Thanks for the advice! Yeah, I really messed up on those British and French bids.
Thanks for the advice regarding the other bid purchases.
Nothing fancy, just a table with stuff on it. Don’t care? Don’t look! :-D
Overview of the board
Allied boxes and stuff
Axis boxes and IPC/NO trackers
The no man’s land that is central Soviet Union game pieces
I like the white neutrals. Gives the game a good look.
I really like the camo lining inside your boxes
Where did you bought the cammo lining for the boxes?
And the Octagon?
I’ve always wanted to do the battle in the Octagon, I KNOW I’ll roll better in that thing.
And the Octagon?
I’ve always wanted to do the battle in the Octagon, I KNOW I’ll roll better in that thing.
I think the Aldergrove venue has a rolling box. If you think it improve your luck I can ask for you.
Where did you bought the cammo lining for the boxes?
eBay, was a bit expensive for cardboard but I thought what the heck, spending bonus money on it so no real loss :-D
I am kind of lazy so I spend no time and effort into designing stuff, just leeching off of other peoples design, in this case I paid someone for it.
And the Octagon?
I’ve always wanted to do the battle in the Octagon, I KNOW I’ll roll better in that thing.
Bought that at a local shop here in Holland.
I also added the air range markers from revised, as well as the marshalling markers/cards. The American Hellcats come from the old Pacific as well as the Marines and the red Chinese infantry and the taskforce markers. Factories and aa guns from Europe/Pacific and Revised and tons of extra units from as well as IPCs.
Then to finish it all off, Bob Mickelsons battle board and I use the IPC tracker from Europe 1940 as well as that small one from Pacific 1940, which functions as a tracker for National Objectives.
If you have the AA guns around do you have the white complexes from one of the old games?
If you have the AA guns around do you have the white complexes from one of the old games?
I use the complexes & AA Guns from old games. I much prefer that over the silly little squares that are so hard to pick up.