• :evil:

    Was this supposed to come this early?  I am NOT asking questions.  I have it linked with AAP40 under a 6X4 sheet of plexiglass.  This is the ultimate.  It is stunning.  AA50 will probably be a thing of the past, which I would have never believed (and yes, I would buy another if reprinted).  Regardless, this is the best looking game map (global) I have ever seen.  I am rating a 10 on BGG and hope the balance for global is good.  I don’t forsee myself playing AAE 40 alone….

  • I bought mine yesterday (Thursday) from my local comic store.

  • damn,i wont get fine for weeks,its cheapest to orser from amazon uk,and its not ever listed their on pre order yet

  • Figures…  small comic book stores get their shippments on Thursday before release(seven days early)?  But FMG that purchased 85 copies has to wait till Monday???  BS+++++++

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    Figures…  small comic book stores get their shippments on Thursday before release(seven days early)?  But FMG that purchased 85 copies has to wait till Monday???  BS+++++++

    That is some major bullish, well w/e even if it takes a little longer FMG, still glad to support you guys and what you are doing, thanks and keep up the work, can’t wait for your Italian minis to be released!  :lol:

  • Pre-ordered mine through FMG, glad to support you guys.  I assume FMG will be shipping standard, so when can I expect it?  Thursday I guess?


  • WOW, now that explains it (sort of)…Monday??  WOW, where’s the love - for all you guys do for the game, you’d think you’d get EXTRA special releases!  Must be in the volume somewhere - maybe the locals are really networked for distribution and some wholesaler holds all the volume.  Sucks though!  I don’t mind waiting - FMG gets my support anyway for all the other stuff you guys do.

    So, yeah, any word on ETA for FMG pre-orders - I live in Houston TX?

  • I also pre ordered from FMG. Happy to support the cause…BUT…Still haven’t received an email that it has been shipped. I sent an email yesterday asking and I haven’t heard back on that either…I sure hope it has already shipped, we know you’ve had your copies since Monday…please give us an update on if/when these will ship. I’m in Dallas, TX and have waited for what seems like forever, (not on you necessarily but for the release of this game). I’m dying here!!!


  • Same here, I have heard nothing also which most likely means they have yet to hit the mail.  :-(

  • All orders were shipped on Monday.  You should have received an e-mail from UPS Quantum View?  I have a copy off all these e-mails so contact me if you still do not have tracking.

    Check your JUNK and SPAM folders also.

  • FMG-

    Just sent you an email with my order number.  Thanks for the rapid response!  Jeremy, you guys rock!  Mine is en route.  Darn!  Was hoping it’d get here today while my wife was out of town for the weekend so I could bury myself.  Instead, it’s next Tuesday ETA - she gets back that night.  Oh well, I’ve waited this long to play it, I suppose I can wait a few more days.  Thanks guys, can’t wait to place my order for everything else from y’all!  And its nice to have an official ETA now! :-D

  • Today it arrived in Germany.  :lol:

    Blitzkrieg on Monday…

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