Thank you for sending the map to my printer. I have been testing scenarios out with my A&A using my 1942 second edition. I just have been using sticky note paper to mark my Italian territories. I used the game pieces from my anniversary addition for the Italian pieces. I also added have tracks: cost is IPC 5. Attack 2, defend 2 as tanks cost 6 IPC in this version. Its nice to spend 5 IPC on an actual unit other than an AA gun. No artillery bonus on half track in this version
I also added the recruitment center from zombies.
Please see the chart below
INFANTRY 3 1 1 2
HALF TRACK 5 2 2 2
TANK 6 2 3 3
Accurate Miniature Equivalents for Custom Painting your 1940 E&P
Do you know where Jimmy Hoffa is?
Yeah - Allwork found him and encased him in plastic, then proceeded to paint him in urban camo 8-)
Do you know where Jimmy Hoffa is?
Yeah - Allwork found him and encased him in plastic, then proceeded to paint him in urban camo 8-)
Do you know where Jimmy Hoffa is?
Yeah - Allwork found him and encased him in plastic, then proceeded to paint him in urban camo 8-)
PLEEEEASE… It was a Far East scheme - I had to match him with Lennon and Elvis.
Eh eh eh - nice.
You start working on any of FMG’s yet Allwork?
I’ve sent him my FMG Italian Infantry units. And whenever HBG gets a re-stock in I’ll send him the Aircraft & Ships, too. I’d already sent him a couple of HBGs
US Marine Sets along with some other “stuff”. His paint jobs are AWESOME!He’s painting some Marine Raiders, regular Marines, and UK Infantry with “Union Jack” insignias painted on their bases(for use as Calcutta-based UK-Pacific forces). Check our thread “EXPANDED A&A–THE NAVAL SERIES Coral Sea and the Solomons Campaign” in about a week or so for some pics of them. They should look really COOL!
“Tall Paul”
Excellent - look forward to seeing the pics!
Viracocha and others,
I’m (hopefully) going to post a “link” for you to use to get to the “Solomons game” thread.
I hope I did this correctly and it works for you. I’m also looking forward to my painted units,…especially the Marine Raiders.
“Tall Paul”
This thread has inspired me to break out the paints…
I’m almost finished France. Is this an appropriate thread to post to or should I create a new one to show some photos?
UK Union Jack Infantry (in Far East garb)
What exactly is the difference of the Union Jack infantry as opposed to your regular British roundel troops… I know both insignia are acceptable, but do you use it for differentiating between Europe and Pacific?
Beautiful work by the way… an oasis in a desert…you haven’t been on in a while! :-)
Do you think the Mods should create a category for us to post painted minatures in one place? Anyhow here is my first stab at A&A pieces. I started with France because no-one ever shows France and since I only own one set and we are playing right now French pieces aren’t being missed on the board :-D
I’m trying to attach a couple of photos. We’ll see how that goes. I’m not allowed to post links yet
Here are desert scheme armour and mechs and artillery…
More armour - desert and regular scheme…
Regular scheme armour, French Navy and a Carrier with Regular scheme airforce and then another with Desert Scheme…
I’ll upload some more of the rest of the Navy and Airforce Later
Spitfire38 and Others,
Since you asked WHY they were painted I can answer that. The reason I had Chad paint these UK-Pacific based(Calcutta) Infantry for me is simple.
Since the UK-Europe(London) and UK-Pacific(Calcutta) units are FINANCIALLY separated,…
I also wanted them to LOOK different. I call these UK-Pacific Infantry units “Jacks” because of the “Union Jacks” painted on their bases. I think that these “Jacks” not only serve their purpose,…but they look really COOL, too. Chad is an Awesome painter and did a magnificent job on these. It seems to be “Tea Time” in Calcutta!!! haha.Stay tuned for the up-coming US Marine Raiders, US Marines and several other cool units that Chad’s painting for me. I’ll post some pics of these and other units he’s painting on our Solomons Campaign thread. Here’s a link:
By the way,…I REALLY liked everyones pics of their painted units. Really nice work guys. Keep up the good work!
“Tall Paul”
Nice work…… :-)
Bump for coolness.
Can we please also get this moved and possibly stickied in Customizations for all of those who are interested in painting and modding?
today i managed to read through this year long forum thread and I have to ask what happened after November 17th 2011?.. did everybody in this forum mysteriously dissapear? or was it just discontinued? or was it moved to another forum thread or something?.. somebody please let me know because I was really excited to see Allworks whole board with his miniatures (they are awesome!)
today i managed to read through this year long forum thread and I have to ask what happened after November 17th 2011?.. did everybody in this forum mysteriously dissapear? or was it just discontinued? or was it moved to another forum thread or something?.. somebody please let me know because I was really excited to see Allworks whole board with his miniatures (they are awesome!)
Not exactly sure Blu. I was hoping a moderator would move and sticky this. Allworkandnoclay has some good tips and his work should be up where people can see and find it easily. There’s a good amount of us who paint and modify our sculpts and it would be cool for this thread to have a visible spot on the boards.
Allworkandnoclay was selling these and does paint work. I think Tall Paul bought a lot of his minis from him. If you’re enjoying seeing this kind of work you should visit the Customizations Board. There’s a lot of great stuff there.