• By country.

    If FMG tries to slice and dice too much, there is too much work involved.

  • Customizer



    I still think the Panzer III is the better choice.  The Panzer IV is too close to the Panther (both had 75mm guns) which is already in the WOTC inventory and the Panzer II is too light.

    We are using the Panzer III as one of the Tanks.  It was the most common light/medium tank in their arsenal.  It is already being sculpted and we will present these Sculpts soon, just like we did with ITALY.



    How are the pieces going to be Sold?  Are they going to be Packaged by Country?  I would perfer packaged by Catagory.  Or both.  Discount if you buy the Whole Country, however if you would like to order by Catagory, then a person can purchase Trucks (which you will receive Trucks for all countrys) or Air Transports.  I am sure there are some of us out their who do not need anymore INF, Fighters or Artillary.

    As everyone else I to am excited for the finished product and will purchase them no matter how you package them.

    Actually, that would be a really cool idea if you could get all the different trucks, or all the different tanks, or all the different Tac bombers in one set.  I agree that it seems like we drown in infantry yet don’t get enough of some other units.  Still, like reloader said, it would be a lot of work to keep track of all the different kinds of sets.  It may also be cost prohibitive since I believe they way FMG gets the pieces is by country.  So, if they sold sets of just certain unit types, they might end up with a ton of other types that people don’t want or just have too much of already.  So they end up running out of tanks but are up to their ears in artillery.

  • Customizer

    I forgot to list any of my ideas for possible German pieces.  With each piece, I will list what WOTC already makes then what I would like to see FMG make.

    WOTC:  88mm flak
    FMG:  75mm PAK 38 or maybe Nebelwerfer ( I know the 75mm is really more of an anti-tank gun then true artillery.  Afraid I’m not up on artillery pieces)

    Mech Infantry
    WOTC:  SdKfz 251
    FMG:  SdKfz 250  (I like the 251 but if you want something different, here it is)

    WOTC:  Opel Blitz
    FMG:  Opel Blitz  (Sorry, I can’t improve on that one)

    WOTC:  Panther
    FMG #1:  Panzer III (already decided on YAY)
    FMG #2:  Hummel

    WOTC:  Me109
    FMG:  Fw190

    Tac Bomber
    WOTC:  Ju 87 Stuka
    FMG:  Me 110

    Strategic Bomber
    WOTC:  Ju 88
    FMG:  He 111

    Aircraft Carrier
    WOTC:  Graf Zepplin
    FMG:  Graf Zepplin (The Germans didn’t HAVE another Aircraft Carrier)

    WOTC:  Bismarck (This is what I prefer but in the interest of a different choice)
    FMG:  Scharnhorst

    WOTC:  ???
    FMG:  Admiral Hipper class

    WOTC:  Friedrich Eckholt class
    FMG:  1936-Type (Z20 Karl Galster, Z18 Hans Ludemann are two from my War at Sea set)

    WOTC:  Type VII
    FMG:  Type IX (These were larger, ocean going subs but there were fewer of them)

    WOTC:  Danzig class
    FMG:  Dithmarschen class

    Well, that’s all I got for now.  Like 'em?  Hate 'em?  I’m curious to find out.

  • @reloader-1:

    By country.

    If FMG tries to slice and dice too much, there is too much work involved.

    I can appreciate that however I can not afford to spend $40 per country?

    If they package individually then they can offer lower prices which will attract more buyers, therefore in theory selling more product.

  • '10



    By country.

    If FMG tries to slice and dice too much, there is too much work involved.

    I can appreciate that however I can not afford to spend $40 per country?

    If they package individually then they can offer lower prices which will attract more buyers, therefore in theory selling more product.

    In theory yes, in practice we still have to produce FULL SETS so we would be stuck with TONS of odd pcs with no way of recouping the investment on them.  This is a community project with no possible return on investment until all sets are complete. (Sales of one fund the next) So if you don’t want to see Germany… Don’t buy Italy.

  • I will do my part. 6 sets of each no matter what the cost!

    Germany and Japan i might go 8 each.

    Don’t worry FMG. WE will deliver as well.

    Also, before jack wastes all his money on huge tanks, you might join up forces to produce the top quality pieces and open the gates for all sorts of new game companies that dont have the means to make plastic bits.

    Joining forces might help make the thing profitable in the short term. Of course if you control it all your the king.

  • '12


    A)You are already using the panzer III


    LeFH 18 105mm


    The 251.


    Opel Blitz


    Me-109 or FW 190
    Me-262’s for when/if the player gets jet tech  :lol:

    6)tac bomber

    Stuka with 37mm cannons


    He-111 or JU-88


    Can we have a Gigant too? (I think it’s the Me-323)




    The existing choices by WotC are fine I think.

  • '12


    I forgot to list any of my ideas for possible German pieces.  With each piece, I will list what WOTC already makes then what I would like to see FMG make.

    WOTC:  88mm flak
    FMG:  75mm PAK 38 or maybe Nebelwerfer ( I know the 75mm is really more of an anti-tank gun then true artillery.  Afraid I’m not up on artillery pieces)

    Mech Infantry
    WOTC:  SdKfz 251
    FMG:  SdKfz 250  (I like the 251 but if you want something different, here it is)

    WOTC:  Opel Blitz
    FMG:  Opel Blitz  (Sorry, I can’t improve on that one)

    WOTC:  Panther
    FMG #1:  Panzer III (already decided on YAY)
    FMG #2:  Hummel

    WOTC:  Me109
    FMG:  Fw190

    Tac Bomber
    WOTC:  Ju 87 Stuka
    FMG:  Me 110

    Strategic Bomber
    WOTC:  Ju 88
    FMG:  He 111

    Aircraft Carrier
    WOTC:  Graf Zepplin
    FMG:  Graf Zepplin (The Germans didn’t HAVE another Aircraft Carrier)

    WOTC:  Bismarck (This is what I prefer but in the interest of a different choice)
    FMG:  Scharnhorst

    WOTC:  ???
    FMG:  Admiral Hipper class

    WOTC:  Friedrich Eckholt class
    FMG:  1936-Type (Z20 Karl Galster, Z18 Hans Ludemann are two from my War at Sea set)

    WOTC:  Type VII
    FMG:  Type IX (These were larger, ocean going subs but there were fewer of them)

    WOTC:  Danzig class
    FMG:  Dithmarschen class

    Well, that’s all I got for now.  Like 'em?  Hate 'em?  I’m curious to find out.

    The 75mm was pak 40, the 50mm was pak 38.  Either way, I don’t wan’t ANOTHER non-artllery piece to again be selected as the German artillery, lol.  The Hummel is a mech artillery not a tank, but the same vehicle with an 88mm (Nashorn) is a tank destroyer.  That may work (I’d stay away from using a mech artillery as a tank as mech artillery may be WotC’s next choice for a new unit). I greatly prefer the 251 to the 250 (which used primarily by recon units). Everything else you said I’d be fine with. Btw, the existing WOTC cruiser IS the Admiral Hipper class.

  • Customizer

    Hey moralecheck,
    Thanks for the correction on the 75mm.  Like I said, I’m not really up on the different artillery pieces.  I do agree with you that we should have an artillery piece that is a “true” artillery and not an anti-tank or anti-aircraft gun.

    The reason I picked the Hummel was because I thought that’s how FMG was going to make the two different armor sculpts for each country:  1 tank and 1 self-propelled artillery.  Or was that just the case for Italy because they didn’t have a large tank selection?

    I didn’t realize the WOTC cruiser was the Admiral Hipper class.  They didn’t say in the rulebook and it looks different from my War At Sea Admiral Hipper and Prinz Eugen cruisers.  It was by using my WAS pieces that I figured out the British cruiser was the County Class.

    Well, in that case, maybe the FMG German Cruiser could be one of the Deutschland Class Pocket Battleships (Graf Spee, Deutschland/Lutzow, Admiral Scheer).  Those could be considered heavy cruisers I think.

  • Customizer

    By the way, if Germany does get 2 tanks rather than 1 tank and 1 SPA, I would prefer the Tiger tank as well.

  • '12


    Hey moralecheck,
    Thanks for the correction on the 75mm.  Like I said, I’m not really up on the different artillery pieces.  I do agree with you that we should have an artillery piece that is a “true” artillery and not an anti-tank or anti-aircraft gun.

    The reason I picked the Hummel was because I thought that’s how FMG was going to make the two different armor sculpts for each country:  1 tank and 1 self-propelled artillery.  Or was that just the case for Italy because they didn’t have a large tank selection?

    I didn’t realize the WOTC cruiser was the Admiral Hipper class.  They didn’t say in the rulebook and it looks different from my War At Sea Admiral Hipper and Prinz Eugen cruisers.  It was by using my WAS pieces that I figured out the British cruiser was the County Class.

    Well, in that case, maybe the FMG German Cruiser could be one of the Deutschland Class Pocket Battleships (Graf Spee, Deutschland/Lutzow, Admiral Scheer).  Those could be considered heavy cruisers I think.

    The Italians got 1 tank and 1 assault gun.  It would be like giving the germans a Stug III (which would be cool as well).  Pocket battleships would be an excellent choice for a heavy cruiser.

  • TripleA '12

    Yeah, I think it would have been cool if the Germans got the Panzer IV tank and the Stug III assault gun (in keeping with the Italian tank/assualt gun combo), but I am more than happy with the Panzer III tank and whatever the Germans get for their 2nd Tank - hopefully the Tiger I.

  • @FieldMarshalGames:



    By country.

    If FMG tries to slice and dice too much, there is too much work involved.

    I can appreciate that however I can not afford to spend $40 per country?

    If they package individually then they can offer lower prices which will attract more buyers, therefore in theory selling more product.

    In theory yes, in practice we still have to produce FULL SETS so we would be stuck with TONS of odd pcs with no way of recouping the investment on them.  This is a community project with no possible return on investment until all sets are complete. (Sales of one fund the next) So if you don’t want to see Germany… Don’t buy Italy.

    wishful thinking on my part.  I will still buy the finished product.

  • I’ll be there for each set!

    No worries FMG we will make this happen for you!

  • Panzer III and Tiger 1 sounds like the best combo to me. I would love that.

  • for me i’ll be cool with the stug and either the tiger or king tiger

  • @Lunarwolf:

    for me i’ll be cool with the stug and either the tiger or king tiger

    But not together with Panzer III, since they’re both on the same chassis. Kind of boring. But I’d be ok with Stug III and Tiger 1. Please no King Tiger. Not as iconic nor as cool as the Tiger.

  • Customizer



    for me i’ll be cool with the stug and either the tiger or king tiger

    But not together with Panzer III, since they’re both on the same chassis. Kind of boring. But I’d be ok with Stug III and Tiger 1. Please no King Tiger. Not as iconic nor as cool as the Tiger.

    I think the King Tiger was a very cool tank, but you are right that it isn’t as iconic as the Tiger I.  The King Tiger came out too late in the war.  I think the first time they were used in force was during the Battle of the Bulge in December of 1944.  Also, it was a heavy tank which really outclassed most Allied tanks.  If they woulc have come earlier in the war, it might have really changed the outcome of some of the big tank battles.

    I still think it would be cool if FMG came out with a Heavy Tank set for all nations after all the country sets are complete.

  • '12




    for me i’ll be cool with the stug and either the tiger or king tiger

    But not together with Panzer III, since they’re both on the same chassis. Kind of boring. But I’d be ok with Stug III and Tiger 1. Please no King Tiger. Not as iconic nor as cool as the Tiger.

    I think the King Tiger was a very cool tank, but you are right that it isn’t as iconic as the Tiger I.  The King Tiger came out too late in the war.  I think the first time they were used in force was during the Battle of the Bulge in December of 1944.  Also, it was a heavy tank which really outclassed most Allied tanks.  If they woulc have come earlier in the war, it might have really changed the outcome of some of the big tank battles.

    I still think it would be cool if FMG came out with a Heavy Tank set for all nations after all the country sets are complete.

    The british had the bad luck of encountering Tiger IIs in July 44.  There were 450 or so made over the course of the last year of the war.  Spread out on three fronts, it was a rare sight. There were about 1,300 tiger I’s made and they were around for almost half the war.  Production was halted in Oct 44 when all but one factory that made them had switched to Tiger II production.  The last factory that was supposed to keep making them was hit by US bombers.  The much slower Tiger II was a bad idea when allied planes ruled the battlefield.  To slow to get away, too big to hide.  They’d have been wiser to focus production on the Panther.

  • Just for fun some alternatives- truck-one of the Maultiers,Fighter-He100(might have entered service,but they wanted Heinkel to concentrate on bombers),Odin-proposed CV/BB
    hybrid(Z plan),coastal u boat,sdkfz 7,etc.

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