How much life do you have now? And how has it gotten better?

  • I have been on for  58 days, 12 hours and 54 minutes. I’m pretty sure I have become an addict of this game, although whether that has been a good thing or bad I’m still not sure. I know I could probably be doing something else (like reading my stacks of books) besides playing this game, but the prospect of winning is too much for me to pass up. And besides, I like to play because I am competitive and like to kick my friends’ butts when playing F2F.

    Although, when it comes to the online world, I get my butt kicked more often than not and it is frustrating, to say the least. I’ve probably made one acquaintance while playing on here - another fellow Canuck - but not really any strong connections, which is sad considering I’ve been on this site for longer than 58 days!  :lol: I know I’ve been here since at least 2004 or 2005 when I bought Revised. I loved that game.

  • @The:

    I have been on for  58 days, 12 hours and 54 minutes. I’m pretty sure I have become an addict of this game, although whether that has been a good thing or bad I’m still not sure. I know I could probably be doing something else (like reading my stacks of books) besides playing this game, but the prospect of winning is too much for me to pass up. And besides, I like to play because I am competitive and like to kick my friends’ butts when playing F2F.

    Although, when it comes to the online world, I get my butt kicked more often than not and it is frustrating, to say the least. I’ve probably made one acquaintance while playing on here - another fellow Canuck - but not really any strong connections, which is sad considering I’ve been on this site for longer than 58 days!  :lol: I know I’ve been here since at least 2004 or 2005 when I bought Revised. I loved that game.

    Loved? Don’t you still?

  • Good post, it’s one of better threads I’ve seen.

    I started visiting around two years ago. (5 days 2 hours) I spend more time talking to you guys than I do on Facebook.

    I enjoy this site because of the world war two discussion. I can remember wondering upon my dad’s dusty WW2 book collection and that became my passion, you guys allow me to talk about a passion that otherwise would remain silent. I do not play A&A as much as i did ten years ago.

    Braindamage was the first member that I befriended on this site. Wish he would stop in for a visit. How are LT04, dezrtfish, timerover51 and CMDR Jennifer?

    Over the past two years I’ve seen the birth of my first child, bought my first home, my third year of marriage and my 12th year at my job. And I turned 30!

  • Great thread, I have been on hiatus on this site being that the summer is the busiest time of the year for me at my work.  I graduated from the U of Iowa in '07 (BS in PolySci and BA in History).  I was a student manager for the football team while in school and will be marrying my college sweetheart who I met through football next year in the fall.  My soon to be wife was one of the dance team girls for the Hawkeyes and we have been together for 4 years.  We deeply miss being involved with the program buts that the part of growing pains, you can’t be in college forever.  I pursued my fiance to Chicago when she moved here in 2008.  We currently live off of the lake and I work as a Dept. Manager at East Bank Club downtown, one of the premier health and fitness facilities in the country. 
        Before I met my soon to be wife I had plans to enter into the military.  When we moved here I qualified for Air Force SF in Combat Control.  I also had purchased a wedding ring.  When push came to shove I couldn’t bring myself to leave her and decided to stay when I was offered a salary at my currrent work. I do think back sometimes how things would be if I went down that road, but to tell you the truth I don’t regret my decision.  I love being with my family and I am not sure how would have coped being away from everyone. 
        I have been playing AA since I was in middle school.  I had MB edition Axis and Allies and I still play it to this day.  I have been active on this site for about 4 years, but I didn’t join as a member till 2008 when rumblings of AA50 were spreading.  I spend most of my time looking over the WW2 history posts.  I love studying WW2, and I am continually studying the subject day in and day out.  I have rich family history in the military especially WW2.  My grandfather on my mother’s side served with Patton at El Guettar through Sicily, and my grandfather on my father’s side served in the Navy in the Pacific theater.

  • '10


    Good post, it’s one of better threads I’ve seen.

    Braindamage was the first member that I befriended on this site. Wish he would stop in for a visit. How are LT04, dezrtfish, timerover51 and CMDR Jennifer?

    I miss Brain Damaged and the old KSG. Does anyone know why he deleted his account?  AB, if you are in contact with him give him my regards.

    Btw, closing in on 29 days.

  • 52 days, 13 hours and 16 minutes…

    Most of this is monitoring threads for spam and weirdos.

    Current status is retired for last 7 years, but active in real-estate acquisition/management for last 26 years.

    And most important is Badminton ( even greater than AA).

    I have received really hundreds of messages from people all across the world who in the most strangest places have printed out my maps and AARHE rules. Even in the Middle East and out of the way islands in the south pacific, i get people thanking me for my maps and how much better it is to use them rather than the OOB, then i get the picture of the family playing on this map. Sometimes its even on the wall like some work of art, other times its played outside in tents or kitchen tables i have seem them all. Sometimes i get messages in Japanese or Korean from them and have to use a translator. Rich or poor they love my maps and games and thats just fine.

    Currently working on Global 40 and 39 remake remodel and two sets of axis and allies cards (52 cards each) which will be available on artscow as playing cards for about 10 bucks each.

    I also have to work on a couple of games to be published ( not my games, but my map design)

    Also, composing music for like since 1980 as a hobby takes some of my time as does Left 4 Dead PC game.

    I am Sgt. Saunders on steam ( if you play games on that)

  • @Dylan:


    I have been on for  58 days, 12 hours and 54 minutes. I’m pretty sure I have become an addict of this game, although whether that has been a good thing or bad I’m still not sure. I know I could probably be doing something else (like reading my stacks of books) besides playing this game, but the prospect of winning is too much for me to pass up. And besides, I like to play because I am competitive and like to kick my friends’ butts when playing F2F.

    Although, when it comes to the online world, I get my butt kicked more often than not and it is frustrating, to say the least. I’ve probably made one acquaintance while playing on here - another fellow Canuck - but not really any strong connections, which is sad considering I’ve been on this site for longer than 58 days!  :lol: I know I’ve been here since at least 2004 or 2005 when I bought Revised. I loved that game.

    Loved? Don’t you still?

    Most of the time I love the game. The other times I want to throw my computer out the window and take a sledgehammer to it.  :lol: :-P

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    5 days and 9 hrs seems like not very much time at all compared to some of you guys… but considering I have only been on this site since May, I guess that is a pretty high rate.

    I can’t say that my life has changed a whole lot since then, I am too young to have much perspective and wisdom yet… But i have enjoyed my time on. I would think that I could be good friends with many of you guys if we lived near each other. I have enjoyed talking with intelligent and excited people. I am not sure when I will come around here no more… but I appreciate the time I have had. I plan to take Axis and Allies with me farther into life…

  • 81 Days and 25 minutes.  :-o

    Most of my time here is spent on Play by Forums and is the one reason I have such a high post count as I do not post that much outside of my games. For me this place is great as I can play games, I like to keep about 4 or 5 going at once, where as in the real world I only know 2 other people that play AA and there is a lot of hassle to playing face to face namely the time element.

    As far as changes in my life in the span of time I have been here (4 years) my disability has gotten worse and I can no longer work. Which is definitely not the life of Riley that some would make that out to be. Still I have made some friends here that I consider to be good friends as far as online friends go and really enjoy playing against them.

    Since I live in the deep south my situation is the reverse of axis_roll’s it is just too dang hot here in the summer to do much outside. Unfortunately there is no internet where I live at so I can only get my AA fix in on the weekends. Now I got to run as I still have games to update!  :-D

  • I have as much life as I ever did. It is just filled with different things now. I stopped playing online as I was unable to get my time to take a turn down to a reasonable level and all my sources of FTF games have moved on or can no longer make time so I play Bad Company 2 on PS3. I have a never used copy of Anniversary that mocks me daily and as insanely cool as the '40 variants seem to be I can not justify their purchase.

    I still spend a lot of time working a day job and a weekend job and in front of the now HD TV only now with a pair of cats and lovely girlfriend. I don’t consider that I have more or less than I did. I just have different and try hard to be grateful for all of my good fortunes.

  • @frimmel:

    I have as much life as I ever did. It is just filled with different things now. I stopped playing online as I was unable to get my time to take a turn down to a reasonable level and all my sources of FTF games have moved on or can no longer make time so I play Bad Company 2 on PS3. I have a never used copy of Anniversary that mocks me daily and as insanely cool as the '40 variants seem to be I can not justify their purchase.

    I still spend a lot of time working a day job and a weekend job and in front of the now HD TV only now with a pair of cats and lovely girlfriend. I don’t consider that I have more or less than I did. I just have different and try hard to be grateful for all of my good fortunes.

    While your grateful for your good fortunes your murdering people on Bad Company  :-D

  • Total time logged in: 30 days, 18 hours and 48 minutes.  I assume that’s over many years.

    My life….well, my life isn’t very complicated, it just sucks.

    The mother of my child ran off with some coworker almost 3 years ago exactly.  I have never felt that bad in my entire life.  Things are so so I guess now, but she was deliberately trying to make my life miserable.

    Around the same time, I found friends not really being friends at all and had to write many of them off.  Including guys I’d known for years that started to chase my ex.

    I was in a job I haven’t liked for some years but needed because of costs.  They fired me about 2 weeks ago the day I came back from vacation.  I’m mostly happy about that, just worried about where I’ll work next.

    The only person I’ve ever had the feeling that I’d liked to marry moved away almost a year ago exactly about 1200 miles.  We were trying and make it work, but the husband she had separated from a year and half earlier surprised her with a visit and begged for another chance (a few days before my planned visit).  She decided she needed to at least try and salvage her marriage if possible, so she chose the lying, cheating, abusive ahole over me.  They were done within 4 months, and communication from her is very sporadic and odd.  Everytime I get mostly over her she contacts me out of the blue and says she is still in love with me or something that throws my heart for a loop.  Not that she’s trying to screw with me - most of the time in the past months I don’t hear a peep or get responses to anything I send her.

    Until I got laid off I felt like all I did was work and take care of my son.  I don’t get out much, and if I do, it’s usually late and can’t make events or something.  I don’t have many hobbies and feel there’s not much time for them and most people have a fuller life than me.  The past 3 years have taken a huge toll on me, and I don’t have the time to improve my life and get my mind and heart past it.  I’ve dealt with so much loss it makes me not interested in messing with girls ever again.  About the only thing that keeps me going sometimes is the fact that someone depends on me.

    I almost feel like I come here because I always have.  I can’t remember the last time I played a game of A&A and don’t think I could even arrange one.  The best I do is my son and I pull out the map and play with the pieces.  He always makes me have the Russian bomber for some reason.

    My happiest moments were last summer…I finally felt my luck was turning.  Then it all went away.  I regret not being able to do much to improve anything.  I still have some hope, but if I see much more crap I’m bound to give up.

  • @axis_roll:

    I do not have any regrets in my life, mainly because you can not change the past.  “Regrets” turn into learning instructions on how to live my life going forwards.  I have also learned that in life, bad things will happen.  Often times, these are out of your control.  The only thing I CAN control is how I react to these events.

    Every person should have some humility in their life as well, because as bad/rough/tough as you think you have it, there are others who probably have it worse.  I appreciate all the friends I have and the ones that love me in my life.  Our time is too short to live any other way.

    Wow, that’s almost verbatim how I’ve described things before - especially the “only thing I CAN control is how I react to these events”.  But it just keeps coming and I’m only human, so I’m worn out from it all.

  • I play with the pieces.

  • @Dylan:


    I have as much life as I ever did. It is just filled with different things now. I stopped playing online as I was unable to get my time to take a turn down to a reasonable level and all my sources of FTF games have moved on or can no longer make time so I play Bad Company 2 on PS3. I have a never used copy of Anniversary that mocks me daily and as insanely cool as the '40 variants seem to be I can not justify their purchase.

    I still spend a lot of time working a day job and a weekend job and in front of the now HD TV only now with a pair of cats and lovely girlfriend. I don’t consider that I have more or less than I did. I just have different and try hard to be grateful for all of my good fortunes.

    While your grateful for your good fortunes your murdering people on Bad Company  :-D

    Well, they are trying their best to ‘murder’ me so at least it is ‘fair’ and only a virtual battlefield.  :-) I’m lucky to have the resources to be able to play.

  • Moderator



    I do not have any regrets in my life, mainly because you can not change the past.  “Regrets” turn into learning instructions on how to live my life going forwards.  I have also learned that in life, bad things will happen.  Often times, these are out of your control.  The only thing I CAN control is how I react to these events.

    Every person should have some humility in their life as well, because as bad/rough/tough as you think you have it, there are others who probably have it worse.  I appreciate all the friends I have and the ones that love me in my life.  Our time is too short to live any other way.

    Wow, that’s almost verbatim how I’ve described things before - especially the “only thing I CAN control is how I react to these events”.  But it just keeps coming and I’m only human, so I’m worn out from it all.

    Jermo, it’s almost Tuesday… And you deserve your pizza!


  • @Guerrilla:



    I do not have any regrets in my life, mainly because you can not change the past.  “Regrets” turn into learning instructions on how to live my life going forwards.  I have also learned that in life, bad things will happen.  Often times, these are out of your control.  The only thing I CAN control is how I react to these events.

    Every person should have some humility in their life as well, because as bad/rough/tough as you think you have it, there are others who probably have it worse.  I appreciate all the friends I have and the ones that love me in my life.  Our time is too short to live any other way.

    Wow, that’s almost verbatim how I’ve described things before - especially the “only thing I CAN control is how I react to these events”.  But it just keeps coming and I’m only human, so I’m worn out from it all.

    Jermo, it’s almost Tuesday… And you deserve your pizza!


    Yeah, it’s Tuesday!!!  Where’s my pie?

  • Yeah, it’s Tuesday!!!  Where’s my pie?

  • Almost 6 days in, now. Not sure how I feel about the ‘time elapsed’ feature, it seems a bit morbid. Kind of like the clock Leonard Nimoy kept around that counted down the remaining days he expected to have left in his life, calculated from actuary tables. When I surf the net, do I want to be reminded of how much time I’ve already wasted surfing the net? Does it make it more likely I’ll use my online time wisely, or just depress me? Discuss.

    Overall, I’ve enjoyed my time on this site; never really bothered with forums before, but it certainly has been entertaining and became more so once I got a feel for what kind of people are behind the posts. Everybody here has got a bit of character or persona going on. Some people write things that are consistently interesting and insightful; others you can be fairly confident that you’re not missing much in skimming or skipping their posts. It’s like learning to determine good wines from bad.

    I’ve had an interest in game design since I was a pre-teen, and Axis and Allies is a tinkerer’s dream. The system is so elegant and durable that it can take a lot of strain before it starts to break down, so I’ve used it to create several variants (some of which I posted when Thrasher’s site was still around; others are posted at BGG), most of which are in a way tests of what works from a game design perspective and what does not. This site has given me the opportunity to discuss my ideas with other people who care about the game, and that’s been quite valuable to my development in this area.

    I remember the ‘dark days’ after Axis and Allies was released in the Gamemaster series, and there was no internet around to keep fans together, and there were no signs of new A&A games ever being produced. You’d really have to have friends who were equally game-crazy to sustain any kind of real interest in it, or cook up endless variants of your own. I think it was the release of A&A Europe (the original) which re-invigorated the (nascent and fractured) community, and guaranteed the game its survival in the longer term. I myself had ‘lapsed’ before then… the game stayed at my parents, and I’d bring it out over the holidays to play with relatives and childhood friends. With the mainstream arrival of the internet, and WOTC’s commitment to pumping out new A&A series games every year, this is really the halcyon era for the hobby–people know that they’re not alone in terms of their interest in the game. Things have definitely gotten better in terms of (1) sharing general enthusiasm, (2) clearing up official rules issues _, (3) spoiling information on new product releases, (4) finding others to play with, online or in one’s area, and (5) proposing and popularizing variants, and codifying house rules.

    In terms of my personal life, I’m in the ‘final’ year of my PhD. There’s a lot of uncertainty in the present as to whether I’ll get it done well enough and soon enough, and even more uncertainty surrounding what I’ll do with my future life once it’s finally completed. It hasn’t been an easy ride, and a part of what keeps me cool right now is spending time concentrating on my hobby. I find it relaxing and pleasant to think about this miniature world where everything is certain and comprehensible, or at least analysable in principle. Now, as the pressure increases to finish up the degree, I find myself increasingly drawn to this site… both because news of the new Europe 1940 game is more or less constantly breaking, and because it’s escapist and fun. I have waaay more energy than I had ever previously had to devote to the game now that I’m trying desperately to avoid doing what needs to be done. Strange, isn’t it? Regardless, if I can pull this feat of completion off, my life will (by all current indications) be better than it ever has been; and if I can’t then things will definitely be (or at least strongly seem to be) worse than they’ve ever been. But hey: I estimate that I’ve got a modified (Global '40) Heavy Bomber’s chance of success.  :wink:

    Good thread, BTW. It raises some interesting questions. And it’s the closest thing this site currently has to a ‘confessional box’._

  • 1 day, 10 hrs, 40 mins.

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