• k first on the battle strip the aircraft carriers have a attack value of one, but in the rule book it says it has no attack value. which one is the actual rule?

    has anybody ever noticed that they put “palua” on japans setup chart and then spelt it “paulau” on the game board? jw

    do neutral coutry have any ipc value. does the number printed on them indicate ipc value or the number of infantry that are there if someone attacks? i only ask this becuase someone had mentioned that neutral country give you income in another forum.

    what point does a mechanized infantry have, really? for 4 ipcs the only special ability it has is blitzing only when its paired with tank? seems pointless. at least in AA50 if you happened to roll for mech inf. they only cost 3 ipcs.

    is there gonna be tecnologies when the two games combine, does anybody know? i hope they will. it kinda disappointed me that they didn’t include them in AAP40.

    and finally what are some good strategies for japan? J1, J2, J3 attack?

  • @Profile2012:

    k first on the battle strip the aircraft carriers have a attack value of one, but in the rule book it says it has no attack value. which one is the actual rule?

    The values on the battle strip are incorrect. Use those on the rulebook

    has anybody ever noticed that they put “palua” on japans setup chart and then spelt it “paulau” on the game board?

    Yup, the map has a typo, correct name should be Palau

    do neutral coutry have any ipc value. does the number printed on them indicate ipc value or the number of infantry that are there if someone attacks? i only ask this becuase someone had mentioned that neutral country give you income in another forum.

    I’ve read somewhere that the number indicates both the number of infantry and the IPC value. Krieghund should know about this.

    what point does a mechanized infantry have, really? for 4 ipcs the only special ability it has is blitzing only when its paired with tank? seems pointless. at least in AA50 if you happened to roll for mech inf. they only cost 3 ipcs.

    That and the 2 spaces movement. After all, gas is expensive ;)

    is there gonna be tecnologies when the two games combine, does anybody know? i hope they will. it kinda disappointed me that they didn’t include them in AAP40.

    Kriegund? What does the oracle say about this?

    and finally what are some good strategies for japan? J1, J2, J3 attack?

    Check the boards. Plenty of discussions going on regarding strategies.

  • Customizer

    I need to add a question here as well.  Before I bring it up to my opponent, I need to be sure.

    Let’s say I have 4 planes from the beginning.  I build an aircraft carrier.  Can I place my old planes on my new carrier during place units phase?

    I say you can’t, but I need to be sure.


  • Customizer


    Let’s say I have 4 planes from the beginning.  I build an aircraft carrier.  Can I place my old planes on my new carrier during place units phase?

    No.  If you have four planes to start that aren’t already on a carrier, they must be on land somewhere.  In order to get from land to the new carrier, it would require non-combat movement, which you can’t do during the place units phase.

  • Official Q&A


    do neutral coutry have any ipc value. does the number printed on them indicate ipc value or the number of infantry that are there if someone attacks? i only ask this becuase someone had mentioned that neutral country give you income in another forum.

    I’ve read somewhere that the number indicates both the number of infantry and the IPC value. Krieghund should know about this.

    The number indicates only the number of defending infantry.  IPC values are indicated by a number in a circle.  None of the neutral territories have IPC values.


    is there gonna be tecnologies when the two games combine, does anybody know? i hope they will. it kinda disappointed me that they didn’t include them in AAP40.

    Kriegund? What does the oracle say about this?


  • Official Q&A


    Let’s say I have 4 planes from the beginning.  I build an aircraft carrier.  Can I place my old planes on my new carrier during place units phase?

    Only if they ended their movement in the carrier’s sea zone.  If they are in the territory from which the carrier is being mobilized, they cannot be moved onto it.

  • @Krieghund:

    None of the neutral territories have IPC values.

    Are you speaking solely about those on the AAP40 board or are you making a general announcement about how neutrals appear / will appear in both 1940 games?

  • Customizer


    Only if they ended their movement in the carrier’s sea zone.  If they are in the territory from which the carrier is being mobilized, they cannot be moved onto it.

    So a plane is allowed to end its turn in a sea zone if a new carrier is anticipated there?

  • @bcguitars:


    Only if they ended their movement in the carrier’s sea zone.  If they are in the territory from which the carrier is being mobilized, they cannot be moved onto it.

    So a plane is allowed to end its turn in a sea zone if a new carrier is anticipated there?

    Correct.  And you’re required to put the carrier there, I believe

  • Customizer


    Correct.  And you’re required to put the carrier there, I believe

    I would hope so, or those planes are going to get wet!

  • Customizer

    Only if they ended their movement in the carrier’s sea zone.  If they are in the territory from which the carrier is being mobilized, they cannot be moved onto it.

    Ok, just so I am clear.  I move my planes onto the empty sea zone in non-combat, then build my carrier, and my planes are automatically on the carrier?  That is legal?

  • @jim010:

    Only if they ended their movement in the carrier’s sea zone.  If they are in the territory from which the carrier is being mobilized, they cannot be moved onto it.

    Ok, just so I am clear.  I move my planes onto the empty sea zone in non-combat, then build my carrier, and my planes are automatically on the carrier?  That is legal?


    Offcourse, only 2 per AC still.

  • Customizer

    Interesting.  From the rules, I never would have got that.  I understood that new planes could be placed on an old or new carrier, but not vice versa.  My thought was that there is no carrier there at the end of non-combat, so the planes can’t land on anything.  And planes are required to land at teh end of non-combat.  This is an exception, then.

    Got it.

  • Official Q&A


    And planes are required to land at teh end of non-combat.  This is an exception, then.

    No, the planes are required to be in a valid landing space at the end of noncombat movement.  They don’t actually land until the end of the Mobilize New Units phase.

  • 2024 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 '10



    Only if they ended their movement in the carrier’s sea zone.  If they are in the territory from which the carrier is being mobilized, they cannot be moved onto it.

    Ok, just so I am clear.  I move my planes onto the empty sea zone in non-combat, then build my carrier, and my planes are automatically on the carrier?  That is legal?


    Offcourse, only 2 per AC still.

    WOW I would of never thunk it.

    Not sure me and my friends would use that.  It seems if there are phases it would splash at the end of non-combat.  Yet still kind of cool.

  • thanks for the feedback. now i have a few more question dealin with neutral countries and convoy disruption.

    since neutral countries have no ipc value can anyone tell me what are the advantages of invading a neutral country, if any? did they just add the new neutrality rules just for more realism or what?

    when does a convoy disruption actually happen? i know its during the collect income phase, but if like america moves into, lets say the waters around japan does the convoy disrution happen during the end of japan’s turn or america’s turn? and also the rules state that at least one enemy warship must be present during the disruption. how does that work? when all combat prior to the collect income would have eliminated any enemy warships. assuming that you won the sea battle. maybe i’m misinterpreting the rules or somethin. could someone clarify these rules for me?

    and about old planes landing on new carriers on the mobilization phase. yes you can do that

  • @Profile2012:

    since neutral countries have no ipc value can anyone tell me what are the advantages of invading a neutral country, if any? did they just add the new neutrality rules just for more realism or what?

    They’re not thát new. In the original A&A, you could invade neutrals aswell, but you had to pay some fine or something IIRC.
    As for P40: advantage could be, by invading Mongolia, you can surround China, and attack it from two sides. But that would be the only advantage, and a very tiny one.

    when does a convoy disruption actually happen? i know its during the collect income phase, but if like america moves into, lets say the waters around japan does the convoy disrution happen during the end of japan’s turn or america’s turn? and also the rules state that at least one enemy warship must be present during the disruption. how does that work? when all combat prior to the collect income would have eliminated any enemy warships. assuming that you won the sea battle. maybe i’m misinterpreting the rules or somethin. could someone clarify these rules for me?

    I am Japan.
    I do my things.
    At the end of my turn, I enter the collect income phase.

    At that moment, I have to check (and with me, all other players aswell) all my SZ’s containing convoy markers for enemy warships.
    In 1 SZ with a convoy marker adjacent to a territory I own, I spot an US Destroyer.

    That’s -1 IPC for me.

    In another SZ with a convoy marker adjacent to a territory I own, I spot a ANZAC sub. That’s -2 IPC for me.

    Note that at any given time, the convoy disruption can never cost Japan more money than the IPC value of the territories surrounding the disrupted seazone.

    If I, as Japan, happen to have sunk all Allied ships during this turn, there will be no enemy ships in my convoys, and hence, no convoy disruption will occur.

    Hope that clears things up for you.

  • @Craig:



    None of the neutral territories have IPC values.

    Are you speaking solely about those on the AAP40 board or are you making a general announcement about how neutrals appear / will appear in both 1940 games?

    There multiple neutrals in AAE 40 and some have IPC values.

    That’s what I thought  :-D… but when someone asked I couldn’t think where I came by that info for the life of me! :-o

  • yes thanks that cleared up the convoy rules for me

  • Customizer

    Can I pipe in with another convoy question?

    The convoy in sz10.  If there are Japanese ships there, does that deny the US the Mexican money?


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