• I was wondering if a) the company sells the europe and pacific maps as sheets to enable them to be mounted on sheet metal or b) if anyone has created a quality down-loadable map for just such an idea (mounting on a metal sheet).

    I have both games (europe and pacific) but playing them on a table is proving a bit awkward (time and space as well as my aging back).  I’d prefer to magnetise the playing pieces and play on a big metal board mounted on a wall… but of course the maps are crucial… and yes I’ve tried photocopying the boards but the creases (where the boards fold) get copied as well and look awful.  AH used to sell their maps as paper only for mounting at home and surely this would be a good idea for this game.

    Any help would be appreciated…cheers

  • @nimitz1:

    I was wondering if a) the company sells the europe and pacific maps as sheets to enable them to be mounted on sheet metal or b) if anyone has created a quality down-loadable map for just such an idea (mounting on a metal sheet).

    I have both games (europe and pacific) but playing them on a table is proving a bit awkward (time and space as well as my aging back).  I’d prefer to magnetise the playing pieces and play on a big metal board mounted on a wall… but of course the maps are crucial… and yes I’ve tried photocopying the boards but the creases (where the boards fold) get copied as well and look awful.  AH used to sell their maps as paper only for mounting at home and surely this would be a good idea for this game.

    Any help would be appreciated…cheers

    How will you magnetise stacks? (Chips) Thats alot of magnets

  • I use some neodymium magnets and glue them with epoxy on both the counters and the miniatures. The magnets are very strong and the discs stack very well.  The hardest part is to ensure their polarity is the same when putting them on.  Trust me it works great and the miniatures dont slide into neighbouring territories.  All in all the best way to play the game and it takes up very little room to play (a wall and a small table).  Everyone gets the same perspective on the game and no more risk of knocking anything over.  It can even be left set up ready for a game.  Give it a try.

  • Could you post some pictures if you manage to do it? It sounds incredibly awesome…

  • Will do.  But i’m still at stage one….It’s taking me a bit of time to dress up the “Hi res global map” posted on this forum with my paint software, the posted one’s quality is not quite good enough. But i’m getting there. So far I’ve doubled its size, and am removing all of the visible creases.  I’ve also started re-labelling territories, done new national markers for each nationality as well as improved the convoy routes and the kamikaze areas.  I’ve also re-lined the sea zones and its all starting to look pretty darn good.  When its done I’ll have it printed (and enlarged to about 1.5 times) on a sheet of adhesive vinyl and then stick it to some sheet metal. Then I’ll fix it to a board, which will then hang on the wall.  It will be a pricey exercise but worth it in the long term as it will get a regular work out.

  • Can you post it when youve done with the map? One of my friend want to to the same as you but the pic is not hi res enough.


  • If its not a problem with the designer then I would be pleased to post the finished map on here but it looks like it will be a very big file.

  • Please do so!

  • It sounds like this wall map will be quite spectacular.  Looking forward to seeing the finished product.

  • Its done but its over 5megs so I cant upload it…or is there a way of doing it that I dont know about?

  • you can upload it on megaupload and link it here

  • Done…two minor errors (one african neutral name is wrong and the marsh in the soviet union) but that wont affect game play.  All else should be ok.  Ive included the starting positions for airfields and ports but not factories.  Anyway now that I have nice, big, clear and wrinkle free map, I’ll be off to the local printer to get it done, then its onto some sheet steel and thats part one finished.    Here’s the link to the map for those interested.

  • Awesome, Nimitz.  Thanks.

  • Nimitz,

    How do you use chips on the wall?  Does each chip get its own magnet? Do you just paint some magnets to represent chips?  How thick are these magnets and where would you get them?  How does the map not get torn up over time with moving the magnets over paper?

    This idea really, really intrigues me.  Do you have any pics of an existing game you have that employs this?  If so, could you post some pictures please?


  • its not paper its vinyl

  • also great marshes?? its pripet marchs on the real map

  • @cminke:

    also great marshes?? its pripet marchs on the real map

    He pointed that out the moment he posted it.

    @ Nimitz: I have toyed with this idea for a long time, but do not have the skills to update the map.
    So this will be a great help, if we’re allowed to use it that is?
    Thanks a bunch for your efforts.

  • I went to Staples and they are going to chage me about $100.00 canadian to print this off.  Do you happen to have a “pixelated” version?

  • Nope this is the only version I have, sorry.  The magnets are small and very strong so the grey and red counters stack really well and look great with a figure on top.  Here is the map and miniatures i did for 1942.  I got that map from the 1942 forum (I think) and cant claim credit for it.  Apologies for the quality of the pics (they were taken with my phone).


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