Gharen, I’m not necessarily an advocate for changing the rules for China, or of allowing the Chinese out of China in AA40. Hell they get to go into 20 tt. I would have liked to see a Chinese AA gun just to show the p40 ftr wasn’t just a paper tiger and the Japs took heavy air losses. I did think that China was much to weak in AA50, especially 41. I also think that China’s roll will be much different in the 40 global game. The UK/Russian powers will play a much bigger role in the Chinese arena (its kinda like an arena-they can’t leave-he he couldn’t resist :-D). Anyway I for one will hold judgment until I’ve actually had a chance to play the global game. I don’t foresee any real problems here. I also like the fact that China is a very minor mostly def ally that is going to need a lot of help to stay in the game.
edit: I would like to see some Russian restrictions when it comes to its allies in Russian tt, and vice-versa. The Russians didn’t play nice w/allies. Any Russians going into China should maybe represent communist (MIO), and became red Chinese. They would at the point of entry have the same restrictions as the Chinese, and could not return to Russian soil. This would make Russia think twice about placing units in china. I don’t think any of this will be part of the game, but makes for an interesting scenario.