WE are trying to help you. As it stands now you are competing with FMG and they have the advantage of better detail and color match. You maintain the advantage of getting the product out first and price point. You can do better. The first thing is to make the pieces compatible with the actual games that people are playing right now, rather than matching old out of print games. This is very basic. First get the basics down, then think out of the box and consider the color issue once you got complete sets of all the land sea and air pieces. You got to walk before you can run and you have to be practical and common sence is not coming out with just a couple of tanks in the wrong color.
I promise you as i said from the start the size and color of all these pieces must be a perfect match. A match not with out of print games, but the current ones.
Of course you can just continue making these sets. I will have to repaint them. As you know most of us can only use the tanks that are in scale, which is about half of each set, the infantry get the guns cut and we get fortification units. If you make more sets with colors that are not current, you just add another burden to the product.
I wish the approach you made originally was to gain ideas from the community before spending money, rather than “poof” here is the next set of larger red pieces. Even the German pieces are not the same, or the Italian, or American. They are always a few shades off.
I don’t know why matching colors is so hard, i guess its based on the limitations of the plastic that you order, which does not offer a complete color profile.
Either way i always wish you the best of luck, but remain somewhat skeptical based on the outcome of what we got so far.
I would make a poll about which color people like, that way you know exactly what the buyers want and can cater to them. Sell the top result and you can’t go wrong. Right now its hit and miss IMO>
Of course i will still buy to support your effort and usually outbuy everybody because i always put my money out.