• @Canuck12:


    I think the fact that you come to this site often enough to join (Welcome.) and pay enough attention to know that new editions are comming out, means you really like to play this game. We all do.

    I played the original edition years ago, was introduced to Revised a few years back and was STOKED when the 1942 came out. After playing that one I knew I had to get my hands on AA50. So I got a good deal from a pal, (still very pricey) and picked up one of the out of print copies. I reserved AAP40 and had it the day of release and I’ll do the same with AAE40. (I’m not big on the micro games).

    The message I’m trying to convey to you is why wouldn’t you want new editions of the game? I still play AA42 probabaly more than AA50 because they are both fun and challenging in different ways. The concept is what I like and the more ways you can apply it and tweak it the better! No one is forcing you to buy a new edition of the game (Many people beleive it will never get better than AA50) But if you feel like you’re missing out playing the newer more intricate edition of the game it’s probabaly because you love playing the game and are seeking an even greter challenge with it.

    If this is the case then buy, play and enjoy the new one without feeling like you’re being ripped off.
    If you’re happy with good old AA50 (and that could keep you happy for a long time) then play, enjoy and stop comming on here and torturing yourself with thought of how the new edition is bigger and better.

    P.S. Lots of people here actually believe the Pacific 40 edition is inferior to AA50.

    Perhaps I should clarify- I’m not saying that I don’t enjoy having new editions come out, but I don’t have a lot of money to spend on games, so I don’t like it when a developer releases a “new edition” (of whatever, it doesn’t have to be A&A) with all sorts of new features and then release another new edition relatively soon thereafter with even more new features that obsoletes the one that just came out. This really wouldn’t be a problem if not for A&A games’ high pricing and honestly it could have just been a one time thing that happened with AA50 and AA1940. What it looked like was that the developers released the anniversary edition knowing that the two 1940 editions would be better without telling anyone that the 1940 editions were coming up, it smacks of greed but like I said I did not want to sound accusitory but I guess there is no other way to describe it. So, I felt like I had to say something, maybe find out more information on the the subject, maybe to just reassure myself I don’t know, again like I said I don’t really know what I hope to accomplish with this thread but I don’t want to just sit back and do nothing and risk that this becomes a pattern with the developers of A&A. So to reitterate, I don’t mind new editions but I guess the best way to describe it would be: I don’t want a new edition coming out once a year when they could have waited a little while and put them all into one and save their customers money.

    (Again I am having trouble putting my thoughts into words so this post is a little all over the board as I wrote it in peices. I’ll try to clarify tomorrow if anyone is having trouble understanding me.)

  • Well I can see the short time span between AA50 and AA1940 editions as greedy money grabs to make A&A fans buy more copies of a similar game (with just a few more territories each update) But if WotC wanted a bigger cash grab they would have released a re-print of AA50 over a year ago as people on these forms have been petitioning, I’m sure they could have sold thousands of more copies (I would have bought one). Then dropped the AA40 announcement.

  • They need to make money somehow. Would you buy a game thats worse then the previous one? So of COURSE successive games are going to be slightly better. I think in time they will do a reprint, and it will be better. I like that there is a new game every year or so. Its pretty fun to try new things.

  • Actually the quality of the games is going downhill, what with the cardboard pieces and the exclusion of IPC’s and all the typos.

  • @idk_iam_swiss:

    They need to make money somehow. Would you buy a game thats worse then the previous one? So of COURSE successive games are going to be slightly better. I think in time they will do a reprint, and it will be better. I like that there is a new game every year or so. Its pretty fun to try new things.

    I am not suggesting that they release worse games I am suggesting that they shouldn’t release games in such close succession when they could have just waited and released ONE game with all the improvements they come up with. And yes they need to make money so I wouldn’t have a problem if they released a game every 2 and a half years but releasing a game once a year means that they either planned it or someone had a revelation in regards to the next greatest A&A. I just honestly don’t think that they could have come up with all this new stuff (the new stuff in AA40) and then put it all together to have it ready in a year’s time, I think that they must have had at least some of this put together while they were releasing the anniversary edition, which implies that they new they’d have something better coming up. So even if it was some kind of “honest mistake” where they just didn’t expect ot have all this new stuff so soon, they could have held AA50’s release in favor of putting this new stuff in it instead of releasing a whole new game a year later. The only two reasons they wouldn’t that I can think of are: greed, or there was some kind of clerical error.

    (If the above paragraph conveys what I am trying to get it to convey this is what I have been trying to put into words this whole time, god I hate communicating with typing……)

    Truely, the differences between AA50 and AA1940 is worth paying full price but its kind of a middle finger to everyone who bought AA50 because AA1940 is better and it came out just a year later (little more if you include 1940 Europe) and the two cost $80 while AA50 cost $100. Its like they said, "Look at this shiny new and improved A&A, because its so good we are asking for $100. (Everyone sees that as fair and wants to buy it) (one year later…) “Hey everyone! Guess what? Look at this new and improved A&A that is completely better than that last one we just released and it costs $160 (Assuming that both Europe and Pacific cost $80).” See anything wrong with that? I don’t know, maybe you don’t but I do.

  • I see your point. I really do. I dont like it anymore then you do. But i would much rather buy the new game then be left out of the loop.

  • As a fan of the series and as someone with limited funds, I really understand where you are comming from. Its tough sometimes deciding what to get, and you want to support the franchise, so you almost feel guilty not buying the games when they come out. But sometimes you have to do it. For example, I have never bought an A&A battle game like d-day or bulge. They just seemed to limited in their scope for my intrests, I could care less about playing one small battle. Also, I have not, nor do I ever intend to buy A&A 1942, I just dont see the point. Outside of getting extra pieces, I have no need for that game, I have A&A revised, and thats good enough.
    I dont feel that this makes me any less of a fan, nor dose it make me feel guilty in not supporting the franchise overall. As far as them comming out back to back, I think the 1940 games were long time comming and needed, and I cant imagine another game of this size being released for a while. I’ve kinda been thinking of these 2 games as the Mona Lisa of the A&A series. These games will be Larrys 9th symphony so to speak, they will have reached the pinicale of depth and size. If these were to be the last 2 big A&A games ever released, I dont think it would be a bad thing.

  • I think that Larry should make as many games as he wants. If you do not like it, simply do not buy the games.

  • '22 '19 '18

    I hear ya, I was pretty ticked that they were already coming out with a “better” global game than AA50 only a year after AA50’s release.  I told myself that I wasn’t going to buy it and just stay with AA50, but the more I read on these boards, coupled with my fear that if I didn’t buy them now, they would become limited editions and then I could only buy them for $500 each, I bent over and bought pacific.  Now that I have played P40 a few times, I enjoy it and can’t wait for September (I know the release date is August, but come on it is WoTC we are dealing with) to get E40.  Given the extra complexity of the 1940 games and their potential length to play I don’t think I have played my last game of AA50.

  • '10


    Actually the quality of the games is going downhill, what with the cardboard pieces and the exclusion of IPC’s and all the typos.

    Hey Brain I think the games are MUCH better than the original. I do agree with your thoughts about the cardboard pieces. But I think that the AAG1940 will be my last purchase UNLESS WOTC comes out with an eastern front or N. Africa hex based game like Battle of the Bulge. I will eventually make improvements myself to AAG1940 instead of buying new editions because I will have that nice big global map to work with. (and FMG units) By the way, what is the deal with the swastika flag?

  • I thought he was just trollin.

  • For everybody that feels upset about P40 coming out so soon after aa50…I just recently got back into the  game (i played when I was a kid) I missed out on aa50, but the new games got me hooked. So if more people are playing as a result  of these games I think its good. I have P40 and I’m jealous that I don’t have aa50!

  • Guys, I don’t mind you explaining your posts but don’t let thing get too off topic pls. Is there anyone who has any ideas? Anything at all? I mean, realistically, there is nothing that gamers can do but… like I said any ideas at all.
    On a side note, I wanted to ask you guys your opinions: should I get AAP40 now or just wait and order both AAE40 and AAP40 at the same time? My concern is that I want to let the price of AAP40 drop as much as it can before I buy it but I don’t want it to suddenly be out of stock.

  • '10

    Is there anyone who has any ideas? Anything at all? I mean, realistically, there is nothing that gamers can do but… like I said any ideas at all.

    i dont think i’m sure what you are asking for?

  • @Reaper:

    On a side note, I wanted to ask you guys your opinions: should I get AAP40 now or just wait and order both AAE40 and AAP40 at the same time? My concern is that I want to let the price of AAP40 drop as much as it can before I buy it but I don’t want it to suddenly be out of stock.

    I will sell you my copy of AAP40. It was played once. If you are interested send me a private message. I don’t think AAP40 will drop in price until it is ready to go out of print which might be a long time from now. I have had all of the games and sold all except AA1942 and AAP40 so far. I play AA42 the most and like it. It is Revised with AA50 rules and cruisers. If I sell AAP40 then AA42 will be the only AA game on my shelf.

  • @Reaper:

    My concern is that I want to let the price of AAP40 drop as much as it can before I buy it but I don’t want it to suddenly be out of stock.

    Trying to time the market can be frustrating and/or dangerous. There is not that much money at stake.

  • @johnnymarr:

    Is there anyone who has any ideas? Anything at all? I mean, realistically, there is nothing that gamers can do but… like I said any ideas at all.

    i dont think i’m sure what you are asking for?

    I mean in regards to the thread’s topic.



    On a side note, I wanted to ask you guys your opinions: should I get AAP40 now or just wait and order both AAE40 and AAP40 at the same time? My concern is that I want to let the price of AAP40 drop as much as it can before I buy it but I don’t want it to suddenly be out of stock.

    I will sell you my copy of AAP40. It was played once. If you are interested send me a private message. I don’t think AAP40 will drop in price until it is ready to go out of print which might be a long time from now. I have had all of the games and sold all except AA1942 and AAP40 so far. I play AA42 the most and like it. It is Revised with AA50 rules and cruisers. If I sell AAP40 then AA42 will be the only AA game on my shelf.

    No thanks, no offense to you, but I don’t buy things from “unofficial” distribuiters.


    My concern is that I want to let the price of AAP40 drop as much as it can before I buy it but I don’t want it to suddenly be out of stock.

    Trying to time the market can be frustrating and/or dangerous. There is not that much money at stake.

    So you are suggesting that I purchase it now?

  • I’ll defend skinny here1 - he is offering you the game from his personal collection, something I have done DOZENS of times from people on the internet.

    No reason to disparage him as an “unofficial distribuiter (sic)”

  • @reloader-1:

    I’ll defend skinny here1 - he is offering you the game from his personal collection, something I have done DOZENS of times from people on the internet.

    No reason to disparage him as an “unofficial distribuiter (sic)”

    I meant no offense, I just meant that he is an individual person, and I don’t buy from individuals, its really nothing against him or anyone, I just don’t do it. Oh and the “unofficial distruiter” thing was because I couldn’t think of what else to call it sorry….

  • No worries…

    Your loss - and who do you think owns the stores online you buy from (hint: normally individual people)

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