UPDATE: 01/28/10
I fixed a few errors that were noticed by the users of this forum. None of which would effect game play. Thanks to everyone for helping me catch them. And as always, if you notice any errors please let me know so i can fix them. Below are the NEW UPDATED CHARTS with screenshots.
8.5" x 11" National Production & National Objectives Chart (USA’s +40 NO has been ommited since it is printed on the map itself)

Full High resolution version can be downloaded here:
8.5" x 13.5" National Production & National Objectives Chart designed to be printed on LEGAL paper (includes USA’s +40 NO)

Full High resolution version can be downloaded here:
8.5" x 11" Battleboard

Full High resolution version can be downloaded here:
I will continue to update this first entry if any other errors are discovered. Also I will be adding the diplomacy/setup cards in a few days.