Yes, ignore that, as this is related to the forum software change that occurred in 2018. Some characters haven’t been converted correctly.
I can;t remember if this was asked before, but can scrambling aircraft retreat from battle?
No. The defender can never retreat.
I would really like my Italian fleet to be able to protect my German transports from a UK scramble while they unload in the UK. Is this possible? It would really help me out.
I would really like my Italian fleet to be able to protect my German transports from a UK scramble while they unload in the UK. Is this possible? It would really help me out.
No, it is not possible. When attacking, only the units of the power you are operating (Germany in this case) can be used. Your allies’ military units are completely useless when attacking (except for carriers as places to land). It is on defense that all allies’ units can be used (even multinational scrambling and guest fighters on carriers).
What is the ruling on mixing the European British and the Pacific British units? When one crosses into the other side of the board, does it change hands?
What is the ruling on mixing the European British and the Pacific British units? When one crosses into the other side of the board, does it change hands?
Welcome, new user! All of your rules questions can be answered in this FAQ thread - one of the designers of the game (Krieghund), the official A&A rules answer guy, frequents this thread. If someone like me were to give an incorrect or incomplete answer, he will correct it or supplement it, usually within 24 hours or less!
Only the economies are different. All UK units act as one. Don’t think of them as European British and Pacific British, because there is no distinction.
The money is kept separate so you can’t use all of the UK’s world-wide holdings to buy units in London or Calcutta.
The UK acts as one in all other ways. If you score a breakthrough in tech, it affects the whole empire immediately. With regards to tech, you can even spend some IPC’s with one economy and some from the other if you choose. For example, you could spend 4 Calcutta IPC’s and 1 London IPC to buy a research token.
The other thing you have to watch is fallen capital rules. I won’t detail them here - I may not even have it right, off the top of my head.
Welcome, rogerfederer64!
United Kingdom Europe and United Kingdom Pacific are not separate powers. They are separate economies within the same power. As such, the only things that they do separately are collect and spend IPCs. This means that the Purchase & Repair Units, Mobilize New Units, and Collect Income phases of the United Kingdom turn are conducted separately for each economy, but all other phases of the turn are conducted together in the same manner as any other power, with no regard to map boundaries. Once units are mobilized, there is no such thing as a “United Kingdom Europe unit” or a “United Kingdom Pacific unit”. They are all just United Kingdom units, and they move and fight together as one.
Ah ok, thank you both very much for your help. We were confused as to how to operate the two and were operating them in seperate phases. We had decided that when the units would cross the line under persia onto the pacific map, that they would turn into British Pacific units. Thanks again for the clarification on that, we were so confused
On the game aid for Alpha 2 (or .2?) it says that most NOs are only activated when at war, and then a couple are only available while neutral. For the “at war” ones, who does the country have to be at war with? Anyone? For example, is the UK Pacific NO, “5 IPCs when the UK controls all original Pacific territories”, only active while at war with Japan? Or is it active while at war with ANY Axis power, as they start at war with Italy and Germany?
If an NO mentions a specific power or powers, the receiving power must be at war with them in order to get it. If no specific power or powers are mentioned, being at war with any power will do. In the case of that specific UK NO, UK must be at war with Japan.
question on UK NO for alpha +2 ruleset
“2. Collect 5 IPCs per turn if the United Kingdom controls all of its original territories in the Americas, Africa, the Middle East and Europe. Theme: Maintenance of the empire considered vital national objective.”
does the uk have to still control Malta & Crete in order to get the $5?
lets try this one Krieg……
Calcutta has fallen. Does London collect IPC’s for any territory on the Pacific map?
- can London purchase an IC for W.India?
- how about liberated territory? Does London collect income from liberated territory? If yes, I assume they could place an IC in that event.
2a)So if W.India was lost and then liberated, London could fianally place an IC there.
lets try this one Krieg……
Calcutta has fallen. Does London collect IPC’s for any territory on the Pacific map?
- can London purchase an IC for W.India?
- how about liberated territory? Does London collect income from liberated territory? If yes, I assume they could place an IC in that event.
2a)So if W.India was lost and then liberated, London could fianally place an IC there.
No, no, no, no. Krieg has already stated the position on all of these. London never collects from Pacific board and can never place there, and vice versa.
When the UK rolls for War Bonds does it get to roll twice? Once for London and once for Calcutta?
If only once then does it have to choose where the money is going before or after rolling? -
It rolls only once. The IPCs may be divided between the two economies each turn in whichever way the United Kingdom player likes, including all of them to one economy and none of them to the other.
I’m sure you have answered this question many times but I still need to know. Can I place 9 new units on a minor IC the same turn I upgrade it or do I have to wait till my next turn?, and does an IC upgrade count as 1 unit produced by the IC I am upgrading? Thanks for answering the same questions endlessly.
I’m sure you have answered this question many times but I still need to know. Can I place 9 new units on a minor IC the same turn I upgrade it or do I have to wait till my next turn?
Have to wait til next turn
and does an IC upgrade count as 1 unit produced by the IC I am upgrading? Thanks for answering the same questions endlessly.
No, you can build 3 military units there this turn, and 10 next turn.
ok, if India falls can usa and anzac collect ipc’s for recaptured UK tt’s on the pacific map (like hong kong, malaya, etc)?
ok, if India falls can usa and anzac collect ipc’s for recaptured UK tt’s on the pacific map (like hong kong, malaya, etc)?
Yes. It’s just the other half of the UK that can’t start grabbing up territories of the fallen half. London can never directly collect money for any original UK territory that is on the Pacific Board (for Alpha 2, this includes West India but not B Co) and India can never directly collect money from original UK territories on the Europe Board (Alpha 2, West India is exception of course).
So yes, technically any Ally other than London can collect from re-captured Pacific board UK territories when Calcutta is in Axis hands.