Hello all, I’m trying to design a game, likely to be highly complex. I was hoping someone might help explain several features of the process.
1. Mapmaking-How do you draw maps? I have, in the past used blank maps from the internet, and then used paintbrush to edit them into the shapes I like. However, these never have the level of resolution I feel necessary, and working with that resolution slows my computer heavily. Second, the colors feel wrong, and my game has a majority neutral territories starting out, and I feel like a map with huge amounts of white is an automatic turnoff. How do you all deal with neutral coloration?
2. Rules - How do you get the diagrams, and pictures found in A&A. Obviously a one-off printing won’t have that kind of quality, but how can it be emulated? How do you ensure you have covered everything?
3. Units - I’ll probably just use units from other games, but how do you design them. I’m good at designing rules and maps, but I’m no artist.
4. Playtesting - If you’re lucky to get in, say, 1 game in three months of A&A, how do you test a game? It’s not that I don’t have time, just no one to play against.