Game 7 Panzerstahl-Helm vs barnee
Game: 1940
Axis: Panzerstahl-Helm
Allies: barnee
Game Thread
Triplea save exp-game-7-stahl-ger-24_after_moscow_battle.tsvg
Early 1940
The Kriegsmarine launches the “Graf Zepplin” along with a couple of U-boats and a Transport. Waffen Units fill out their Build.
The Allied Fleet in 110 was sunk and in 111 damaged, which the Germans retreated from.
In a surprise move, France was heavily attrited but not conquered.
The Soviets max produced Landmines as well as two Engineers. Two Paratrooper Divisions also form in Moscow.
They begin to concentrate in Novgorod, Bryansk and Caucasus.
Nippon invests in an Air Transport, a Naval Transport, 2 Engineers and 2 LCV’s. They conduct standard attacks against China.
USA and China
The Americans destroy the Facilities in the Philippines and max build Fortifications there. The rest of their income is spent strengthening their Navy, including the launch of the USS Iowa in the Pacific.
The Chinese successfully counterattack in Yunnan.
The British build a Factory in Egypt and repair the damaged Battleship HMS Hood. Singapore Harbor is destroyed and the rest of their resources are spent on the Army.
Their only combat is to sink the Italian Ships off Malta.
Italia buys 2 LCV’s and a Paratrooper. They conduct combats against Greece, Tunisia, the French Ships in 93 and most importantly, a weakend Paris.
All attacks succeed.
The Regia Marina concentrates in 97, while the UK Med Fleet is in 92 off Gibralter.
ANZAC and France
ANZAC builds a Transport and Infantry. They begin to take Custodianship of Dutch Islands.
The French make some minor non combat moves.
Late 1940
The Reich max produces Landmines and repairs the Bismark. 3 U-boats are launched and 6 LCV’s are produced. 4 Infantry are pressed into the Waffen SS.
The Luftwaffe conduct a Strategic Bombing Raid on London. The RAF decline to intercept. 7 Damage is done to the Major Factory.
Two UK DDs deployed in 119 and 110 by the Royal Navy to prevent any Bombard by the Kriegsmarine in case of an early Sealion, are easily sunk.
Kriegsmarine is now concentrated in 110.

SSR goes heavy with Landmines and maxes out their Paratrooper production. The Red Army begins to produce a few Artillery Units, as Intelligence indicates a German attack on Britain.
Nippon begins construction of a Factory in Shantung. Max attacks against China take place. The Battleship Yamato and a CV are launched.
USA and China
America prepares for the launch of the Missouri and another Carrier. Marines begin to deploy and the Army Air Corps activates a Fighter Wing.
MI5 convinces the Yanks of a possible German invasion. Roosevelt, being the Naval President that he is, orders all new construction to the Atlantic.
China takes Yunnan in a counterattack once again.
London repairs their Factory and moves it underground. The Italian Forces in Kenya are destroyed.
Concerned about a German invasion, London is reinforced but the new Egypt Factory as well as Calcutta, continue to produce.
The Regia Marina launches a Carrier and the Regia Aeronautica Italiana activate a Bomber Squadron.
A UK DD blocking a potential German attack on Gibralter is sunk by a Bomber from West Germany. Tunisia and Algeria are conquered.

ANZAC and France
ANZAC builds a Air Transport, along with a Destroyer and an Artillery for the Army.
They take Custodianship of Celebes and move a Fighter to Java.
France moves 1 Infantry in Africa.

I’ll see if I can find @VictoryFirst s picture taking process. Thought I had it saved. Can’t find it right now.
Anyway, you can get a better view with the triplea save by going through History
Early 1941
The Reich max produces Landmines and Goring successfully advocates for 5 Air Transports. Two more U-boats are launched with the rest of the German resources going to the Wehrmacht, including a Panzer General, along with a Waffen Oberst.
Thanks to the sinking of the UK DD blocker in 104 by Italia, Gibralter is conquered.
The 6 LCVs have moved to W GER.
With Tankograd up and running, the Soviets produce 4 T-34s and a Tank General. They will form 1st Tank in Moscow.
The Red Army Forces in Novgorod move to Karelia and now have a strong concentration there.
All Paratroopers are in Caucasus and Bryansk serves as the tactical reserve. No LMs have been armed yet, as Soviet High Command is unsure of German intentions.
Nippon produces 2 Fctrys with the rest of their resources going to the Army. Primarily Infantry builds.
They attack across a broad front in China, winning all battles.
Engineers move the Shantung Factory to Kweichow. The IJN concentrates in 6 Sea Zone.

USA and China
Uncle Sam goes with another heavy Naval build, along with a FTR and a couple INF.
New Naval construction is launched in the Atlantic. The Aleutians are fortified.
Roosevelt seizes on the threat to Britain to declare war on Germany and Italy. They now receive wartime production of 91.
China successfully counterattacks in Kansu and Shensi, preventing a Japanese ground attack against the Flying Tiger in Tsinghai for now.
The Royal Navy will launch 2 DDs in 110 to prevent the German LCVs from attacking London. Italy now has 2 Bmbrs and a Ftr in range of 110 but RAF Command has 3 Ftrs able to scramble if needed.
Syria, Alexandia are attacked and Iraq is strafed. All missions are accomplished.
London is once again reinforced but India and Egypt continue to mass produce.
Italy buys a Trprt, LCV, Arty and 3 Inf. The British fleet has moved to Malta and the Italians hit it with everything they have.

They suffer a major defeat and are forced back to 97.

In a surprise move, a LCV along with a Bmbr take Scotland, killing the UK Elite there.
The Invasion of the British Isles has begun.
ANZAC and France
ANZAC builds Fortifications for Java and Celebes. They take Custodianship of Sumatra.
France moves their DD to support the UK Trprt off Egypt.

Late 1941
The Kriegsmarine repairs the Bismarck and launch two more Trprts. The rest of Germany’s resources go to the Wehrmacht and SS.
U-boats and the Luftwaffe attack the battered UK Fleet in 96 and win a Major Victory.

The 2 DDs in 110 are easily sunk, as the RAF refuses to engage the Luftwaffe.
The Main German Fleet off GIB takes all available land forces and moves to 119 deploying to Scotland. LCVs and Air Trprts move the rest of the Heer to Scotland for the invasion of England.

German precision works perfectly and Army Group North forms in Scotland.

The Soviets invest heavily in the Red Army
Stalin, seeing Hitler’s move against England, orders an unprovoked attack against the German and Axis TTys in Eastern Europe.
Finland and Poland fall, along with Bulgaria and Iraq due to Paratrooper attacks.

Nippon goes with almost all INF build.
They continue their attacks against China.
IJN is concentrated in 6 SZ.
USA and China
Uncle Sam builds for all Branches of the Armed Forces.
The Atlantic fleet moves to 91 and takes an empty GIB in their only combat.
Midway and Guam are fortified. All new Naval construction, except for a CV, are launched in the Atlantic. Army units deploy to Eastern and Central United States.
China takes a contested Shensi. The Flying Tiger lands in Tsinghai and is safe from Japanese Air except for Bmbrs.
After the invasion of Scotland, the British finally wake up and max protect London with a Flak Tower, Ftr and INF. A DD is placed in 110 to prevent Bombard and LCV attacks but they fail to secure 109.
While they would have had 2 less INF for a Escort blocker and the odds would still have been in Germany’s favor, they may have been able to do enough damage to make holding it more difficult.
But, as we will soon see, that was not the case.
ANZAC and France
ANZC fortifies islands and build a Minor Fctry for Queensland.
France doesn’t do anything.

Early 1942
The Reich spends all it’s money on the Army. A massive attack on England is launched. Army Group North from Scotland, Luftwaffe units and shore bombardment from the Bismark, devastate British defenses.
Various counterattacks all succeed.

A New World Order has taken place.

An error on my part didn’t realize the game was over, if London couldn’t be liberated. I thought it was Moscow only in that circumstance.
So we played on.
@VictoryFirst alerted us to my error, as surprisingly, the deceivous @Panzerstahl-Helm had defeated us both with the same strategy in just a matter of days.
None the less, we agreed to play on. It proved to be quite entertaining, using different play patterns with Union Jack no longer able to produce.
The Soviets pushed hard initially, but in Early 1944 the UK Fctry in Egypt would fall to the Germans.
It was a hard back and forth, alas, in Early 1953, the Soviets would succumb to the Nazi boot and the Reich’s conquest would be complete.
It was a fun game, even with the quick victory by Panzer. We both agreed it was worth it to play out.
My losing streak continues and I believe Panzer notches his 4th Victory in a row. Congratulations @Panzerstahl-Helm

Triplea Save