@Lil-Blue-Spider I understand what you mean. Just one thing to add on… the capital ship ability is clearly outlined in most A&A rule books. It states that this ship may take TWO hits. And on that note; technically you could negotiate whatever you want. I will edit House rules a bit for them to makes sense. Like wait three turns to use a territory if you ceded that territory, etc. Thanks for the comment!
Sub-division of House Rules Forum
Does anyone else think the HOUSE RULES FORUM need to be divided into Child Boards? There are so many great ideas here to offer something new but everything is so hard to find.
I suggest it be divided by the Game the HOUSE RULES are for?
GENERALJust a suggestion.
That would be quite helpful now that there are so many of us coming up with great ideas for new rules.
+1 vote from me.
great idea, would be very helpful :-)
I think this would be great, especially considering I’m only interesting in house rules for the new '40 games. It would also help to keep things at the top of their sub-forum. If someone has a house rule for the old AAE, it probably won’t get too much traffic and will likely be buried under the house rules for newer A&A games. However, with this, the house rule would get attention from everybody who would be interested in it, as it would likely be on the first page of the AAE sub-forum.
Thanks for the great idea!
Well Moderators… Can it be done?
I already placed that request. Lets wait a few.
Not convinced about the need; the whole idea of house rules is that Axis and Allies can be infinitely modified; a good house rule can apply to virtually any version.
People want to be able to search them by game. Some of them may work for all versions but most will not.
agreed that would be great :-D
I also support this idea.
Then i can sort out the files for each game so its easier to find.
The sections must include items like Xeno and The War Game: WW2 among others that were official produced games
Then i can sort out the files for each game so its easier to find.
The sections must include items like Xeno and The War Game: WW2 among others that were official produced games
Great idea. Years ago before FMG and before I was a member of this board. I would visit here for expansions and house rules. Back then there was only a few versions of AAA. Now this board is so confusing.
You have to remember that the GREATER COMMUNITY out there uses this board also, even if they are not members. This is a Community RESOURCE.
yes i will make it into an encyclopedia of AA style games. This site is the #1 resource for all AA related information.
This is all I want for Christmas! Please Please Please.
I can’t even find old posts anymore… :-(
Does anyone else think the HOUSE RULES FORUM need to be divided into Child Boards? There are so many great ideas here to offer something new but everything is so hard to find.
I suggest it be divided by the Game the HOUSE RULES are for?
GENERALJust a suggestion.
Sounds good to me. Most of the current activity seems to be for Global 1940.
Alternatively, we could put a house rules thread under each board for each game.
I think house rules child boards are a great idea!