I have to make the new badges first. Soon, very soon.
Axis & Allies.org 2010 Support Drive
I forgot about the PayPal fees for the patron support. In order to net $881.40, I need to raise more than $907.41.
Oh, I forgot that I would like to hire a visual web designer to redo the look and feel of the site.
i might konw some one who yo could talk to. he’s my cousin so he might do it for cheap(and if your very nice…freeeee!)
So we still need another $700 this year, to cover everything, and have chump change for next year.
Time to start beating the drum then, I’ll see what I can do.
As for revenue’s, other than donations - and limited advertising, what medium’s does this site have for raising money? It doesn’t really sell products…. ???
Idea: Should we run a 50/50 style tourny? $10 via paypal gets you in? If we get 20 in the tourny, that’s $100 for the winner and $100 for the site.
I also get royalties and referral fees for the t-shirts and stickers that you see advertised on the main site.
But I don’t really want to charge for anything else. Advertising and the support drive will be enough. Thanks for brainstorming though. I really appreciate the enthusiasm!
So we still need another $700 this year, to cover everything, and have chump change for next year.
Time to start beating the drum then, I’ll see what I can do.
As for revenue’s, other than donations - and limited advertising, what medium’s does this site have for raising money? It doesn’t really sell products…. ???
Idea: Should we run a 50/50 style tourny? $10 via paypal gets you in? If we get 20 in the tourny, that’s $100 for the winner and $100 for the site.
Oh, I forgot that I would like to hire a visual web designer to redo the look and feel of the site.
I can create any look you need, except you will need a guy to do the programing bit. That might defer the costs a little.
Somebody named Kurt R. sent $50 to be a Gold Patron but did not provide their username on the forums. Also, you email provider won’t let me send you an email from @axisandallies.org.
Can Kurt please send me an email. If I do not receive some sort of notification within 5 days, I’m going to assume it is a fruad and refund the $50.
Since your email is listed as ‘hidden’ under your profile I’ll post here. My email address is [removed by admin] - I had my old email address under my paypal account which is fixed now.
Way to be a hero Kurt.
Now you are one of us :)
Thank you to everybody who participated in the 2010 Support Drive!
Next year I will start it earlier but for now the 2010 drive is over and I’ll let you know when I start the 2011 drive.
maby make some way cool tags to
iknow but i meant kooler ones that would shine and sparke every once and a while
Dutch in the Gold Hizzou.
Receipt # 5480-9878-6220-8358.
Thank you to everybody who participated in the 2010 Support Drive!
Next year I will start it earlier but for now the 2010 drive is over and I’ll let you know when I start the 2011 drive.Just to make sure my english doesn’t fail me : Do you mean I should wait buying patron support because 2010 is off and 2011 not yet started?
In clear : Is “2010 Support Drive” is same thing as “Patron 2010 Support level”?I would like to help supporting this site, since it provided me so many answers (special thanks to Krieghund) and hours of fun with new players (and play style).
Nope, the 2010 Support Drive is still on. I’ll start 2011 in July. We’ll be back on a “normal” calendar schedule for 2012, starting in January 2012.
Well count me in for the upcoming year and more after as well.
Any update on the 2010 supporters list and when will the 2011 support drive start? No pressure, Im just being curious.
Cheers TDS. -
Seems we’ll skip 2011… and perhaps have 2012 starts early.
Oh! and another question just hit me… what is the “2007 AAR” banner for? Is it (old) past banner that I can’t participate in anymore?