rough up the area you’re gluing the magnets to as this will improve their adhesion. I’ve had a few “separations” because I didn’t do it.
What adhesive are you using for the magnets? It looks like hot glue or epoxy from the photos.
5 minute epoxy, though you can only do about 10 at a time before it starts to go off. but you could use 30 min and get an entire nationality done in one go.