Question: The Axis have a Major IC with 10 damage, the allies capture it, reducing it to a Minor IC, does it still have 10 damage?
That is interesting, its half damaged, so there are 4 choices.
1-Either it has 10 as they are damage markers and have not been removed by paying for them
2-Since it was half damaged, the minor would be half damaged, round up to 2?
3-Since it was half damaged, the minor would be half damaged round down to 1?
4-Since the rules state that a minor factory can have no more then 6, the other 4 are dropped.
4 is most likely(in my opinion), as it is a good compromise: it follows the minor factory rule, and the allies still save 4 damage dollars. Can’t wait to see the official verdict. Really good question.
1 makes sense from a strictly technical aspect, it did receive 10 damage markers earlier and payment is the only way to remove them. The minor conversion has no effect on damage markers or it would discuss the effect. The minor damage cap rule only refers to the max damage it can receive from all current and future attacks. If no money is spent on repairs; technically the damage would remain.
It seems possible that if it was recaptured and converted back to a major, it would still have 10 markers, since no one paid to remove them.
Edit: checking the Alpha 2 rules, the last sentence under both paragraphs regarding minors and majors reads: “,after that they are no longer assigned” Assigned could indicate that existing ones may continue to exist as no new ones can be added. It could just have read that no more than 6 or 20 are possible. Which would clear the issue. Or it could say that a minor factory can never have more than 6. It simply says stop assigning, and does not say there is a maximum. It is implied but not stated. This assumes this rule supersedes the book.