Search was causing the DB to crash sometimes. So instead of getting an alert in the middle of the night, I’ve set it up so that the servers should restart on their own.
What is this 'password incorrect' problem??
Hello folks,
I notice quite often that I cannot access the forum because the site returns to me a 'password incorrect blabla ’ message.
The first few times this happened, I thought I was mistyping my password but now I think it is a problem on the website. I don’t mistype, don’t accidentally have caps lock on, etc. etc. Of course this happens sometimes but not 10 times in a row.
It’s ofc also possible that my keyboard malfunctions every once in a while but I have no clue for that. The A&A forum is the only place where this problem happens to me…
What can it be??? A clue any1??? Should this be reported and if yes, where???
Contact Djensen on that.
Thanks Imperious.
I ll wait a bit till I know more of the problem myself. Right now I seem to be able to log in if I click the ‘Login’ button instead of hitting [Enter].
I am able to log in after some 3 to 4 attempts anyway when/if this problem occurs.