Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

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  • Turn 8 (Late 1943)
    Hitler informs Pizza Emperor that Operation Il Duce Smoosh-ay is a failure as UK has been backed up to South Africa but with no ability to reinforce the Axis forces in Africa, Kriegsmarine South at the bottom of the ocean, and the Luftwaffe re-deployed back to Europe, the effort appears to be falling short. So Adolf says Takeover will be initiated unless South Africa is smashed immediately. Soviet Union captures Finland and Baltic States while dropping paratrooper on Slovakia. Soviet Union collects 55 IPCs thanks largely to Middle East domination and occupation of Finland. Uncle Joe is pleased. New Year’s Eve Party invitations are sent to all of those that his Commissars told him were loyal. Japan has a quiet turn by their standards; building a major factory in Korea was the only highlight. Canadian Navy attacked and destroyed Italian Navy located in SZ 72. USA warships in SZs 91/92 move en masse to SZ 104 killing the German destroyer blocking their path there and Pacific Navy is finally strong enough to move to SZ 26 from SZ 10. Il Duce’s African Army decides to attack South Africa. If we win, Operation Il Duce-Smooshe is a success! If we lose, Benito can give Adolf the news that Italy has fulfilled all of its German Takeover Obligations. Outcome: South Africa holds and takeover will be available as soon as Kraut paratroopers depart on the next turn. Churchill orders celebration by observing tea time daily for the next six months while liberating its African territories next turn.
    Axis: 170 Allies: 200
    Turn 9 (Early 1944)
    German paratroopers attack South Africa and … lose. Soviet Union: nothing significant to report (NSTR). Japan: NSTR also. USA attacks SZ 110 in force – Kriegsmarine is eliminated. UK reclaims several African territories, Canadian Navy to SZ 79, for first time all game SRM from Johannesburg to Calcutta is now open. Italy saves all money in preparation for Takeover.
    Turn 10 (Late 1944)
    Germany executes Takeover, Soviet Union and Japan: NSTR, USA moves Atlantic Fleet North from SZ 110 to SZ 112 while capturing Norway. UK completes reclamation of Africa and continues annoying paratroop drops on Normandy & Holland/Belgium
    Axis: 157 Allies: 205

    Turn 11 (Early 1945)
    All: NSTR except Germany conceding Norway to Allies shifted IPC balances again in favor of Allies. India continues to hold against buildup of Japanese forces in Burma but discussions of retreat to West India begin. Hitler worried as Soviet Union now receiving Lend/Lease bonus with Kriegsmarine gone puts them near parity in IPCs with the Red Army.
    Axis: 145 Allies: 207
    Turn 12 (Late 1945)
    Germany: NSTR. Stalin surveys the situation and sees that the Red Army is growing in strength more than the black pieces. However India close to capitulating. His intelligence agents also let him know that the Soviet-Japan Peace Pact is now null and void. Lastly, he remembers that when he was 25 years old Japan did indeed attack Russia without warning. So he pounds his fist on the table and says, “that will not happen again!” So one Commissar and one TG move east immediately. Japan does indeed make a surprise attack on their turn, but in an unexpected direction. Yamamoto and Tojo work together to move all surface warships including SHBs to SZ 62 to bombard Sydney while IJA pours ashore to fly the Rising Sun at Sydney Harbour and imprison Crocodile Dundee and his outback friend Donk. ANZAC treasury is plundered of its 24 IPCs. IJA captures Amur and Novosibirsk in probing attacks convinced that Soviet Union is attacking them shortly. USA builds four carriers in SZ 10, sinks the IJN destroyer blockers placed around Pearl Harbor and sails to SZ 17 while Marines conquer Iwo Jima. Secret intelligence communiques pass between Admiral Nimitz and Admiral Collins, head of the Royal Australian Navy. Admiral Collins flashes an evil grin. More to follow on that later …… UK holds a War Cabinet meeting with Mr. Churchill who agrees with their recommendation to destroy the factory in India and retreat His Majesty’s Army to West India. Admiral Collins makes a daring move by sending the entire Royal Australian Navy to SZ 6 to kill an IJN loaded carrier and two destroyers at the cost of three damaged battleships.
    Axis: 156 Allies: 195
    Turn 13 (Early 1946)
    Germany: fully in defensive posture now. Kriegsmarine non-existent, USA firmly in Norway, Soviet Union firmly has Middle East. USA submarines fully convoying in Mediterranean and assault of the Continent is imminent; yet the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe remain strong …. for now. Soviet Union liberates its two Far East territories and moves into Tsinghai province in force.
    SURRENDER! Tojo decides to surrender as the beginning of Chinese liberation combined with German struggles makes him cry. But crying is not allowed in baseball or Axis & Allies HRE so instead he surrenders.

  • @Trout Awesome report! We would love to play against you and your son someday. We could play a game via TripleA 😁

  • @Trout

    Yes nice report. As Victory stated above, you can play The Expansion using triplea as well.

    Just curious, did you use AI at all in your report ? Don’t mean to sound critical at all. I’m not real familiar with it and a EXP member @Panzerstahl-Helm did one using it recently is why I ask. :)

    Thanks for the report and keep us updated for the next one :)

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21

    Global 1940, No. 16 Game Report:

    This is the only post in the No. 16 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Dark Knight

    From Early 1940, Germany & Italy prepared for offensive operations against the Middle East and North Africa.
    The Strategic Plan included a German Take Over Of Italy in Late 1943, which means that both German and Italian units must be prepared to abandon Africa by Early 1943.

    Strong German Naval forces - U-Boats, Heavy Battleship & Battleship units heavily supported by Luftwaffe units defeated both UK and US Naval forces in 3 major Battles of The Atlantic from Early 1940 to Early 1942.

    Soviet Union:
    The Soviets defended their homeland with skill and determination.
    A War of Attrition gradually worn down both German and Soviet units on a massive scale.
    Initially this was in the Soviets favor - but slowly the German Werhmacht were supported by Waffen-SS units - which turned the favor to the Germans.

    The Japanese troops fought against a determined Chinese enemy - and it was not until Early 1942 that the last Chinese units were eliminated.

    United States:
    USA planned for a Germany First strategy.
    It went wrong.
    In Early 1942 the US Naval Task Force in the Atlantic included:

    • 2 Heavy Battleship units
    • 8 Destroyer units
    • 1 Cruiser unit
    • 1 Aircraft Carrier unit with 2 Fighter units
    • 2 Escort units
    • 6 Transport units

    The US Naval Task Force was attacked in sz 91 by German Forces:

    • 12 U-Boat units
    • 8 Tactical Bomber units
    • 8 Fighter units
    • 2 Strategic Bomber units

    The entire US Naval Task Force was eliminated with the loss of only 10 German U-Boat units.

    The US had to start a BuildUp of the Atalantic Naval Task Force again…

    In the Pacific, the Philippines were heavily defended by US fighter units and infantry.
    Japan did not attack the Philippines.

    United Kingdom:
    United Kingdom (London) were under threat from a German amphibious assault from Landing Craft units as well as Transport units - that could be supported by a Massive Luftwaffe attack.

    The UK had to build up a heavy defense in London to avoid capture.

    This meant that India and South Africa only received few reinforcements.

    After the Japanese turn has ended in Late 1943, the Soviet Union was reduced to a few territories in the Moscow area - and United Kingdom had lost all its vital territories and islands in the Pacific and North Africa.

    The United States were simply outnumbered by a Massive German Kriegsmarine BuildUp and was facing a possible elimination of its newly built Atlantic Naval Task Force.

    The Allied War effort simply started to collapse under the enormous pressure from Axis Forces.

    These pictures show the Military and Economic situation after Japans turn in Late 1943:
    IMG_0087.JPG IMG_0088.JPG IMG_0089.JPG IMG_0090.JPG

  • @barnee Thanks for the offers VF & Barnee. We have never used Triplea but if we can figure it out, then may take you up on the offer

  • @barnee Nope did not use AI. Only old-fashioned keyboard typing

  • Pictures have now been added to the G40 No. 16 Game Report.

  • @Trout Love this game report and the effort that went into it!

  • Global 1940 July 4th 2024 Game (start) report #4
    (4th day of play on 11/3)

    Global 1940 with Expansion Rules & the following optional rules:
    Heavy Bombers
    Seafire fighter planes
    Jet Fighters
    Japanese Destroyers
    King Tiger & SS Heavy Tanks

    Agreed a win can happen through Economic Victory or Axis capturing victory cities per the original Global 1940 rules.

    Germany - Josh S
    Japan - Alex M
    UK - Pat H
    Russia - mkgionet
    USA - Mike K
    Report from Japan’s turn in Late 1947 (round 16) USA turn of Late 1949 (round 20)
    Longest game I’ve ever played!

    First I need to admit that I’m a bonehead! We were all so excited that the game finally ended that we immediately started cleaning up and I neglected to take any pictures - Ugh!

    If folks remember, the Allies looked to be in a dire situation at the end of the last report with Germany having pushed most enemy troops out of its territory and poised to make a powerful advance into Russia, while Japan firmly had 5 Victory Cities in hand and was in a position to retake the 6th city. Us Allied players held our breath while Japan took their turn, hoping that the massive US fleet surrounding Japan would focus Japan’s attention more than retaking and holding the 6th Victory City (Shanghai). Tick, tick, tick, tick, pieces move, tick, tick, tick, more pieces move…

    YES! Indeed, the fleet around Japan caused him to ignore thinking much about Shanghai and, as we hoped, he committed the majority of his military power to eliminating this fleet. Between games I took a long hard look at the board and realized that if Japan used his 7 strategic bombers on the mainland, with his mainland ground troops, he could not only retake Shanghai, but likely eliminate all of the Chinese infantry to retake Anhwe and place ground troops in Shantung so that USA’s tank army would be blocked from getting to/liberating Shanghai. Thus causing the Axis to hold 6 Victory Cities and win. Thankfully Japan didn’t see this. He did retake Shanghai, but left Anhwe untouched.

    The Allies make preparations to retake Hawaii and the Philippines. Japans troops are now primarily concentrated in southeast Asia, India, and Japan.

    The US continues to get hammered by German Wolf Packs on the east coast, losing 20+ IPC. However, the Tank Army on the Asia mainland rolls in to retake Shanghai, while China has an income around 20 and continues placing significant amounts of infantry on the board.

    UK strengthens Persia & Finland & holds West India.


    Taking Barnee’s advice (thank you) the US finally purchases an air base and fighters for Central America. Works like a charm with the wolf packs scattering and being chased down and mostly destroyed by fighters.

    Anzac momentarily captures the Philippines before Japan quickly recaptures it. Japan retakes Korea and invades nearby Russian territories. Clearly, the new Axis plan is to focus on attacking Russia on both sides.

    Hawaii is easily recaptured and the USA prepares to move troops north to Alaska so they can retaliate against the Japanese invasion of Russia.

    UK continues to strengthen Persia and lands paratroopers in various German territories.

    Germany makes a massive attack to retake Finland and Leningrad, but then pulls back in order to attack Russia’s Army Group with 2 tank armies and a plethora of ground troops. Russia is able to retake Leningrad and continue reforming armies that are pushed along to the front lines. Russia isn’t able to recapture Finland, but is able to kill off the few remaining troops that had succeeded in taking it back for Germany.

    1949 - A Pivotal year!

    Germany purchases several transports and a super heavy battleship. It looks like they may be preparing to invade London. They do leave a few territories vulnerable on the front lines with Russia though, allowing a Russian Tank Army to get behind the front lines and on Berlin’s doorstep. Not a real threat to Germany, but it’s a target they’ll need to attack.

    USA navy in place in Alaska, ready to come liberate Russian territories from the Japanese invasion.

    Japan builds a major industrial complex in Korea and focuses on producing troops there. They pull some troops out of India in order to combat the growing number of Chinese forces, which ends up being a crucial mistake. In a very even battle the UK takes a gamble and goes all in on attacking India. With solid rolling it results in a UK victory! Even better, Anzac takes Burma and Japan has no way to retake India anytime soon. Other territories on the mainland south and west of Shanghai are also taken from the Japanese.

    The USA is about to launch their Alaskan fleet over to the Soviet Far East when the Allies see a golden opportunity. Off the coast of Japan are a few transports, (3) Aircraft Carriers, and (6) Carrier Fighters. Even better, all ground troops (even the AA gun) have been moved out of Japan over to Korea and the mainland. The only thing left in Japan are (4) Strategic Bombers. The USA seizes this opportunity and attacks Japan for the 2cd time and scores a victory! At this point the Axis surrender. The Allies have snatched victory from the jaws of defeat!

    A very long, but very enjoyable game with lots of twists and turns. The Victory Cities really add an interesting element to the game. I think we’ll be taking a long break before our next game!

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21


    Great game report.

    Pictures would have been great - also a few pictures from a round where things start to go one way for the winning side.

    The game is a formidable Two-Player Game when you use the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion.
    Then you don’t have to coordinate with multiple players to find a date for a game.

    Also, it is a great way to plan your own Top Secret Strategy.

    And you can have Tournaments where all games are 1 vs. 1 player.

    We look forward to your next game report - please remember the pictures.

  • @mkgionet said in Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports:

    The only thing left in Japan are (4) Strategic Bombers.

    What did the yanks attack with ? Did JPN activate their two free dudes ?

    Fun game :)

  • @barnee

    The yanks had approximately 5 infantry and artillary. Too bad for Japan but they activated Home Defense the first time the US invaded them - and it was probably the only reason they survived the first attack!

    @The-Captain Yes, we could play with less people but having so many involved really makes for an interesting game with the different strategies people want to employ. We also are busy with so many other things that a game 1/month works out well. I really like A&A (especially with your Expansion Rules), but Squad Leader is hard to beat as a 1 on 1 military game.

  • @mkgionet

    Saturday 12th April 2008 - I lost a game of Axis & Allies Revised with Expansion rules.

    I was playing Germany & Japan - and Dark Knight was playing the Allies.

    In round 3, Dark Knight invaded Japan with 2 US Infantry and 2 Tank units… against nothing… - I simply didn’t focus enough…

    This is the only time during my entire Axis & Allies “career” that I have lost Japan.… at least so far :-)

  • @The-Captain

    Wow shocking :) Did JPN DOW on rd 3 then ? Not even any AA guns ? The 2 INF and those would at least give a chance.

    Victory and I both got Sealioned by Panzer last game lol

  • @barnee

    Back in Early 2023, Dark Knight and I had a game, where I was playing the Allies - and gradually preparing the USA for an invasion of the Home Island of Japan.

    This picture shows the situation in Late 1944 and clearly demonstrates why it is extremely difficult to invade Japan when you play against a Highly Skilled Opponent:


    An Allied Economic Victory was achieved before the invasion of Japan took place.

  • The Global 1940 No. 17 Game Report will soon be posted here.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Game 7 Panzerstahl-Helm vs barnee

    Game: 1940

    Axis: Panzerstahl-Helm
    Allies: barnee

    Game Thread

    Triplea save exp-game-7-stahl-ger-24_after_moscow_battle.tsvg

    Early 1940


    The Kriegsmarine launches the “Graf Zepplin” along with a couple of U-boats and a Transport. Waffen Units fill out their Build.

    The Allied Fleet in 110 was sunk and in 111 damaged, which the Germans retreated from.
    In a surprise move, France was heavily attrited but not conquered.


    The Soviets max produced Landmines as well as two Engineers. Two Paratrooper Divisions also form in Moscow.

    They begin to concentrate in Novgorod, Bryansk and Caucasus.


    Nippon invests in an Air Transport, a Naval Transport, 2 Engineers and 2 LCV’s. They conduct standard attacks against China.

    USA and China

    The Americans destroy the Facilities in the Philippines and max build Fortifications there. The rest of their income is spent strengthening their Navy, including the launch of the USS Iowa in the Pacific.

    The Chinese successfully counterattack in Yunnan.


    The British build a Factory in Egypt and repair the damaged Battleship HMS Hood. Singapore Harbor is destroyed and the rest of their resources are spent on the Army.

    Their only combat is to sink the Italian Ships off Malta.


    Italia buys 2 LCV’s and a Paratrooper. They conduct combats against Greece, Tunisia, the French Ships in 93 and most importantly, a weakend Paris.
    All attacks succeed.

    The Regia Marina concentrates in 97, while the UK Med Fleet is in 92 off Gibralter.

    ANZAC and France

    ANZAC builds a Transport and Infantry. They begin to take Custodianship of Dutch Islands.

    The French make some minor non combat moves.

    Late 1940


    The Reich max produces Landmines and repairs the Bismark. 3 U-boats are launched and 6 LCV’s are produced. 4 Infantry are pressed into the Waffen SS.

    The Luftwaffe conduct a Strategic Bombing Raid on London. The RAF decline to intercept. 7 Damage is done to the Major Factory.
    Two UK DDs deployed in 119 and 110 by the Royal Navy to prevent any Bombard by the Kriegsmarine in case of an early Sealion, are easily sunk.

    Kriegsmarine is now concentrated in 110.

    Screenshot from 2025-01-11 20-37-04.png


    SSR goes heavy with Landmines and maxes out their Paratrooper production. The Red Army begins to produce a few Artillery Units, as Intelligence indicates a German attack on Britain.


    Nippon begins construction of a Factory in Shantung. Max attacks against China take place. The Battleship Yamato and a CV are launched.

    USA and China

    America prepares for the launch of the Missouri and another Carrier. Marines begin to deploy and the Army Air Corps activates a Fighter Wing.

    MI5 convinces the Yanks of a possible German invasion. Roosevelt, being the Naval President that he is, orders all new construction to the Atlantic.

    China takes Yunnan in a counterattack once again.


    London repairs their Factory and moves it underground. The Italian Forces in Kenya are destroyed.

    Concerned about a German invasion, London is reinforced but the new Egypt Factory as well as Calcutta, continue to produce.


    The Regia Marina launches a Carrier and the Regia Aeronautica Italiana activate a Bomber Squadron.

    A UK DD blocking a potential German attack on Gibralter is sunk by a Bomber from West Germany. Tunisia and Algeria are conquered.

    Screenshot from 2025-01-11 20-41-48.png

    ANZAC and France

    ANZAC builds a Air Transport, along with a Destroyer and an Artillery for the Army.
    They take Custodianship of Celebes and move a Fighter to Java.

    France moves 1 Infantry in Africa.

    Screenshot from 2025-01-11 19-31-56.png Screenshot from 2025-01-11 19-33-06.png

    Screenshot from 2025-01-11 19-35-49.png Screenshot from 2025-01-11 19-36-08.png

    I’ll see if I can find @VictoryFirst s picture taking process. Thought I had it saved. Can’t find it right now.

    Anyway, you can get a better view with the triplea save by going through History

    Early 1941


    The Reich max produces Landmines and Goring successfully advocates for 5 Air Transports. Two more U-boats are launched with the rest of the German resources going to the Wehrmacht, including a Panzer General, along with a Waffen Oberst.

    Thanks to the sinking of the UK DD blocker in 104 by Italia, Gibralter is conquered.

    The 6 LCVs have moved to W GER.


    With Tankograd up and running, the Soviets produce 4 T-34s and a Tank General. They will form 1st Tank in Moscow.

    The Red Army Forces in Novgorod move to Karelia and now have a strong concentration there.

    All Paratroopers are in Caucasus and Bryansk serves as the tactical reserve. No LMs have been armed yet, as Soviet High Command is unsure of German intentions.


    Nippon produces 2 Fctrys with the rest of their resources going to the Army. Primarily Infantry builds.

    They attack across a broad front in China, winning all battles.
    Engineers move the Shantung Factory to Kweichow. The IJN concentrates in 6 Sea Zone.

    Screenshot from 2025-01-13 18-19-20.png

    USA and China

    Uncle Sam goes with another heavy Naval build, along with a FTR and a couple INF.

    New Naval construction is launched in the Atlantic. The Aleutians are fortified.

    Roosevelt seizes on the threat to Britain to declare war on Germany and Italy. They now receive wartime production of 91.

    China successfully counterattacks in Kansu and Shensi, preventing a Japanese ground attack against the Flying Tiger in Tsinghai for now.


    The Royal Navy will launch 2 DDs in 110 to prevent the German LCVs from attacking London. Italy now has 2 Bmbrs and a Ftr in range of 110 but RAF Command has 3 Ftrs able to scramble if needed.

    Syria, Alexandia are attacked and Iraq is strafed. All missions are accomplished.
    London is once again reinforced but India and Egypt continue to mass produce.


    Italy buys a Trprt, LCV, Arty and 3 Inf. The British fleet has moved to Malta and the Italians hit it with everything they have.

    Screenshot from 2025-01-13 18-49-56.png

    They suffer a major defeat and are forced back to 97.

    Screenshot from 2025-01-13 18-51-41.png

    In a surprise move, a LCV along with a Bmbr take Scotland, killing the UK Elite there.

    The Invasion of the British Isles has begun.

    ANZAC and France

    ANZAC builds Fortifications for Java and Celebes. They take Custodianship of Sumatra.

    France moves their DD to support the UK Trprt off Egypt.

    Screenshot from 2025-01-13 19-08-21.png

    Late 1941


    The Kriegsmarine repairs the Bismarck and launch two more Trprts. The rest of Germany’s resources go to the Wehrmacht and SS.

    U-boats and the Luftwaffe attack the battered UK Fleet in 96 and win a Major Victory.

    Screenshot from 2025-01-15 17-10-32.png

    The 2 DDs in 110 are easily sunk, as the RAF refuses to engage the Luftwaffe.

    The Main German Fleet off GIB takes all available land forces and moves to 119 deploying to Scotland. LCVs and Air Trprts move the rest of the Heer to Scotland for the invasion of England.

    Screenshot from 2025-01-15 17-24-03.png

    German precision works perfectly and Army Group North forms in Scotland.

    Screenshot from 2025-01-15 17-25-28.png


    The Soviets invest heavily in the Red Army

    Stalin, seeing Hitler’s move against England, orders an unprovoked attack against the German and Axis TTys in Eastern Europe.

    Finland and Poland fall, along with Bulgaria and Iraq due to Paratrooper attacks.

    Screenshot from 2025-01-15 17-43-24.png


    Nippon goes with almost all INF build.
    They continue their attacks against China.
    IJN is concentrated in 6 SZ.

    USA and China

    Uncle Sam builds for all Branches of the Armed Forces.
    The Atlantic fleet moves to 91 and takes an empty GIB in their only combat.

    Midway and Guam are fortified. All new Naval construction, except for a CV, are launched in the Atlantic. Army units deploy to Eastern and Central United States.

    China takes a contested Shensi. The Flying Tiger lands in Tsinghai and is safe from Japanese Air except for Bmbrs.


    After the invasion of Scotland, the British finally wake up and max protect London with a Flak Tower, Ftr and INF. A DD is placed in 110 to prevent Bombard and LCV attacks but they fail to secure 109.

    While they would have had 2 less INF for a Escort blocker and the odds would still have been in Germany’s favor, they may have been able to do enough damage to make holding it more difficult.
    But, as we will soon see, that was not the case.

    ANZAC and France

    ANZC fortifies islands and build a Minor Fctry for Queensland.

    France doesn’t do anything.

    Screenshot from 2025-01-15 19-37-46.png

    Early 1942


    The Reich spends all it’s money on the Army. A massive attack on England is launched. Army Group North from Scotland, Luftwaffe units and shore bombardment from the Bismark, devastate British defenses.

    Various counterattacks all succeed.

    Screenshot from 2025-01-15 23-43-47.png

    A New World Order has taken place.

    Screenshot from 2025-01-15 23-49-46.png

    An error on my part didn’t realize the game was over, if London couldn’t be liberated. I thought it was Moscow only in that circumstance.

    So we played on.

    @VictoryFirst alerted us to my error, as surprisingly, the deceivous @Panzerstahl-Helm had defeated us both with the same strategy in just a matter of days.

    None the less, we agreed to play on. It proved to be quite entertaining, using different play patterns with Union Jack no longer able to produce.

    The Soviets pushed hard initially, but in Early 1944 the UK Fctry in Egypt would fall to the Germans.

    It was a hard back and forth, alas, in Early 1953, the Soviets would succumb to the Nazi boot and the Reich’s conquest would be complete.

    It was a fun game, even with the quick victory by Panzer. We both agreed it was worth it to play out.

    My losing streak continues and I believe Panzer notches his 4th Victory in a row. Congratulations @Panzerstahl-Helm

    Screenshot from 2025-01-16 00-16-11.png

    Triplea Save

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Game 6 VictoryFirst vs barnee

    Game: 1940

    Axis: VictoryFirst
    Allies: barnee

    Game Thread

    Triplea Save triplea_3911_14ger.tsvg

    The Reich begins with all Land builds including 2 Engnrs.
    All of France is conquered as well as Yugoslavia.
    The British Fleet in 111 is sunk, along with the Canadain Navy.

    In Late 1940 all Branches of the Military deploy new units.
    The Luftwaffe attacks all Allied Ships in the Med. While successful, they do sustain some losses.

    Early 1941 the Wehrmacht invests heavily in new Infantry Divisions.
    The Fuhrer launches Operation Barbarossa. Heavy Attacks take place all along the Eastern Front.
    German Forces are concentrated in Baltic States and Romainia. U-boats convoy in 109.

    Screenshot from 2025-01-23 16-21-07.png

    Early 1940 and the Soviets max produce LMs and deploy 2 Engnrs. SRM begins to transport Army Units from the Far East to the West.

    Late 1940 LM production continues. 2 Paratrooper Divisions are formed. The Engnrs transport the LMs to Belarus and Arm them.
    SRM continues.

    Early 1941 and Stalin is stunned by the German attack. He orders the creation of 1st Tank and makes a couple minor counterattacks.
    More LMs are armed in Belarus. 1st and 2nd Corps have deployed. The Red Army concentrates in Bryansk. Caucasus is reinforced and Leningrad is evacuated.

    Screenshot from 2025-01-23 16-37-49.png

    Japan does standard buys and attacks for 1940. A NB is built in Kwangsi in late 1940 and the IJN is mostly concentrated in 36 SZ.

    Early 41 and JPN continues it’s relentless attacks on China. The Carolines Task Force moves to Paulau.

    1940 USA blows up the Facilities in th Philippines. The Iowa and Missouri both launch off the West Coast.
    Late 1940 and Naval buys continue with the Atlantic being the focus, less 1 CV launched in the Pacific. The Army sends troops to the Aleutians.

    Late 41 and the majority of resources go to the Navy again, with a few Army and Marine units.
    Half of the Fleet in Pearl Harbor moves to 16SZ, led by the two huge Battleships, to threaten a weakend JPN 6 SZ.
    The other half sails to Queensland.
    The Atlantic is reinforced with another CV, DD and SS.

    Screenshot from 2025-01-23 17-28-04.png
    Screenshot from 2025-01-23 17-27-48.png

    Screenshot from 2025-01-23 17-29-08.png

    China counterattacks where they can but are being pushed to the brink of defeat.
    The Flying Tiger remains out of range of JPN Air, except for their Bmbrs.

    UK destroys the Singapore Harbor in Early 1940. A minor Naval battle takes place off Malta, with the Italian ships being sunk.
    The Med Fleet and the remainder of the Home Fleet, concentrate in 92 SZ.
    Paratroopers form in London.

    EDIT UPDATE 2-3-25

    Italy attacks the UK Fleet in 92. While they do signifigant damage, they suffer a Major defeat.
    Their North African Army moves West, taking Tunisia.

    Late 1940 Greece and Algeria are conquered. Paratroopers begin to deploy.
    Early 1941 and Morroco and Alexandria fall, securing a vital National Objective.
    The UK Indian Ocean Fleet is now in 98 SZ and threatens.
    A strong Land Force joins with the Germans in Bessarabia.

    ANZAC prepares for War with Nippon. They take Custodianship of Java, DNG and Celebes.
    An Air Transport becomes operational in Early 1941.

    France backs up the British as much as they can but basically just chill, conducting no Combats.

    End Early 1941 Mediterranean

    Screenshot from 2025-02-02 22-58-49.png

    Late 1941 and the Reich goes with an all Wehrmacht build. Heavy on the Infantry.
    Major combat takes place across the Eastern Front as well as against UK Paras in Holland.

    Screenshot from 2025-02-02 23-09-19.png

    All Battles are won and the Heer is concentrated in Leningrad and E POL.
    Early 42 and the Wehrmacht is in Belarus in Force.

    By Late 1942 they are in Bryansk as they continue to force the Soviets back.
    The Kriegsmarine splits it U-boats sending a Wolfpack to Iceland.

    Screenshot from 2025-02-02 23-20-13.png

    The Soviets fight several attritonal battles in the Southwest but are eventually pushed back.
    The control of Iraq adds much needed income and a Tank is headed to Africa via UK Trprt to take undefended Italian TTys.

    Unfortunately, the devious Japanese have done their sneak attack special and the communists are now in a two front war.

    Japan continues to hammer China and in Early 1942, with victory appearing imminent, they attack the Soviet Union. Confidence is so high, they attack the Western Allies as well.

    China is completely subjugated and the Philippines and Singapore fall as well.
    By Late 1942 they have added Sumatra, Celebes and DNG to their spoils and continue to push into the Soviet Far East.

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    Screenshot from 2025-02-02 23-48-33.png

    With the Americans now at war with Germany and Italy, they dump a Massive amount of resources into their Military.
    Operation Torch takes place and Morroco is occupied.

    Early 1942 and the Nippon sneak attack has incensed the Americans. Huge amounts of war material are poured into the Pacific.
    Minor counterattacks take place against JPN and the MED is cleared of U-boats.

    Late 1942 and the Atlantic Fleet has moved to 110 and HOL is liberated.
    Major combat takes place around NG, with the Americans returning control to ANZAC.
    The Army concentrates in Alaska.

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    Screenshot from 2025-02-03 00-16-22.png

    The UK will conduct continous minor attacks on W EUR, trading HOL several times and taking Normandy in Late 42.
    Their strong MED Fleet in 97 SZ is obliterated by the Luftwaffe in Early 1942, shooting down only 2 German Ftrs in the battle.

    Russia is reinforced through the Middle East and via Rail.
    Yunnan is taken in Force in Late 1942.

    Screenshot from 2025-02-03 00-59-49.png

    Italia is active on the Eastern Front and destroys the ill-fated British landing in Albania.
    Combat continues on the E Front through Early 1942 before a pause in Late 42.

    ANZAC fortifies the Dutch Islands they have taken Custodianship of.
    In Late 42, they defeat the Japanase in a close battle, taking control of DNG for a critical National Objective.

    France just kinda hangs out and chills with the Brits.

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    While Russia counterattacked where it could, the 2 Front War eventually ground them down. Germany was able to break out and they were forced to turtle in Moscow.
    ANZAC and UK units were able to help them from succumbing to complete Nazi Domination.

    A major defeat of the British in Yunnan in Early 1943, would all but secure Japanese Hegemony over China.

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    Screenshot from 2025-02-03 03-01-48.png

    Soviet Paratroopers would make a couple nuisance attacks into China, but the Yunnan UK defeat provided JPN with ample resources to quickly restore the situation to their favor.

    Uncle Sam and the yanks were able to drive the Kriegsmarine into the Baltic and keep pressure on W EUR but were never able to fully coordinate for a measuring blow.

    While they would move a Huge Fleet to NG and have heavy battles with IJN, JPN would remain strong enough to keep America at bay, as they continued their attacks against the Soviets.

    The Reich would tire of their Italian Allies and in 1943 would take them over.
    Their focus on Moscow would intensify even more.

    ANZAC would support their American Allies and while some progress was made, it was slow.

    However this was all about to change.

    An Enormous failure of JPN Intelligence would order Yamamato’s Fleet back to JPN. Thinking victory was imminent, the Home Islands weren’t sufficiently defended.

    Team USA, with B-29s from Austraila, helped sink the IJN and USA Marines successfully landed in Tokyo.

    This was a game that Victory should have won. The Reich was poised to take Moscow and we played Germanys turn, just to help ease the pain of his loss :) and they did handily.

    This game was more competive than our last one but Victory was still in a strong position throughout.

    I think the big UK defeat in Yunnan was a major impact. Gave JPN free reign in China for several rds and could focus on Russia.

    I didn’t think UK would win the Yunnan battle but thought they’d put a heavy dent in the JPN Air Force :)

    Idk that the Allies would have won, as Germany was very strong and focused on Russia, but it would have been a little more interesting imo :)

    Here’s final save and the picture doesn’t do justice, you need to go to the save for it, but I’ll post them anyway :)

    Screenshot from 2025-02-03 03-24-51.png

    Screenshot from 2025-02-03 03-25-08.png

    Screenshot from 2025-02-03 03-25-23.png

    I’ll ping @VictoryFirst in case he wants to comment :)


  • @barnee
    Great victory - good learning also.

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