Interesting . Thanks Flashman.
Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread
The link works.
whats the point in posting a link to his main site?? im eager to hear some (good) news about the project.
whats the point in posting a link to his main site?? im eager to hear some (good) news about the project.
Sorry, I was doing some testing with the webmaster for this site. Some people were not able to post links due to anti-SPAM initiatives.
There is going to be some news very soon however…
Link doesn’t work for me, unless you took is down, This is what i get.
“Fatal error: Method Varien_Object::__tostring() cannot take arguments in /home/berrywar/public_html/ on line 488”
Any News on the Italian release? I too was so hopeful back in November of last year when we seemed to be so close. Sorry to say but I feel misled.
Please announce how much longer you intend the Italians to take.
Link doesn’t work for me, unless you took is down, This is what i get.
“Fatal error: Method Varien_Object::__tostring() cannot take arguments in /home/berrywar/public_html/ on line 488”
Any News on the Italian release? I too was so hopeful back in November of last year when we seemed to be so close. Sorry to say but I feel misled.
Please announce how much longer you intend the Italians to take.
We were all mislead by the factory. I have always kept the community up to date here on this forum.
The factory was to optimistic on their time line… so we all got burned.
We are very close now. The product is ACTUALLY in production.
whats the story on the rest of the countries? During this down time of waiting on the Italians and German units, do we have any pictures of what’s coming up next?
Hey FMG,
I am curious about how the mould is designed. Is it one big mould that has all 150 different pieces for a set? Or are there separate moulds for each unit type (tank mould, fighter mould, battleship mould, etc.)? -
What about the Germans are they in production as well. Can we expect the release of both at the same time. Please tell me yes. I am dying for these pieces.
The mould contains all pieces for the Nation. A full set is made of multiple stampings of the mould.
The current status is: ITALY - Any day now… they are in production (for real!) GERMANY - Mould is at the foundry being made USA - Still in sculpting and revisions.
It looks like GERMANY will be released shortly after ITALY rather than at the same time. Had some issues with the He 111 that delayed it going into the mould.
This is the latest information. I have been quiet on here waiting for the big news myself.
I will share pictures of USA sculpts as they become available.
Thanks for the info Jeremy. Appreciate can’t wait to see the USA sculpts.
The mould contains all pieces for the Nation. A full set is made of multiple stampings of the mould.
Okay, then what do they do in the case of different quantities of certain pieces. For example, a set will have 12 fighters but only 6 TACs and Bombers, 12 Destroyers & Subs but 6 ACs, Battleships & Cruisers. To make full sets with multiple stampings of the mould, wouldn’t they end up with a lot of extra pieces of the units that are smaller quantities in the sets? In other words, if they stamped the mould 12 times in order to get 12 destroyers, subs, fighters & artillery, wouldn’t they also end up with 12 Carriers, Battleships, Cruisers, TACs & Bombers? If so, what would they do with those extra pieces?
Am I missing something? Sorry if you covered this already and I just don’t remember it.
The mould contains all pieces for the Nation. A full set is made of multiple stampings of the mould.
Okay, then what do they do in the case of different quantities of certain pieces. For example, a set will have 12 fighters but only 6 TACs and Bombers, 12 Destroyers & Subs but 6 ACs, Battleships & Cruisers. To make full sets with multiple stampings of the mould, wouldn’t they end up with a lot of extra pieces of the units that are smaller quantities in the sets? In other words, if they stamped the mould 12 times in order to get 12 destroyers, subs, fighters & artillery, wouldn’t they also end up with 12 Carriers, Battleships, Cruisers, TACs & Bombers? If so, what would they do with those extra pieces?
Am I missing something? Sorry if you covered this already and I just don’t remember it.
You add multiples of the more common pieces to each mould example: Infantry.
Jeremy, you must have the patience of Job!
Jeremy you still haven’t answeered my question :-).
thats an exalent way of putting it. thank you i was haveing a hard time riying to desipher my own thoughs.
You and everyone else! I think.
I apologize if anyone has been “put-off” or "let-down in any way. This has been a community project from the beginning, and we value community input. As so many have showed enthusiasm for this project and supported it both with ideas and pre-orders, I like to share the progress with those who have “invested” in this project.
As for the timeline, we had no idea when getting into this how difficult and long of a process it would be. Remember that we are not a multi-million dollar company, with limitless resources. We began this as amateurs and fans… who still have a dream and will see it to completion regardless of the cost, time or naysayers along the way.
I admit that timelines and dates may have been given incorrectly, but that just shows how difficult this process has been for us and how we were “newbs” when it came to an undertaking of this size and complexity. We have learned many lessons along the way and some of them were costly. You will notice in future that I will not be so optimistic about posting projected dates. ( i have been mis-lead and disappointed to many times)
Here is the final STUKA sculpt for those who are still following the project: Enjoy!
The Stuka is very nice.
When they finally come out the quality will speak for itself and all these folks will just buy them in truckloads and throw the crap OOB pieces on ebay where they belong.
Ummm Jeremy… My question.
Wow, a stuka with real landing gear!
Here is the final STUKA sculpt for those who are still following the project: Enjoy!
I hate to do this, but I’m seeing some problems with this Stuka.
1 – The cockpit is shaped wrong. The Stuka’s cockpit had more of a squarish look to it and was somewhat longer. The current cockpit looks like that of a single-seat fighter plane. It leaves no room for the rear gunner that was in all Stukas.
2 – The landing gear struts are placed wrong. They are too close to the fuselage. The landing struts on the Stuka were located right on the bend of the wings.
3 – I think the tail fin is a little short. It should be a little higher.
I’ve attached some pics of one of my Stuka models so you can see the difference. If you want the Stuka piece to be an accurate representation, these changes should be made.